  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 吳清基


本研究旨在探討教育部推動高級中學多元入學方案之政策規劃與執行情形,分析高中多元入學方案能否紓解國民中學學生升學壓力,能否促進國中教學正常化;研究高中多元入學方案及國中生基本學力測驗實施概況及相關問題,綜合研究發現,嘗試提出結論與建議供參考。 本研究採文獻分析、調查研究法、訪談法。研究者自編「高級中學多元入學方案實施意見調查問卷」二份,分別對全國之高一新生1,200名,及國中教育人員1,000名進行調查;同時訪談十五位教育行政人員、家長及教育改革人士,以瞭解渠等對高中多元入學方案政策規劃與執行之看法及建議。而研究之統計方法為次數分配、百分比及卡方考驗。 歸結文獻分析、問卷調查及訪談結果,本研究之結論如下: 一、就方案規劃作業層面言:高中多元入學方案係經審慎之規劃,再經多方研討修正之後方定案公布,符合行政程序法第一百六十三條所規定之行政計畫原則。 二、就計畫內容層面言:符合招生方式簡化之原則,可是規定各校甄選入學及申請入學之招生額度低於總招生名額之50﹪,登記分發入學名額高達70﹪,學校自主選才的空間小,很難發展出學校之特色,形同超大型的高中聯考。 三、就計畫策略層面言:高中多元入學方案目標具體明確、具前瞻性;並且需結合各主管教育行政機關、高中職、國中、家長及學生之信念與力量,符合共同參與以形成共識之實施策略。 四、就執行過程層面言:國中基本學力測驗委由學術單位研究、發展,在執行過程中具有專業支援,且問卷調查、訪談結果,大多滿意試題品質。 五、就執行績效層面言:從問卷調查及訪談結果分析,顯然與教育部首揭「紓解國中學生升學壓力」之預期目標相距甚遠。 根據上述結論提出以下之建議供作參考: 一、對教育行政機關之建議: (一)運用大眾傳媒加強宣導;辦理經驗分享,促進各界了解。 (二)降低分發入學比例,有助發展學校特色。 (三)招生入學回歸法制,以避免權限爭執。 (四)成立專責測驗研發單位,以穩定試題品質。 (五)確定基本學力測驗之定位;試題配合九年一貫課程。 二、對高國中學校之建議: (一)貫徹常態編班及教學正常化,尊重學生學習權。 (二)發展學校特色,引導國中畢業生就近升學。 三、對學生家長之建議: (一)配合終身學習社會加強親職教育,改變教育進路觀念。 (二)了解社會脈動,提升自己的競爭力。


This study aims to examine the policy planning and implementation of “Multiple Schemes for Entering Senior High Schools” in Taiwan. It argues that applying the “Multiple Schemes for Entering Senior High Schools” can reduce the pressure encountered by students, and also provide a solution to the problem of over- emphasis on academic activities and examinations in junior high schools. The following approaches were used to carry out the study: literature review, questionnaires, and interviews. The sample for the study were divided into two groups: a. questionnaire and b. interviews. 1,200 fresh senior high school students and 1,000 junior high school teachers responded to the questionnaires, and 15 interviewees including educational administrators, parents and people who advocated for educational reforms helped with the interviews. The analysis of the study concluded that: 1.The process of developing the “Multiple Schemes for Entering Senior High Schools” was carried out as prescribed in Article 163 of Administrative Proceeding Law. 2. Senior high schools have limited autonomy in choosing their students as, according to the policy, nearly 70 percent of the students are selected based on the scores achieved in their “Basic Competence Test for junior high school students”. 3. The goals of the “Multiple Schemes for Entering Senior High Schools” are clear and far-sighted. Meanwhile, the schemes also require the cooperation of educational administrative agencies, both senior and junior high schools, students and their parents. 4. The “Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students” is developed by a number of scholars and research centers. The analysis of this study shows that the test has high quality. 5.The analysis of questionnaires and interviews indicate that the implementation of the “Multiple Schemes for Entering Senior High Schools” is far from the Ministry’s expected goals which is to reduce students’ stress. Suggestions In summary, the study offers some suggestions and they are identified according to the relevant parties: A. For educational authorities 1. Advocate the concepts and ideas of the “Multiple Schemes for Entering Senior High Schools” through the mass media. 2. Reducing the number of students who are selected based on the “Basic Competence Test”, which will enable schools to develop their own distinctive features. 3. Legitimise the approaches of recruiting new students for senior schools. 4. In order to ensure the quality and validity of the Test, an independent organisation should be established for developing the Test. 5. The position of “Multiple Schemes for Entering Senior High Schools” should be initiated in the “Nine-Year Joint Curricula for Elementary and Junior High Schools”. B. For senior schools 1. In order to respect the right of each student, standard mixed-grouping system for class division should be fully practiced, so the efficacy of education can be finally achieved. 2. Create individual school’s distinctive features to attract students. C. For parents 1. Parents should try to improve their understanding of the new system of education. 2. Understand the changes taking place in society that aims to enhance competitiveness. Key words: senior high school, multiple routes of entering senior high school, policy planning, policy implementation.


