  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳文典


研究之主旨在探討兩所不同背景學校的自然與生活科技領域教師,在面對九年一貫課程的過程中,將會產生何種行為表現,其目的有:一、探討不同教學文化背景的學校,在面對九年一貫課程的過程中,自然與生活科技教師行為表現為何;二、探討個案學校九年一貫課程的實行配套措施,將對自然與生活科技教師與學校造成何種問題;三、探討個案學校實施九年一貫課程的過程中,教師之行為反應情形。 為達成上述研究目的,本研究採質性傾向的個案研究法,以台北市兩所個案學校為研究對象,以觀察、訪談與文件分析等方法,蒐集個案學校實施九年一貫新課程之資料與教師反應。並根據資料分析與比較,作出以下的歸納結論: 一、實施背景文化方面 (一)在實施新課程的初期,學校領導階層讓老師過於自主,將造成課程進行效能不彰及教師合作氣氛不佳的問題。 (二)重「管」於「教」的學校,導師制度將會產生教師教學合作上的問題。 二、實施配套措施方面 (一)教科書廠商尚未完成教科書編輯前,冒然要求老師制定領課程計劃,將迫使老師產生陽奉陰違的行為反應。 (二)目前行政與教學工作,分工過於清楚,造成推行新課程的過程中,工作負擔變大,教師擔任意願過低的問題。 (三)自然與生活科技上課時數減少,學校皆以開設彈性課程、鼓勵進修與放寬老師請長假的方式來彈性調整教師人數。 三、實施過程方面 (一)教師適應九年一貫課程的能力,將造成學校原有教師組織權力的改變。 (二)學習領域教學組織的成立,漸漸的成為與學校溝通意見的基本單位。 (三)自然與生活科技兩科目的老師,在實施新課程的過程中,因為學校政策與教師個人學科本位主義影響,其合作關係,如同是兩個領域的合作。 (四)升學問題,仍然牽制著教師所有教學觀念與行為上的選擇。 本研究最後並針對研究與發現,對新課程提出未來教師在合作上應該採取的態度與行動。


The present study, by taking the examples from two junior schools with different school customs, aims to investigate the science and technology teachers’ performances and reactions since Grade 1-9 Curriculum has been put into practice in junior high school. The purposes of the study are 1) to discuss, under two different school customs backgrounds, if there any differences between the performances of the science and technology teachers at two schools when they confront the administration of Grade 1-9 Curriculum, 2) to discuss the problems brought by the backup courses of Grade 1-9 Curriculum and their influences upon the science and technology teachers and the school authorities, 3) to discuss the reactions of the teachers while Grade 1-9 Curriculum was administrated. To achieve the above purposes, the study used qualitatively-based case analysis as research methodology to investigate the cases from two junior high schools in Taipei. Observations, interviews, and document analysis were used to collect the data about how Grade 1-9 Curriculum was administrated at schools and what were the teachers’ reactions toward it. According to the results of data analysis and comparison, several conclusions are made as follows: 1. In the respect of influence of school customs backgrounds 1) At the early stage in adopting the curriculum, if the school authority leaves too much room for teachers to make decisions on their own, the courses might not be performed effectively and the teachers might not have good atmosphere of cooperation. 2) At the school which put more emphasis on discipline than teaching, the system which assigns teacher as the class leader would lead to the problems in the cooperative teaching between teachers. 2. In the respect of effects of the backup courses 1) Some textbooks publishers asked teachers to design curriculum plans before they had finished editing the textbooks. That would force teachers to outwardly obey the rules but secretly ignore them. 2) At present, the dividing line between the affairs of administration and that of teaching is too obvious. That would increase teachers’ loading in working and hence decrease their willingness to take the responsibility during the process of administrating this new curriculum. 3) With the fact that the class hours of science and technology were reduced, the schools elastically adjusted the number of the teachers by the ways of adding elastic classes, encouraging teachers to further their studies, or relaxing restrictions for taking long leave. 3. In the respect of the process of administration 1) The capability about how the teachers adjust themselves to Grade 1-9 Curriculum would lead to the changes in the existing power structure of teacher organization at schools. 2) The teaching organizations which were established in different learning areas gradually became the basic medium for communicating opinions with the school authority. 3)The relation in the cooperation of science and technology teachers was like the cooperation from two different subject areas. 4) The range of teachers’ teaching concepts and behaviors were still restricted by their attention to helping their students for the entrance exams. According to the findings and results, for the curriculum, the study finally provides several suggestions about the attitudes and actions the future teachers should take when they cooperate with each other.




