  • 學位論文


Design Inhibitors of Shiga-like Toxin and Gene Carrier with Gold Nanoparticle

指導教授 : 陳家俊


大腸桿菌O157:H7會產生類志賀氏毒素(Shiga-like toxins(SLT)),被大腸桿菌O157:H7感染,會發生下腹絞痛、嘔吐、血便,該菌會吸附小腸細胞,並釋放毒素,進而導致腎臟或腦部的嚴重損害,孩童急性腎衰竭致死。因此,設計類志賀毒素的特異抑制劑,對於中毒性腹瀉及其併發症的預防和臨床治療具有重要意義。類志賀氏毒素屬於AB5型毒素,藉B部分和細胞表面醣類受體Pk抗原結合是此毒素致病的關鍵。本論文包括類志賀氏毒素B部分的純化方法,以及利用表面電漿共振光譜儀測量類志賀氏毒素B部分與Pk抗原類似物的動力學解離常數,並設計不同大小的金奈米粒子,表面修飾不同鏈長的Pk抗原類似物,作為抑制劑,研究金奈米粒子大小及Pk類似物鏈長改變後抑制效果的比較。 本論文另一部分是以金奈米粒子作基因載體的研究,目前尚在進行中,其和類志賀氏毒素之研究相關性較小,故另於一章節作討論。


Escherichia coli O157:H7 produce the B subunit of Shiga-like toxin. Infection with E.coli O157:H7 in human results initially in diarrhea in the victims, leading to colitis and progresses further to hemolytic uremic syndrome which is a direct result of SLT-induced kidney damage, a major cause of acute renal failurein children. Shiga-like toxins are AB5 toxins with an enzymatically active A-component and a cell binding B component. The B polypeptide forms a pentamer that binds to the eukaryotic cell receptor globotriaosylceramide (Gb3). Shiga-like toxins then enter the cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis. This thesis includes that the purified method of Shiga-like toxin Ι B subunit and explore the multivalent interactions between Shiga-like toxin Ι B subunit and Pk antigen analogues studied using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). We design different size of gold nanoparticles encapsulated by Pk antigen analogues having various lengths of alkyl chains as inhibitors and compare their inhibitory effect.
