  • 學位論文


Films Narratives on Consumer Society in China

指導教授 : 張素貞 張頤武


《中國大陸消費社會的影像敘事》論文摘要 第一章由消費、消費社會和敘事學的定義與進程入手,逐步為論文主題進行不同層次的解析,並以此進入中國大陸消費社會的核心,歷史地論述中國大陸改革開放與經濟發展的關鍵因素,復以百部以上的影視為文本,解釋選擇文本之因,最後導入第二至五章有關影像敘事的正文,而於第六章做出本論文之研究發現與心得。 第二章為影像敘事中的審醜 / 丑美學。本章以影像敘事中的空白與敘事的刻意混亂為研究主體,從中探討消費社會的影像語言意在言外的表現方式與深層意涵。其中觸及了對社會邊緣層面的關注以及對當下社會的迂迴反擊等,幾乎都是主流敘事方式(如:寫實主義)以外的途徑,也都是對社會或人性醜 / 丑態的揶揄或諷刺。 第三章將焦點集中在消費社會的商品元素在影像敘事中的角色扮演與功能屬性,其中包括了酒吧、音樂、照片、漫畫、手機、機場與網路等。這些消費社會的重要組成藉由影像為人們的生活重新複製了一個想像的烏托邦與心靈的棲息地,卻也同時為人們形塑了一個欲望的無底洞與記憶的沙漠海。 第四章著重分析影像敘事的幾個重大議題,而這些議題形成的原因有一個共同的指向:物質,或者可以將之窄化為對金錢的貪欲上。在物質凌駕人的道德底線後,許多諸如婚姻、愛情、家庭與犯罪等社會議題便相繼浮上檯面,並且相互影響、共謀,甚至組織成一張讓人無所遁形的網絡。進入全球化時代,中國大陸做為經濟開發程度領先其他第三世界國家,並且逐步成為與第一世界擷頏的新勢力,在面對全球化此一無可閃避的浪潮時,影視文化是如何再現中國圖像,抑或嫻熟地掌握資本主義的運作邏輯,並藉此將中國推向全世界,形成中國式的東方主義是論文第五章研究的重點。 在通過上述各面向的研究分析後,於第六章做出簡要的回顧與總結。


Films Narratives on Consumer Society in China Abstract In Chapter 1 of this dissertation, I explained the reasons of choosing this topic and ways of studying section by section. I discussed the crucial elements of economic revolution historically and watched over 100 films as well as dramas in great detail to lead this dissertation into the main parts from Chapter 2 to 5. In Chapter 6, the conclusion of this dissertation, I combined all what I’ve learned to sum up and hoped to have some insights to be merited. Blankness and purposeful narrative chaos were studying subjects in Chapter 2. In postmodern society, some serious films expressed their film languages by another ways which were not the same as main stream films and I was interested in what they might to comprehend deeply. That was, what the films were ironical to governmental policies and considerate of the public on the edge of society in China. I focused on roles playing as well as functions of commodity elements such as bars (for alcoholic drinks), music, comics, cell phones, airports and Internet in the films in consumer society. All of these important roles organized a consumer society system to make a imaginary utopian or a spiritual habitat but at the same time they were also molded into an unlimited desire hole for people. With capital accumulation, many social problems happened and most of them attacked people a lot especial in marriage, romance, family, crime and greed for money. In Chapter4, such above were main points to discuss. In Chapter 5, I emphasized on the phenomena of globalization and discussed how did Chinese films face such kind of violence or force to increase them instead within this unlimited net. Chapter 6 is the conclusion of this dissertation.


