  • 學位論文


The Study of Curriculum Design and the Cooperative Model of Elementary Outdoor Education-A Case Study of Taipei Recreational Farms

指導教授 : 李晶


國民小學校外教學課程設計與合作模式之研究—以臺北市休閒農場為例 研究生:劉虹伶 指導教授:李晶 摘 要 九年一貫國民教育的施行,強調鄉土教學及體驗學習的重要性,使得擁有豐富三生資源的休閒農場成為校外教學的新選擇,且若欲使校外教學更完整,課程的整體設計及各單位間的相互連結更是不可或缺的因素;本研究之目的主要在於了解目前臺北市於休閒農場進行校外教學的現況,並探討以休閒農場為國小校外教學場域之課程設計歷程,接著對於學校教師、農場業主及輔導單位間的互動及合作模式作歸納;本研究採用半開放式的訪談大綱,針對學校教師、農場業主及輔導單位三方面各四位受訪者,進行深度訪談,訪談後整理訪談內容,並進行編碼、歸納及分析。 分析結果及建議如下: 一、休閒農場與校外教學之結合為未來發展的趨勢,不但受到臺北市政府建設局與台北市農會的重視,未來則希望能與臺北市教育局作更密切的配合。 二、校外教學之課程設計共分為目標訂定、課程選擇、課程組織、課程施行及課程評鑑五個階段,過程中以學校教師及農場業主的互動較為頻繁,但是目前大多是採用單向的溝通方式,容易造成校外教學與學校課程的不銜接,於此兩者應建立起互惠互利夥伴關係,以促進教學品質與效能。 三、學校教師、農場業主及輔導單位的互動: (一) 學校教師與農場業主在資訊傳播及課程安排上仍需加強,才能增強教師進行休閒農場校外教學的意願 (二) 輔導單位間的分工應先釐清,臺北市政府建設局及農會給予農場業主在校外教學政策推行及實際執行的軟硬體協助,並邀請教育局的人員支援及協助,才能更有效的推廣 (三) 學校教師及農場業主對於教育局的加入都有強烈的期盼,而安全及合法化則是教育局推動校外教學的基礎 四、本研究提出臺北市國民小學於休閒農場進行校外教學的合作模式有以下兩個重點:1. 以教育局作為學校教師推展的窗口,而建設局及市農會則為農場業主在合法化、專業知能、經營管理及行銷等部份的諮詢窗口;2. 農場業主除接受輔導單位之輔導外,更應加強業界的資訊、行銷、活動及資源的整合及推展,之後業主可以再分別針對不同的學校或教師進行校外教學的課程設計,或是針對個別需求、區域合作,甚至是夥伴關係進行更近一步的合作。 關鍵字:休閒農場、校外教學、課程設計、合作模式


The Study of Curriculum Design and the Cooperative Model of Elementary Outdoor Education-A Case Study of Taipei Recreational Farms Liu Hung-Ling Abstract With implementation of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Program emphasizing regional education and field empiricism the recreational farms are viewed as a proper site for outdoor educational activities. The integration of Curriculum Programs and cooperation among institutions and organization are indispensable, if we aim at the betterment of the outdoor education. The study attempts to know the situations of students' outdoor educational progress and the curriculum design at recreational farms in Taipei city. The study generalized the interaction among teachers, farmers and government and the application of the Cooperative Model. The subjects of this study are sampled from three different constituents: the teachers participating in the outdoor educational programs, farm owners, and government counseling representatives. In-depth interviews are conducted in a semi-opened way and further analyzed. The major findings of this research are listed as following: 1. Taipei leisure agriculture farms tend to combine with recreational farms and outdoor educational programs. 2. There are five stages in the outdoor curriculum design process: curriculum goal marking, curriculum selection, course organization, curriculum implementation and curriculum evaluation. In the process, teachers and farmers have frequent interactions among themselves. In contrast to the above-outlined stages, the current approach is merely based on a "one-way communication", the overall curriculum seems interrupted and incoherent. Thus schools and farmers have to establish a partner relationship to improve teaching quality and efficacy. 3. The interaction among teachers, farmers and government: (1) In view of farm information circulation and curriculum planning, and the buildup of teachers’ will, the leisure farms should be reinforced. (2) The role of government counseling department should be clearly defined. The Department of Economic Development and Taipei Farmers’ association need to assist farmers in promoting outdoor education plans and actualizing the projects. (3) Teachers and farmers anticipate active participation of the Education Department of Taipei City in the safety and legality categories for promoting the outdoor education activities. 4. There are two main points in the cooperative outdoor educational model: (1) the Education Department is the teachers' window to the promotion of the recreational farms, while the Department of Economic Development and Taipei Farmers’ Association become the counseling window for farmers on the legal, professional, agricultural, management and marketing matters; (2) Besides the government’s counseling, the farmers need to be complementary and coadjutant in order to develop a more cooperative and efficient relationship. keywords:recreational farm、outdoor education、curriculum design、cooperative model




