  • 學位論文


A Landmark in the Transitional Period of Late Chin and Republican: A Study of Nan Sheh(南社) Group and their Literary Works

指導教授 : 羅宗濤


南社(1909-1923),是一個在清末民初文學轉型期中十分特殊的文學團體,她在晚清崩解之前成立,在民國建立之後萌芽,先是呼喊革命的口號,再以筆為劍,發抒政治理念、提出文學理想、發行社團刊物,以致於群體創作的展現,亦或是大時代情懷的感慨、夾處於新舊文學之間的拔河拉扯,在在都寫下了近代知識分子在傳統文人角色過渡到現代文人之間的心情。本文共分八章,首章為緒論,說明研究旨趣及南社研究概況;第八章為結論,總結研究成果及未來展望。正文共分六章,一方面以歷史縱向為綱領,另一方面則以「文學轉型期」扣合南社社團屬性、文學刊物、群體創作、時代情懷以及知識分子面對新舊文學轉型期所做的調整和抉擇等議題來作連結。 第二章〈南社歷史沿革(上)〉以南社發展過程的歷史材料作分析,從「南社創設背景及動機」、「南社歷史分期的再論述」、「南社創設過程」三項議題入手,企圖了解南社創設的複雜因素,掌握南社歷史發展的脈絡,著力於南社正式成立之前的論述。第三章〈南社歷史沿革(下)〉則以「南社社務擴展概述」、「南社分化之內部觀察」、「走入歷史的南社餘影」探討南社擴展機制建立的時代意涵,再就南社式微的過程以及社團分化後的社員活動及去向,總論南社歷史的發展。 第四章〈南社社團屬性及其文學刊物〉,首先先替「南社社團屬性」尋找定位,分別以「地域性」、「過渡性」、「政治性」、「多元性」分敘南社龐雜而繽紛的文學土壤;第二、三節則將「南社文學刊物」分(一)、(二)論述,先釐清《南社叢刻》在南社文學的核心定位及其與雅集的互動關係後,再對社刊在文類收錄、編輯、發行等問題做討論;第三節則介紹南社增刊《白門悲秋集》、《南社小說集》以及其他以南社名義發行的刊物內涵。因此,文學刊物的論述基礎建立在南社文學文本核心的確立,論述過程配合表格歸納,以統計方式對南社文學刊物作初步的剖析。 第五章〈歷史轉型期的群體創作:交游.唱和.題畫.集句〉的撰寫,則是著眼於南社社團屬性及文學刊物確立之後,「南社」正式以文學社團的形式出現,她所建立的群體創作則是南社象徵新舊文學轉型期的第一個標誌。本章先就「以柳亞子為核心的創作群體」作論述,說明柳亞子在南社的領袖地位,以及柳氏如何成為南社群體創作的交往中心。如此一來,社友之間交誼、共識以及凝聚的創作現象,就經由「唱和詩詞的交誼展現」、「題畫詩文的共識凝聚」、「集句之風的流行再現」三個子題來做觸角,勾勒南社文學創作中的互動圖象。其中以「題分湖舊隱圖」系列的題畫詩文、龔自珍集句風潮來連結柳亞子對南社群體創作的影響。 第六章〈歷史轉型期的時代情懷:遺民.革命.游俠〉是就南社在晚清到民國的歷史轉型期中足以為標誌的三大主題做一論述,南社被視為以革命為武器的文學團體,對於異族統治下的聲調時而悲鳴,時而激昂,時而壯烈,時而柔媚。「遺民情感的歷史糾結」一節,論述南社如何為宋明前賢建立輯佚遺文、作傳、謁陵掃墓、忌辰哀哭的模式,以及擇選了那些宋明的遺民烈士作為追隨的典範。「革命旗幟的揮舞」一節,則是以民國前後的南社為時間斷限,敘述社員如何藉由《南社叢刻》從事民主口號的呼喊,面對身陷囹圄以及壯烈犧牲的社友,他們又展現出什麼樣的文學風情。在「游俠精神的寄託」一節中,則從《南社叢刻》如何顯現晚清的刺客風雲著眼,觀察他們懷想古俠、歌詠俠骨的方式和內容,找尋南社這群末代俠客的遺跡。 第七章〈新舊文學之間的拔河拉扯〉的撰寫,是為了扣合本論文的中心主題──「清末民初文學轉型期的標誌」,擬出南社文學足以為近代文學重要研究指標的價值。首先,為窺見南社於舊文學內在的矛盾衝突,第一節針對南社繼承詩界革命派「舊風格含新意境」的內涵作說明,再論述南社如何在譯詩上經營出自己的一片天地;第二節則就南社作家在提出自己的文學理想後,反而在傳統文學觀上產生殊途異路的現象加以歸納梳理,最後再點出南社重要的同光體詩人,重新檢視南社與同光體之間的關係。第三節的論述重心,則是探討擁有大批國粹派擁護者的南社與新文學推手的胡適之間的敵友關係,這是觀察五四以來新舊文學之間激烈論爭中極為重要的一支,也是認識南社文學解體的關鍵,自然不能略而不書。從學衡派談起,論述胡適如何與留美同窗──南社友人梅光迪、胡先驌等人展開論爭,最後反目絕裂;而胡適對南社的批評,彷彿是向南社領導人柳亞子下了一張文學戰帖,柳亞子從憤懣難忍到接受響應,甚至還成立了新南社,企圖和舊文學畫清界線,都是本節探討的重心。同時,柳亞子此舉,不僅將南社在新舊文學之間的拔河拉扯推置到最高點,南社也從此走入歷史,成為一個紀念性的名詞。至此,這個處於新舊文學轉型期的文學社團,自然也成為認識清末民初歷史轉型期的知識分子的重要標誌了。


