  • 學位論文

國民中學「健康與體育學習領域」課程與教學實施現況之研究∼ 以宜花東三縣市為例

A Study of Current Learning Area on Health and Physical Education at the junior high School in counties, I-Lan, Hualien and Taitung

指導教授 : 林靜萍


國民中學「健康與體育學習領域」課程與教學實施現況 之研究∼以宜花東三縣市為例 摘 要 本研究旨在瞭解國民中學「健康與體育學習領域」課程與教學實施現況,內容包括:課程發展、創新教學、課程統整及多元評量等四層面問題。研究對象為宜花東三縣市九十三學年度擔任健康與體育學習領域之教師,以自編之問卷為研究工具進行普測及四個層面的訪談。所得資料以百分比、平均數及標準差來描述樣本基本資料及實施現況,並以獨立樣本t考驗、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析比較不同背景變項在課程與教學實施現況之差異情形。獲得結論如下: 一、宜花東三縣市國民中學健康與體育領域課程與教學實施現況,整體實施情形屬中上程度(M=2.74)。在實施現況的四個層面中,唯有「課程統整」層面未達2.5分,顯示出教師各層面執行情形並不平均。 二、不同背景變項部分 (一)性別影響實施情形,在「課程發展」、「創新教學」、「課程 統整」及「整體實施」等四個層面上,男性教師高於女性教 師。 (二)研習時數影響實施情形,在「課程發展」、「課程統整」、 「多元評量」及「整體實施」等四個層面上,研習時數多者優 於從未參加研習的教師。 (三)學校規模影響實施情形,在「課程發展」、「多元評量」、 「整體實施」等三個層面上有所不同。12班(含)以下之小型 學校在課程發展方面較為不利。 (四)「專長」、「年齡」、「職務」、「年資」、「教學方式」等 背景不影響實施現況。 三、健康與體育領域教師遭遇到的問題包括:課程研究小組運作未真 正落實,影響執行狀況。師資不全與專業能力不足,影響教學品 質;學校場地設備資源不足,使得教學成效大打折扣。因此,唯 有教師對改革認同與投入時間心力,不斷的自我充實與實踐,才 能解決問題。


A Study of Current Learning Area on Health and Physical Education at the junior high School in counties, I-Lan, Hualien and Taitung Abstract The research is aimed to learn the area of health and physical education operated at junior high school in counties, I-Lan, Hualien and Taitung, on the factors of Curriculum development, creative teaching, curriculum integration, multiple assessments. The teachers in the area of health and physical education in school year 2004 are the subjects to be survey in general questionnaire and personal interview. The information gathered regarding the findings and analysis of basic data and execution status at school have been arranged and described by percentage, average point and difference from standard. Furthermore, using the independent sample t-test and independent one-way ANOVA is my ways to a Compare the differences of the variables of different background to the teaching curriculum way. The findings are listed as follows: 1. The total average score in junior high school in the followingthree counties, I-Lan, Hualien and Taitung about curriculum and teaching is 2.74. The result achieves above middle degree. However, among the current 4 levels, curriculum integrations the only one which is below 2.5. It shows that it’s uneven that teachers to work out in different levels. 2. Different background (1)It shows that in the influence of gender aspect the male teachers are higher female teachers, in the four levels curriculum development, creative teaching, curriculum integration, overall assessment. (2)The teachers who have more studying hours have higher grades than those who have no studying hours in the four levers, curriculum development, curriculum integration, multiple assessment, and overall assessment. (3)The teachers in different sizes of result in obvious differences in the three levels, curriculum development, multiple assessments, overall assessment. Small-sized school under twelve classes, are differences in the curriculum development. (4)There are five aspects talent, age, position, teaching years, and teaching methods that have no obvious influence in the teaching. 3. The Teacher in the area of health and physical education have faced several problems. First, the group of curriculum studies has no practical influence. Second, different teachers and professional knowledge make teaching boring. Third, Students don’t have enough play ground and facilities. We hope that teachers should spend enough time and studies to improve themselves. Then we can have better teaching effects.


