  • 學位論文


The follow-up study on the gifted, take Taichung City Tai-Ping elementary school for example.

指導教授 : 潘裕豐


本研究旨在探討台中市太平國小一般智能資賦優異畢業生之教育發展、生活適應與生涯歷程影響因素以評估國小資優教育之成效,根據研究結果綜合結論試提出建議,以供有關單位辦理資優教育之參考。 研究方法有調查研究法、半結構式訪談法,以1987年到2002年(七十六學年度到九十一學年度)之間從台中市太平國小畢業之一般智能資賦優異學生338名為研究對象,實際有效樣本為144名(42.6%)。研究工具採用研究者編製之「國小資優班學生畢業狀況調查問卷」進行量的資料蒐集;利用「資優班畢業生教育發展、生涯歷程與生活適應訪談大綱」實際進行訪談各教育階段及就業者共11位,作為質化資料的蒐集。 問卷調查結果之量化資料以SPSS for Windows 10.0進行統計分析,以次數、人數、百分比、單因子變異數分析及t考驗等統計方法分析本研究所探討之相關問題。質化之資料,則由訪談資料中分析取得,並由相關文獻中取得佐證資料,綜合歸納、形成結論。綜合量與質的分析,得到下列幾項結論: 一、資優班畢業生目前動態分析 資優班畢業生目前狀況以就讀大學比率最高。資優班畢業生的家庭背景以高社經地位為最多。 二、資優班畢業生教育發展狀況 (一)教育發展狀況 國小資優班畢業生就學歷程中,愈高等之教育階段,男女生就讀資優班之比例愈懸殊。資優班畢業生目前有高的教育成就,就讀之大學、研究所碩士班以國立為最多,就讀之大學校院以台灣大學最多。男女資優生就讀工程學系、自然科學類和醫藥衛生學系比例皆最高。 (二)對國小資優教育的看法 高達九成的國小資優班畢業生皆表示願意再就讀國小資優班,我們可以肯定國小資優教育的價值。 三、資優班畢業生生涯歷程影響因素 生涯歷程中這些壓力來源對資優生來說都不會帶來很大的困擾,造成生活中很大的負面影響。 男女生在個人、家庭、學校及社會這幾個方面的困擾及壓力並沒有差別。而在生涯抉擇方面困擾及壓力男女生是有所不同的,男生在生涯抉擇方面的困擾及壓力比女生大。 四、資優班畢業生已就業者職業現況 資優班畢業生大部份皆從事專業性工作。男生從事工作以數理科學應用為最多,其次為教師及醫生。女生所從事之工作以教師為最多,女生從事理工科職業之比例已漸有增長。資優生工作態度良好,工作期間少有中斷過的。 五、資優班畢業生生活適應狀況 在生活適應方面資優生整體的適應情形是良好的,不同性別的資優生其生活適應狀況並沒有明顯的不同。 不同年齡層的資優生個人方面生活適應情形並沒有顯著的差異。在社會方面生活適應情形、及生活情形滿意程度總體評估則是以目前處於國中生階段的資優生顯著優於其他階段的資優生。 綜而言之,本篇的研究結果打破了我們對於資優兒童常存在一些盲點和迷思,我們可以肯定的說資優生「小時了了,大亦佳」。他們的社會適應及情緒穩定度良好,不論是在求學過程或是進入職場工作後大部份的人都能與他人和諧愉快的相處共事。但是在生涯過程中這些資優生不論在生理及心理方面都需要有人適時適性的給予瞭解、接納、支持與鼓勵,他們才能發揮潛能達到卓越。


The purpose of this study is to access the effects on gifted education at elementary schools by investigating the difficulties and the influences from educational development, current life adjustment and career processes that the gifted from Taichung City Tai-Ping elementary school would encounter. According to this research, conclusions are provided for implementing gifted education. Survey , half-structure interview are incorporated in the research methodologies. 338 gifted students who were graduated from 1987 to 2002 (from 76 to 91 academic year) from Taichung City Tai-Ping elementary school are the object of this study, from which the effective sample is 144 people (42.6%). A researcher-implemented " Gifted of Elementary School follow-up questionnaire" was carried out to obtain quantitative data; an interview with 11 people using “Interview Guidelines on the Educational Development , Current Life Adjustment Situations and Career Processes of the Gifted” served as the research instrument for gathering qualitative data. Outcomes of questionnaires were presented in frequency distribution, percentage, ANOVA, t test by SPSS for Windows 10.0 . Qualitative results of questionnaires and results of the interviews were synthesized for comprehensive analysis. The conclusions are as follows: Current Situation of Gifted Most of the giftedare studying in university now. Their families are of high social and economical background. Educational Development of Gifted Educational Development The higher the educational level is, the more divergent in gender proportion of gifted students is. Most of the giftedwho have higher educational achievement study in national universities, especially Taiwan University, and national graduate schools. There are a high percentage of male and female giftedwho study in engineering, natural science, medicine and hygiene. Views of Gifted Education About 90 percent of giftedshowed they are willing to come back to study at gifted-class in the elementary school. We confirm that the value of elementary gifted-education is of no doubt. Effect Factors of Career Processes Difficulties and the pressure which the gifted encountered from career processes will not be perplexed to them. There are no differences between male and female when they faced the pressure in personal life, family, school, and society. Male and female are different in their career choices; male are more distressed and have more pressure than female in career choices. Current Working Situations of Gifted Most giftedpossess specialized professions. The most majority of male work in the math and science field, and the second majority work as the teachers and doctors. Most of female are teachers. Almost Gifted’ attitude toward work is great, and they seldom leave their jobs during their career lives. Life Adjustment of Gifted All giftedmake good adjustment toward lives. Different genders have no differences in their life adjustments. There are no differences among the giftedfacing the personal lives in different ages. There are significant differences in social-life adjustment and the overall assessment of satisfaction form life. It showed that the student in junior high school adjust well than the other gifteddifferent in age. In conclusion, the follow-up study broke our stereotype on gifted students. We confirmed that the gifted child who performed well in their childhood also did excellently in their adulthood. They made good social-life adjustment and the emotion qualities they showed are steady. No matter they are at school or work, most of them got along with others. However, they also need others showing their understanding, acceptance, support, and encouragement at the right moment in their career development; therefore, they can reach their potential and perform outstandingly.
