  • 學位論文


The Study on the Policy Implementation for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Taiwan, Republic of China─Case Analysis of the Integrated Enforcement Task Force

指導教授 : 紀俊臣


校所名稱:國立台灣師範大學政治學研究所 論文題目:我國智慧財產權保護政策執行之研究─以專責警察大隊為例 畢業時間:2005年(九十三學年度第二學期碩士學位論文摘要) 研究生姓名:廖高江 指導教授:紀俊臣博士 論文摘要: 21世紀是個知識型的世紀,是以知識及智慧取勝的年代,無形資產的重要性,已超過有形的資產,過去由一個國家的勞工、土地、資源之多寡,來決定國家富強與否的時代即將過去,智慧財產權的多寡才是決定一個國家競爭力強弱的重要指標。 2002年1月1日,臺灣正式為世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization以下簡稱WTO)會員國,為履行會員義務並遵守WTO「與貿易有關之智慧財產權協定(Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights,以下簡稱 TRIPs)」及因應「知識經濟」時代的挑戰,必須積極努力智慧財產權各項保護工作,以鼓勵創新研發並促進國內產業升級。 保護智慧財產權工作係一項長期任務,面對科技的發達與複製設備的普及,本論文將以智慧財產權政策執行相關理論及經濟犯罪學原理為基礎,針對日益猖獗的侵害智慧財產權案件,就有關其成因、態樣、犯罪趨勢等進行研析,並檢視查緝實務現況;同時對保護智慧財產權警察大隊組織架構、運作機制、配合政策執行查緝之成效進行探討,希冀探索實證執行之問題所在,研提客觀結論及可行建議,以供我國保護智慧財產權政策制定及執行單位實務上之策略參考。


National Taiwan Normal University Graduate Institute of Political Science Title of Thesis: The Study on the Policy Implementation for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Taiwan, Republic of China─Case Analysis of the Integrated Enforcement Task Force Student:Liao,Kao-jiang Advisor:Dr.&Prof. Chi, Chun-chen Abstract: 21century is a knowledge-oriented century, and an era winning victory by knowledge and wisdom. The shapeless property has surpassed the shaped property in importance. In the past, the national strength is closely concerned with its labors, land and resources, but now, the Intellectual Property Rights( under for short IPR) is, in stead, a mainly key point in influencing a country’s competition ability. On January 1st, 2002, Taiwan became a member of the World Trade Organization formally. In order to carry out a member’s obligation, obey the “Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights” ( under for short TRIPs), and face the challenge of the “knowledge- oriented economy” age, Taiwan should reinforce efforts in IPR protection works, and encourage creation, as well as upgrade its industries. The protection of IPR is a long-term task, On facing the advance in technology, and the availability of copy equipments, this essay analyzes the factors, modus operandi and trends of the deteriorating IPR infringement cases, and research the organization, operation of IPR police force, and their anti-pirate achievement in coordinating with policy, based on related theories in IPR policy execution and principles in economy-criminology. We hope we could find the problems in factual conditions, and offer objective conclusion as well as feasible suggestions to those who make and execute IPR’s protection policy for reference.


12、Ornstein Norman and Elder Shirley, 1978,Interest Groups, Lobbing and Policymaking ,Washington , D.C. Congressional Quarterly press,pp.80-90.


