  • 學位論文


The Effects of Type of Conceptual Model Use on Learning Programming Control Structures

指導教授 : 陳明溥


本研究旨在探討以不同類型概念模型呈現方式對程式語言學習成效之影響。研究樣本為高職二年級135位學生。在教學實驗中,概念模型呈現的類型分為:以紙本呈現概念模型(傳統教學組)、教師以多媒體演示概念模型(教師演示組)及學習者自行操作多媒體概念模式之呈現(自行操作組)等三種不同之呈現方式;先備知識則依程式語言先備知識區分為高先備知識與低先備知識兩組。 研究結果發現:(1)在「程式碼評估」的學習成效上,概念模型與先備知識的交互作用的影響達顯著水準。在低先備知識學習者中,傳統教學組與教師演示組顯著優於學習者自行操作組,傳統教學組與教師演示組間則無顯著差異;在高先備知識學習者中,三組間無顯著差異。(2)在「程式碼產生」的學習成效上,教師演示組顯著優於傳統教學組,但教師演示組與學習者自行操作組間無顯著差異。(3)在學習態度方面,學習者對概念模型的接納程度及對概念模型能幫助學習都傾向正面的看法,其中學習者自行操作組對概念模型的接納程度顯著高於教師演示組。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of type of conceptual model use on senior high students’ performance of learning programming control structures and attitudes toward computer-based multi-media conceptual models. Subjects were assigned to one of three experiment groups: paper-based conceptual model (the traditional group), computer-based multimedia conceptual model as demonstrating tool (the instructor-demonstrating group) and learner-control conceptual model (the learner-control group). Learners were identified as high prior knowledge or low prior knowledge in accordance with their performance on the computer programming prior knowledge test. The results showed that, for the high prior knowledge learners, the traditional group and the instructor-demonstrating group scored significantly higher than the learner-control group on code evaluation performance. On the other hand, for the low prior knowledge learners, there was no significant difference among the three groups on code evaluation performance. On the analysis of code generation performance, the instructor-demonstrating group scored significantly higher than the traditional group. Finally, learners showed positive preferences toward using the computer-based multimedia conceptual model and the learner-control group revealed more positive acceptance toward the use of computer-based multimedia conceptual model than the instructor-demonstrating group.


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