  • 學位論文


The Practical Knowledge of a Health Educator in HIV/AIDS education

指導教授 : 吳就君教授


本研究的目的是探究我在從事愛滋教育工作經驗中,學習而來的衛生教育實踐知識,並描述實踐知識的發展歷程,及檢視我抱持的衛生教育知識視框及價值信念。 本研究採用的是行動研究的方法,以敘說的方式描寫、批判、反思、回觀我在這五年工作的行動歷程與經驗。從紀錄的事件內容或對我有重要意義的對話中,探尋當時我的情緒、想法及我的類似過去生活與學習經驗,或是我形成的價值觀,再後設、回觀事件的脈絡,並反映實務經驗的意義,最後歸納我學習到的實踐知識。 這五年走下來,從不同的教育宣導方式及與不同教育宣導目標對象的互動經驗,衝擊我對衛生教育原有的視框,解構再建構,型塑我許多的實踐知識與理念。我的行動歷程從我自認是專家卻尷尬不知道怎麼做(像是個尷尬的生手),到戰戰兢兢的尋找一種標準的、好的做法(像是個焦慮的新手),到變成學習者做做看錯了再說(像是個萌芽的黑手),到發展新的工作模式有信心的做(像是個新生的舵手),最後到不知為何而做(像是個衝突的射手)。 行動歷程中我看見:第一,衛生教育可再多增加社會學及人類學的眼光及人在情境中的觀點,並觸及對社會多元文化的瞭解。第二,與感染者的服務與互動經驗,讓我在專業位置上有了位移,放低自己成為教育者及助人者的位置,可以增強目標對象的權能。第三,我的衛生教育理念不再以規訓、倡導為首要目的,也不再著重教學活動必須有許多教學技巧,而是先與目標群體建立關係,瞭解他們的次文化,再一起和目標群體尋找接下來的方向及介入時機與策略。第四,教育的現場千變萬化,不能全然地仰賴事先預測及準備的標準化工具和教案,教學者應該可以隨時保持彈性及情境的敏感度,時時檢視自己的主體經驗及價值觀。第五,我和「被教育者」在教育歷程中彼此無時無刻教育著對方,看見彼此的主體性。第六,教學者的立場是在學習者需求之下,協助學習者接受與理解學習者想知道的,並作為資訊提供者。第七,衛生教育工作者應能不迷失在實證典範的洪流中,建立在地化、行動化的衛生教育模式。第八,教學者保持與其他教學工作者的交流與分享,可以隨時檢視自己的教學信念及分享彼此的教學經驗。第九,愛滋教育運用肢體潛能、經驗式的教學法,著重教學中的情境因素,可以更瞭解目標對象的價值觀。第十,愛滋教育應從如何與感染者建立和平共處的生活空間談起,並從生命意義著手。 我的行動經驗的處遇也反映出我在公務體系、衛生教育專業位置、愛滋領域次文化、衛生教育在衛生行政的處境。公務體系重視的是階級制度的權威,及權力結構內的人和。衛生教育在重行政輕實務、以大量快速及行銷策略為主的衛生行政體系中,逐漸轉變至夾縫中求生存的位置。愛滋次文化中,感染者與愛滋工作者,容易因情境因素,陷入兩難症狀或噤聲中。 最後我以「從公主脫掉高跟鞋開始」的故事作為本論文的結尾,用高跟鞋隱喻專業的位置及權力,用宮廷代表我所處的境遇文化,期待增加自發性想像的空間及未來的行動力。


The purposes of this study were: 1) to explore the practical knowledge of health education that I learnt from practical HIV/AIDS education experience; 2) to describe the developmental process of that practical knowledge; 3) to review the health education framework and value system what I hold. Action research and narrative method were used in this study. I depicted, criticized, and self-examined the practical working experience that I documented in event records, diaries, and other documents. I probed what I felt and thought when those things happened, and sought for any relevant prior learning and living experience. Finally, I adopted a meta-position to reflect the meaning of the situation, deconstructed and reframed the value system and then formed the practical knowledge. The action process that I experience in five-years HIV/AIDS education was as follows: 1) I was a professional health educators, but I was embarrassed to talk about ‘sex’; 2) the real education situation was not like my previous training, so I was anxious to find a new standard educational model; 3) I made relationships with target groups, and become a learner to understand their subcultures; 4) I had a new educational model and value system, I was a helper-professional; 5) I lost my position because of my working institute was de-activated. The practical knowledge what I learned was: 1) Health education is an action process and holistic model, not just focus on ‘the unique health behavior’ and/or cross evidence-based survey; 2) The ‘position shift of professional’ was contributive to re-understand what I am advocating and empowering the target group for whom I am working; 3) Health education is about working with target groups, to find the intervention time and strategies for their usual method to help them cultivate health behavior, rather than regulating, moralities and blaming victims, or just teaching-process or teaching activities; 4) any education program which includes body-experience and situational factors is a better way to understand and review the target groups’ value system; 5) There is no standard teaching model to fit anyone and any place, so the educator must be more sensitive to what happens between educator and learner, and focus on the subjective characteristics of each other. Conclusion: I described my experience into a metaphor story: ‘a princes with a high heel shoes’.




