  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 鄧守信


過去對單位詞(量詞)的研究主要著重在名詞單位詞與名詞之間的搭配關係。本文依據現今對名詞單位詞與名詞之間搭配關係研究之方法--原型理論,企圖為單位詞的另一小類--動詞單位詞找出其與動詞之間的搭配動機。 與名詞單位詞相比,動詞單位詞在語法上的限制沒有那麼多,反倒是語意上的限制相當重要。動詞單位詞分為專用與借用兩大類。其中專用動詞單位詞除了「次」與「下」以外,還有七個:「頓、陣、場、番、趟、遍、回」。這七個動詞單位詞與動詞搭配的時候,各有各的語意上的限制。前四者稱為動詞分類詞,與動詞搭配的時候,主要是將動作視為一個時間的整體,表現的是該動作內部的量,以及其他的語意屬性。後三者稱為動量詞,主要計算動作發生的次數,對於動詞也有語意上的限制。本文以原型理論做基礎,根據中研院平衡語料庫的語料,以及對台灣成人所作的問卷調查,找出這些動詞單位詞的成員之間連結的動機。除此之外,本文還透過對台灣國小學童所作的問卷調查以及以中文為外語學習者的問卷調查和病句分析來討論七個動詞單位詞的難易度以及對教學上的建議。


This thesis deals with the semantic features of verbal classifier/ measure word. From the perspective of prototype theory, it presents the correlation between verbal classifier/ measure word and verb, and the motivation that links all members in each group. Compared with the syntactic constraint on nominal classifier/ measure word, semantic constraint is much more important on the use of verbal classifier/ measure word. Besides the semantic needs, the choice of an appropriate verbal classifier/ measure word sometimes even depends on the adverb that modifies the verb itself. The four verbal classifiers, “dun, zhen, chang, fan”, describes the internal temporal structure of verbs/ actions while the three verbal measure words, “tang, bian, hui”, indicate frequency of verbs/ actions. A questionnaire on first/ second language acquisition of verbal classifier/ measure word is also conducted. The result indicates possible acquisition order of these seven words. Pedagogical implication is presented as well.


References in English:
Allen, Keith. 1977. Classifier. Language 53. 2. 285-311.
Batting, William F. and William E. Montague. 1969. Category norms for verbal items in 56 categories: a replication and extension of the Connecticut category norms. Journal of Experimental Psychology Monograph 80 3. Pt.2.
Chao, Yuen-ren. 1968. A grammar of Spoken Chinese. Berkeley, University of California: Berkeley UP.
Erbaugh, Mary S. 1986. Taking stock: the development of Chinese noun classifier historically and in young children. in Colette Craig, ed. (1986). Categorization and noun classification. Philadelphia: Benjamins North America.


Liao, Y. P. (2007). 華語和閩南語動量詞的研究 [master's thesis, Yuan Ze University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6838/YZU.2007.00092
林雅容 (2012). 漢泰語名量詞對比分析與教學應用 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315285515
