  • 學位論文


A Study on Worksite Lifelong Learning for Hearing Impaired Individuals in Printing Industry

指導教授 : 李基常


在知識經濟及科技文明快速的進步下,使得印刷業的生產流程和技術產生了的改變,面對行業結構、工作內容、及技術內涵變化的印刷從業人員,因應之道乃是透過個人的進修或是公司所提供的教育訓練方式,來提升自我的工作能力,以迎接外在環境改變所帶來的衝擊。本研究藉由對印刷業主與聽覺障礙者的職場終身學習的實地訪談,以瞭解目前印刷業聽覺障礙者職場終身學習的需求情形。根據實際的需求狀況,規劃適合印刷業聽覺障礙者職場終身學習的策略,一方面協助聽覺障礙者能不斷的提升其工作能力及增進適應環境變化的能力,另一方面也能提供印刷業對此特殊人力資源的開發及運用,是本研究的主要動機。而本研究的目的為: 一、探討聽覺障礙者在現行政策與法規制度下及印刷業特性、現況與發展趨勢下所面臨之利基與困境。 二、探討已僱用聽覺障礙者之印刷業主對聽覺障礙者工作表現及其職場終身學習的意見。 三、探討在職聽覺障礙員工對職場終身學習的態度及需求。 四、探討印刷業聽覺障礙者職場終身學習的策略。 本研究使用文獻探討、專家諮詢、電話調查、實地訪談等方法進行研究。以九十一年台灣區印刷暨機器材料工業同業公會所屬368家之會員工廠負責人或主管人員為電話調查對象,並以電話訪談結果中的32家目前僱用聽覺障礙員工的印刷公司(工廠)及目前服務於印刷公司(工廠)之36位聽覺障礙員工為實地訪談研究對象。量的資料以「次數分配」、「百分比」等敘述統計方法進行分析,訪談資料以質性方法進行分析,運用SWOT分析進行資料的統整與歸納。本研究所獲得之結果如下: 一、對於聽覺障礙者在現行政策與法規制度下所面臨之利基與困境的瞭解。 二、對於已僱用聽覺障礙者之印刷業主對聽覺障礙者工作表現及其職場終身學習意見的瞭解。 三、對於在職聽覺障礙員工對職場終身學習態度及需求的瞭解。 四、根據上述各項資料綜合整理,以SWOT分析歸納印刷業聽覺障礙者職場終身學習的策略。 五、提出對政府單位、印刷業、聽覺障礙員工、及後續研究者的具體建議。 本研究的價值與貢獻在於,讓聽覺障礙者能夠隨著社會環境的進步,在產業自動化轉型過程中,藉由適當的職場終身學習方式,以提升工作所需的專業知識和技能,進而持續地在職場上提升工作的能力,適應瞬息萬變的社會環境。


The rapid development of knowledge, economy, technology, and civilization, has caused change of production process and technology in the printing industry. Encountering the change of structure, context, and technology, self-study or participating in the educational training program offered by the employee’s company is the way an employee needs to take to increase his or her job capability to deal with the change. This study was to understand the hearing impaired employees’ needs for lifelong learning in the printing industry through interviewing the employers and the hearing impaired employees at their worksites. The major motive of this study was to scheme a suitable lifelong learning strategy for the hearing impaired employees in the printing industry according to their practical needs in their worksites so that their capabilities of work and adjustment to the changing environment can be enhanced. Besides, this study was to provide information for the printing industry to explore and develop special human resource from this population. The purposes of this study were: 1.To explore the niches and the difficulties that the hearing impaired employees are encountering under the contemporary policy and regulation, and the uniqueness and the current development of printing industry. 2.To explore the opinions of the employers toward the job performance of their hearing impaired employees, and their needs for lifelong learning at their worksites. 3.To explore the hearing impaired employees’ needs and attitudes toward worksite lifelong learning. 4.To explore the strategies of worksite lifelong learning for the hearing impaired employees in the printing industry. The methods of this study were literature review, consultation with the experts, phone investigation, and on-the-spot interview. The phone investigation targeted at the chairpersons or managers of the 368 companies of Taiwan Printing Industry Association. Among the results of the phone investigation, 36 hearing impaired employees who worked at 32 different companies or factories were the sample. The analysis of quantitative data was based on frequency distribution and percentage. The phone interview was analyzed through quantitative analysis through SWOT. The results of this study were: 1.Realization of the niches and the difficulties that the hearing impaired employees are encountering under the contemporary policy and regulation, and the uniqueness and the current development of printing industry. 2.Realization of the opinions of the employers toward the job performance of their hearing impaired employees, and their needs for lifelong learning at their worksites. 3.Realization the hearing impaired employees’ needs and attitudes toward worksite lifelong learning. 4.Summing up strategies of worksite lifelong learning for the hearing impaired employees in the printing industry through SWOT based on the results of the above analysis. 5.Making proposals to the relative government departments, the printing industry, the hearing impaired employees, and the researchers. The value and contribution of this study is to promote the professional knowledge and skills of the hearing impaired so that they can continue to grow in their occupational capability and adjust to the rapid change of the social environment which is undergoing the transition of industrial automaticalization.


