  • 學位論文


A Study of Orthographic Projection Learning of Promotionon the Spatial Ability for Vocational Industrial High School

指導教授 : 康鳳梅


本研究旨在探討高工學生在學習正投影前後,其空間能力提昇情形之差異性。 研究採用DACUM方式建構正投影之能力內涵,並整合教育部頒訂課程標準之機械製圖與實習科目正投影單元教學大綱,歸納編訂實驗教學之教材;研究依不同之正投影學習時數,以國立瑞芳高工鑄造科(20小時)、機械科(27小時)及製圖科(60小時)之一年級122位學生為實驗組,電機科(0小時)一年級41位學生為控制組;並採用康鳳梅、鍾瑞國八十七年度所發展之空間能力量表,分別在實驗教學前後對各實驗組實施空間能力量表前、後測,控制組則於學期初及學期末分別實施前後測,以分析比較學生在空間感觀能力、立體圖旋轉能力、二度空間旋轉能力及空間組織能力、整體空間能力提昇之情形。 研究採用t考驗、單因子變異數分析,並以Dunnett t事後檢定等統計方法發現下列結論: 一、實驗組在空間能力各分量表現有顯著提昇,控制組則未顯著提昇。 二、實驗組學生之立體圖旋轉、二度空間旋轉及空間組織能力、空間 整體能力達顯著提昇。 三、不同性別,相同學習時數之高工學生,學習正投影對提昇其空間 能力各分量能力及空間整體能力無顯著之差異。 本研究綜合研究結論,並分別提出建議以供參考: 一、積極發展並建構空間能力量表。 二、學校編排相關課程單元,以提高學生空間能力。 三、辦理教師進修,研習提昇空間能力有效策略。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of students’ promotion of spatial ability before and after acquiring the orthographic projection in vocational industrial high schools. This research adopts DACUM to construct the competence of orthographic projection. It integrates the standard curriculum of mechanical drawing in vocational industrial high schools and sum up and edit the manuls of experimental teaching . To analyze the promotion of spatial perception, spatial rotation, spatial organization, different learning hours of orthography were administered on 122 first-grade students in the National Jui-Fang senier Industrial Vocational Schools, Dept. of Casting (20 hours), Machinery (27 hours), Mechanical Drawing (6o hours), who were categorized as experimental group, and 41 first-grade students in Electrical engineering (0 hour) as control group. This research took the SAS devised by Kang-Chung in 1998 National Science and Technology Council , giving tests to experimental group before and after the experimental teaching; while, control group, at the beginning and at the end of school semester. Data amassed was processed by the statistical strategies of t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and Dunnett’s tD test. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. There is distinctive promotion in experimental group students’ spatial ability; whereas, there is no in control group. 2. There is significant promotion in experimental group students’ spatial perception, spatial rotation and spatial organization, 3. Gender has no distinctive effect on the promotion of spatial ability. Male and female students with the same acquisition hours of orthography did not make apparent difference in their enhancement of spatial ability. According to the above conclusions, this study also summed up a few suggestions: 1. Developing and constructing spatial scale positively. 2. Compiling relative curriculums to promote students’ spatial ability. 3. Providing channels of advanced study for teachers to investigate the most efficient strategies for enhancing spatial ability.




張哲豪(2011)。桃園縣國中學生二度空間能力之研究 -以平移、對稱、旋轉、縮放為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2011.00199
