錳是人體所必須的微量元素,同時它也是已知的神經毒性物質。當人暴露於高濃度錳的環境中時,會造成身體的傷害及罹患疾病。錳中毒的病人會出現與帕金森氏症相似的病症,故錳被懷疑與此種疾病有關。 由於錳被廣泛應用在鋼鐵工業上、電池中、殺蟲劑及油漆成份等等,在日常生活中有很多機會接觸到含錳的物質。適量的錳是人體所必須的,而過量的錳卻會造成人體的傷害。所以錳以必要的檢測技術去瞭解是相當重要的。 鑑於文獻中有關有機態錳物種的分析報導甚少,早期的文獻大多檢測生物樣品的總錳含量。本實驗係將尿液分成七類物種分析:全量尿液中的錳物種、液相尿液中的錳物種、固相尿液中的錳物種、液相尿液中的鉗合性錳物種及非鉗合性錳物種、全量尿液中的鉗合性錳物種及非鉗合性錳物種七類物種。分類的技術主要是利用薄膜過濾,將尿液分成全量、液相及固相三類。另外,前兩類再利用Chelex-100樹脂的鉗合萃取特性,將可鉗合的二價錳離子留置在樹脂中,再利用酸萃出分析;其餘的非鉗合性錳物種,以微波消化的方式,將其轉變為可鉗合的二價錳離子,再利用上述步驟分析。因此共可分成七類錳物種。實驗結果顯示,人體尿液中存在的錳以液相尿液中的錳含量最高,佔尿液中總錳含量的 70 % 以上。而液相尿液中鉗合性錳物種於液相尿液中,分佈的比例規律性不高。但是可以發現將近五成液相尿液樣品中,鉗合性的錳物種佔90 % 以上。表示在液相尿液中二價錳離子的存在是居大多數的。在分析方法的精密度與準確度方面,以標準參考尿液 ( SRM-2670 ) 經過消化及Chelex-100管柱前濃縮後,再利用石墨爐式原子吸收光譜儀偵測,以確認精密度與準確度。
Manganese is an essential trace element for mammals; however, exposed to high concentrations of manganese, human’s body could get certain diseases due to its neurotoxic excess. Some of these effects are irreversible. Extremely high concentration of manganese will induce Manganese intoxication and the symptoms are similar to those of Parkinson’s disease. Therefore, manganese is considered to be possibly related to Parkinson’s disease. Manganese is widely applied in the processes of manufacturing of iron alloys, dry batteries and is also found in many organo-manganese compounds. Not much information can be obtained on the distribution and speciation of manganese in human body. Therefore, it’s important to develop techniques to determine and speciate manganese in human’s body. In this study, Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry ( GFAAS ) is used to determine manganese in the urine. We use membrane filtration and chelating extraction techniques to speciate manganese in urine samples. We can define seven manganese species with analytical procedures-total manganese in urine, solid form of manganese in urine, soluble form of manganese in urine, chelating-extractable manganese in liquid urine, non-chelating-extractable manganese in liquid urine, chelating-extractable manganese in total urine and non-chelating-extractable manganese in total urine. Our research showed that more than 70% of the total manganese in urine was in soluble form and the rest was in solid form. The amount of manganese in soluble form of urine extractable with chelex-100 resin is irregular. The irregularity may relate to life style and diet habit of each individual. Spike recovery tests of EDTA-Mn in standard urine confirmed that stable organo-manganese does not react with chelex-100. The results from digested and column-preconcentrated standard reference urine confirmed the accuracy and precision of the analytical scheme.