  • 學位論文


A Study on Writing Modern Chinese Poetry for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

指導教授 : 信世昌


寫作課程鮮少在語言中心開設多半是由於不受到重視。然而,寫作能力並非隨著聽說讀的進步而提昇,反而是寫作有助於提昇整體語言能力。基於此,本研究以發展研究法為研究方法,結合理論和實務,以增進寫作能力為主要目的,設計並實施以新詩為內容的寫作教學。在理論方面,結合新詩寫作和文學教學的理論,融入寫作歷程的理念,奠定本研究發展的理論基礎。 在設計方面,本研究在發展課程的步驟採用系統化教學設計的方法,並立基於相關文獻的研究以及前導試驗的成果,以問卷和前導試驗了解學習者需求,依據這些資料分析並設計可於實際教學中使用的教材,並提供相關範例,做為相關研究的基礎。 透過四次的教學實施,提出了五方面的結論。一、在課程方面,設計新詩寫作課程應從課本和學生的經驗出發,而且不能脫離語言教學而獨立。二、在寫作教學方面,學習者不論是用字遣詞和篇章佈局均有明顯進步,結合寫作歷程法的教學使學習者更迅速進入寫作,寫作動機也因而提高。三、在評量方面,評量應重視整體表現,口述作文和最後成品同等重要,教學應重視過程而非結果,所以學習者檔案的建立是教學中不可或缺的重要環節。四、在語言學習方面,此課程不僅提高了學習者的主動性,也在適當的引導下,學習者具有創作新詩的能力。五、在教師方面,教師在寫作時應扮演引導者而非訓練者,並時時提昇自我專業素養,以開放的心胸面對學習者的個別和文化差異。


Writing courses are seldom offered at language centers in Taiwan largely because of their importance is not recognized. Writing ability, however, cannot be expected to improve as quickly as listening, speaking and reading ability. On the other hand, writing can improve overall language ability. This research aims to promote students’ writing ability through teaching Chinese modern poetry writing, and tries to integrate theory and practice in curriculum design. Moreover, this research employs theories of modern poetry writing and literature teaching as theoretical basis and applies the Process Approach in teaching writing. The research adopts systematic instruction to design one-semester course. Moreover, the research sought to determine learners’ needs via questionnaires and pilot study, which provided the basis of the course curriculum. The study’s four trials lead to preliminary five conclusions. First, in curriculum design, modern poetry writing course should be associated with the learners’ experiences and textbooks that they have used, and the course should not focus on language rather than literature. Secondly, in writing instruction, learners show good progress in their writing and gain motivation in writing as the course progresses. Thirdly, in evaluating students, teachers should focus on the writing process rather than products. Fourthly, with appropriate guidance, learners can develop the ability to compose modern poetry. Finally, the teacher should be a guider rather than a trainer or an instructor.


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