  • 學位論文


The Research on the Process of Taiwan’s Basketball Development and Social Change

指導教授 : 王宗吉


本研究主要是探討戰後臺灣籃球發展過程與社會變遷的互動,以社會歷史研究法和文獻分析法,研究臺灣業餘籃球(1945-1962年)、臺灣半職業籃球(1963-1992年)和臺灣職業籃球(中華職業籃球CBA)(1993-2005年)各時期籃球體制與臺灣籃球外部的社會體制、體育運動政策與策劃和臺灣籃球內部的籃球社會分析之互動,研究結果如下: 一、依運動的分類理論和臺灣社會變遷的階段,將臺灣籃球發展過程區分為臺灣業餘籃球(1945-1962年)、臺灣半職業籃球(1963-1992年)、臺灣職業籃球(中華職業籃球CBA) (1993-2005年)。 二、臺灣業餘籃球(1945-1962年)時期,國民政府播遷來臺,社會體制方面皆以反共大陸為最高指導原則,此時期以軍中籃球為主體。 三、臺灣半職業籃球(1963-1992年)時期,政治轉型、經濟起飛、教育普及,此時期籃球蓬勃發展。 四、臺灣職業籃球(中華職業籃球CBA) (1993-2005年)時期,政黨輪替、亞洲金融風暴,加上轉播權利金的問題,使得臺灣職業籃球(中華職業籃球CBA)封館。 五、本研究以運動社會學的角度,觀察、思考臺灣籃球發展過程和社會變遷的互動,研究結果可提供政府施政、中華民國籃球協會推展籃球運動及後續研究之參考;做為營造臺灣健全之籃球社會結構和創造臺灣優質籃球運動文化之用。 六、依本研究相關文獻資料和結論,建議政府興建比賽場館和博物館;中華民國籃球協會建立比賽制度、經營賽會、發揮組織功能、提昇技能水準;後續研究以文化、族群、地域和理論探究臺灣籃球。


This research discusses the interaction between the process of Taiwan Basketball Development and Social Change in Taiwan. By manipulating Historical Research Method and Citation Analysis, it looks into different phases of the basketball system, such as Taiwan Amateur Basketball (1945-1962), Taiwan Semi-Professional Basketball (1963-1992) and Taiwan Professional Basketball (also called CBA, Chinese Basketball Association, 1993-2005). This research also analyses the interaction between the peripheral part of Taiwan Basketball, the social system, the policy and planning of Physical Exercise and the inner part, the analysis of Taiwan Basketball Society. The results of this research are as following: 1.According to the Taxonomy Theory of Athletics and the stage of Social Change in Taiwan, the process of Taiwan Basketball Development can be categorized as Taiwan Amateur Basketball (1945-1962), Taiwan Semi-Professional Basketball (1963-1992) and Taiwan Professional Basketball (also called CBA, Chinese Basketball Association, 1993-2005). 2. During the period of Taiwan Amateur Basketball (1945-1962), the Kuo-Ming Government moved to Taiwan, dominating the social system with the supreme principle----to counterattack Mainland China. The main part of the basketball development was Army Basketball. 3.During the time of Taiwan Semi-Professional Basketball (1963-1992), the transformation of political situation, the leap of economy and the popularized education of citizens in Taiwan led to the prosperous development of basketball. 4.In the time of Taiwan Professional Basketball (also called CBA, Chinese Basketball Association, 1993-2005), the rotation of political parties, the Asia Economic Crisis and the problem of Broadcast Fee catalyzed the close of CBA. 5.With a view of Sociology of Sport, this research observes and thinks over the interaction between Taiwan Basketball Development and Social Change in Taiwan, and the results of it can be reference for the government to take in policy projecting, for the Chinese Basketball Association to boost and develop Basketball Sport ,and for those who want to do research afterwards. Moreover, this research can be a material to build up a healthy and sturdy social structure of basketball and to help create a quality culture of Basketball Sport in Taiwan. 6.From related archives and conclusions of this research, it suggests the government construct competition fields, gyms and museums, and the Chinese Basketball Association is supposed to erect the system of competitions, to organize the meetings of contests, to bring the association into function and to upgrade the level of skills. As to the research afterwards, Taiwan Basketball should be explored and studied in other areas such as different cultures, races, geographical districts and theories.


