  • 學位論文


The Effect of Parameters on the Quality of Laser Marking

指導教授 : 周明


本研究係利用CO2雷射雕刻機進行各種不同材質的雕刻,由於雷射雕刻的材質廣泛,經常在雕刻前必須先調整雕刻參數以獲得良好的雕刻品質,因此本研究針對各種材質進行測試,找出其較適雕刻參數的範圍,進行雕刻,再利用光學顯微鏡及微型視覺檢測系統做品質參數的分析,取得所有數據之後,再做一連串的分析及驗證工作。 實驗結果在0~25功率下雕刻時,當功率愈大雕刻速度愈慢,深度及寬度便隨著功率增加而增加,而在同功率同速度下之比較,PVC有最大之深度,其次為壓克力、ABS及電木。本研究以雷射雕刻周邊設備為主體,以電腦整合概念為主,將材料所需之雕刻參數建立於資料庫中,提供作為發展彈性製造系統的基礎資料。


This is a study of CO2 laser marking on various materials. Since the materials used in laser marking are extensive, typically it is necessary to adjust the marking parameters before marking for well quality. The different materials were tested to find out the proper range of marking parameters. After the marking was done, the optical microscope and the miniature vision examination system were used to analyze the quality. The data were collected for a series of analytical and identification study. This research concluded that under 0-25 power of marking, as power increased and marking speed decreased, the depth and the width increased. PVC has the greatest depth, following by PMMA, ABS, and PF. The experimental data of this study can be used as the database for development of CIM systems.


laser marking quality CO2 laser marking parameters


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