  • 學位論文


A Study of Genetic Based Algorithm for Managed IP Network Management

指導教授 : 莊謙本 王宏鈴


MPLS為一個連接導向的新型態高速網路通訊技術,此種技術可在現今不同的網路通訊硬體中擔任轉換、介面的角色,使不同的網路硬體系統可相互連結,共存於同一網路系統;同時具有網路控管能力,不但可減少管理者的負荷,對於網路系統間的傳輸及轉換速度,都能隨之提昇;但MPLS技術所使用的OSPF路由演算法由於考量到網路的實際動態條件較為不足,將會使路徑的選擇並非最佳解,造成MPLS美中不足之處。 本研究針對MPLS路由演算法進行探討,提出以遺傳演算法取代現行的OSPF法,並針對網路中不同的使用需求列出一般路由、雙重歸屬及頻寬保留等特殊條件的路由方案,實驗後獲得以下數點結論: (1) 以遺傳演算法取代OSPF路由法,應用於MPLS路由及訊務管理,可於路由選擇的演算法上提供QoS機制,並對MPLS傳輸的線路選擇能力上作一提昇。此應用方式提供給未來網路發展及對此方面有興趣的專家學者們一個參考。 (2) 在路由選擇方面,有雙重歸屬要求之路由,當資料流量減少比例愈多,網路傳輸效能愈好;相對的有頻寬保留要求之路由,當頻寬保留比例愈多時,傳輸效能愈差。此部份可供給私人企業或大型用戶在網路運用方式上一個選擇參考。


MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) is a new Connection Oriented Network communication technique type. It can not only transfer the data format between different network communication hardware and make them be used in the same network system but also have controlltion and management ability for network. MPLS can reduce the burden of manager and improve the transmission and transformation speed in network systems. But OSPF (Open shortest path first) routing algorithms using by MPLS is lack of consideration for the real network. This makes the path decision get into a jam easily. So the research will focus on MPLS routing algorithm, and recommend that using Genetic Algorithm to instead of traditional OSPF algorithm. Listing a routing table of different demands like normal routing, dual-homing routing, and bandwidth reservation routing. After collating and analy the experimental result we have the conclusions as bellow. (1). Using Genetic Algorithms to instead of OSPF in MPLS routing and traffic engineering can support QoS mechanism in routing algorithm and improve the ability of the transmitting path selection in MPLS network. This part can provide for the future network development and professionals for reference. (2). For the routing. If the number of data stream is lesser, the transmitting efficiency is better at dual-homing demand routing in network; if the percentage of bandwidth reservation is become higher, the transmitting efficiency will become worse.


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