  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張景媛


教師學習團體的運作,是啟動校內專業自生力量的重要途徑,然在教育現象場實踐的過程,團體的發展往往面臨相當多的困境與衝突,究竟在教師學習團體互動的層面發生了什麼?什麼樣的知識可以解釋這樣的現象?教師學習團體的回饋系統,需如何介入才能轉化這些困境和瓶頸? 所以,「教師學習團體發展與運作歷程的整合分析」,為本研究的首要目的;同時,建構教師學習團體回饋系統,為本研究第二個主要目的。本研究分兩個研究達成上述的研究目的。 在第一個研究,「教師學習團體發展與運作歷程的整合分析」當中,採紮根理論分析來自四個不同類型的團體資料,經由微觀分析、開放編碼與主軸編碼等歷程,整合出「教師學習團體發展與運作歷程」的迷你概念架構,此迷你概念架構提供教師學習團體三個面向的團體訊息,包括「團體討論內容�結構」的面向、「團體成員互動�行動」的面向,以及「教師學習團體隱喻�動力系統的面向」。 在第二個研究,「教師學習團體回饋系統之建構」當中,採用行動科學取向的介入方法,研究者介入團體中提供回饋,並經由實踐,發展出「教師學習團體回饋系統」。這個系統包括兩個面向的回饋,分別是「行動科學取向」的回饋以及「教師學習團體發展與運作知識」的回饋。「行動科學取向」的回饋,在協助團體成員有效縮短所知所行的落差;「教師學習團體發展與運作知識」的回饋則在協助團體成員提升知的品質、行的覺察以及觀察團體動力的視野,以提升行動者在團體中的行動品質。 關鍵字:教師學習團體、教師學習團體回饋系統、紮根理論、行動科學


Abstract It is an important way through developing teachers’ learning groups to improve and renew school revolution. However, on the way to develop of teachers’ learning groups often face obstacle and a lot of challenge. We are here concerned with the process of interaction and the knowledge of cause in teachers’ learning group. Indeed, we want to construct the feedback system to transfer the obstacle and challenge. The first purpose of this study is to analysis the development and operation of teachers’ learning group. The second purpose is to construct the feedback system. In this study, I would through two studies to finish the two purposes. In the fist study, the researcher analysis four teachers’ learning groups with the grounded theory, through microanalysis, open coding, axial coding to select the paradigm and central category, then to construct the mini-framework of teachers’ learning groups. In the mini-framework including three dimensions to explain the teachers’ learning group, they are “the content and structure of group discussion”, “the interaction and action of group members”, and “the metaphor and dynamic system of whole group”. In the second study, the researcher intervene the group to give feedback to improve members’ learning quality in group. Through practice to construct the feedback system of teachers’ learning group. The feedback system including two approaches in result, they are the action science approach feedback aimed at shorten member’s gap between “to know” and “to act”, and the knowledge approach feedback aimed at improving member’s knowledge, awareness and vision in group. Key words: Teacher’s learning group; The feedback system of teacher’s learning group; Grounded theory; Action science.