南社 清末民初 近代文學 社團 舊文學 文學革命 柳亞子


Nan Sheh(1909-1923), an unique literature group, was established during the end of Chin dynasty and beginning of Ming-Kuo. At the beginning, the group called for revolution, and then they started to write political concepts, literature ideals, and publishing articles. The article has 8 chapters. The first chapter is the introduction of principle ideas, and the last chapter is the conclusion. The second chapter, the history of Nan Sheh (part I), focuses on the establishment of Nan Sheh, the periodic of Nan Sheh, and the process of the establishment of Nan Sheh. The third chapter, the history of (part II), discuses the development of Nan Sheh, such as the expanding of Nan Sheh, the inner observation into Nan Sheh, and the deterioration of Nan Sheh. The fourth chapter looks into publications of Nan Sheh. This part of the article divides all publications of Nan Sheh into four categories, such as: regional, political, diversity and transitional. The publication is mainly based on the core of literature distribution. Periodicals of Nanshe(南社叢刻) published 22 volumes before Nan Sheh was disintegrated in 1923. Periodicals of Nanshe is the first hand data which studies Nan Sheh.And , Periodicals of Nansheh not only constantly changed its editing people and distributing spots, but also provided important information of the activities and literature development of the Nan Sheh members. In 1994, base on the hand-written copy of Liu Ya Tzu that was collected by Beijing(北京)library, Ma I Gui(馬以君) who lived in Cantone(廣東), republished the 23 and 24 volumes of the Periodicals of Nanshe, and provided a important resource on the studying of Nan Sheh and the solution of the role of Nan Sheh in literature and history academic research. The fifth chapter discuses on how group creation changes during the time. After the certify of its publication, the Nan Sheh appeared in a more formal group The sixth chapter describes the old adherent of the past dynasty, and how they fought the revolution with their literature. For the last section, we observe the legacy of these groups of errands. The seventh chapter focuses on the index literature during the end of Chin dynasty and beginning of Ming-Kuo. First, we observe the inner conflicts among old literature group, and then reconsider the relationship between poets in Tung Kuang style(同光體). The groups living in the old literature times would know the index on the time of Chin dynasty and Ming-Kuo naturally.


