  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 羅青哲


摘要 本文旨在探討《藝術終結之後:當代藝術與歷史藩籬》(After The End of Art: Contemporary Art and The Pale of History)之中文翻譯(第六至十一章),深化此次翻譯實踐,分析在翻譯活動中理解與表達的障礙,透過語境分析擬定翻譯原則。第一章「緒論」說明筆者接下此書的緣由,著手評論的動機及研究目的並簡述論文架構。第二章「原作概述與翻譯目標」簡介作者亞瑟•丹托及其著作,歸納原作各章內容大意,並說明此次翻譯活動的進行及翻譯目標的設定。第三章「宏觀語境分析」分析作者的宏觀語境,分別從西方美學哲學發展的時間縱軸及橫軸,即貫時系統和並時系統將作者的理論加以定位。第四章「微觀語境分析與翻譯障礙的成因」分析作者的微觀語境,觀察其寫作之語言特色加以分析,並指出作者語言特色如何造成語際轉換的困難,總結翻譯過程中遭遇的障礙。第五章「翻譯目標與策略運用」說明如何在翻譯的實踐運用信達雅的原則克服理解與表達的障礙,並列舉以此原則衍生的各種翻譯策略。第六章「藝術專業術語的中譯」討論藝術專業術語的翻譯原則,匯整書中人名、地名或組織名、藝術和評論流派和藝術專有名詞之中譯。第七章「結論與心得」總結各章要旨,分享此次翻譯心得。




Abstract The main purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the Chinese translation of After The End of Art: Contemporary Art and The Pale of History (from chapter 6 to chapter 11) so as to set a written record for this translation practice, to analyze the obstacles to understanding and expression encountered during the process of translation, and to come up with general guidelines based on macro and micro contextual analyses. This thesis is divided into seven chapters along with two appendices. The first chapter states the background to, the motive for, and the structure of this paper. The second chapter gives brief introduction of the author, Arthur C. Danto and this book. In the third chapter, a macro contextual analysis is made in order to achieve a deeper understanding of the author, presenting historical and synchronic discussions of the development of western aesthetics. The fourth chapter goes deeper into the author’s language use and analyzes what problems it might cause to translator’s understanding and interpreting. The fifth chapter illustrates how Mr. Yan Fu’s three principles of translation are applicable to the translation practice to avoid errors. The sixth chapter explores methods for art-related proper names translation and lists those terms in English and Chinese in tables for reference. The last chapter offers a summary and afterthoughts.




Danto, Arthur C. After the End of Art: Contemporary Art and the Pale of History. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997.
Danto, Arthur C. The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986.
Li, Charles N.; Thompson, Sandra A. Mandarin Chinese: A Functional
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