  • 學位論文


The Preliminary Study of Taiwan Peasants-Movement(1895-2005)

指導教授 : 陳延輝教授


論文摘要: 本研究是以農民運動為主要之研究內涵,探討台灣農民運動之演進脈絡,了解1895-2005年間,各階段農民運動發生的原因,並分析其影響,期能掌握農民運動之發展趨勢,提供規劃農業政策之參考。主要研究目的有五: 一、了解台灣農民運動的演變過程; 二、探討日治時期至2005年農民運動發生的原因; 三、分析台灣各階段農民運動之發展與影響; 四、評析台灣農民運動實際運作面; 五、前瞻台灣農民運動的發展趨勢。 研究使用之方法主要係採用歷史研究法、內容分析法、訪談法和文獻分析法。蒐集自日治時代起,迄2005年台灣農民運動既有的資料,分析從日治時期以來,各階段農民運動的時代背景和演進、農民運動的本質,以及農民運動的發展等,包含有書籍、期刊、立法院公報及學位論文,並訪談該時期農運的代表性人物,以輔助文獻之不足,並進一步詮釋和分析,深入了解農民運動的演進與發展。 研究所獲致之發現臚列於下,並提出建議,供主政者參考。 一、農民運動係社會運動的一種,從日治台灣、國民黨政府到民進黨政府之演進歷程,反應當時代的政治、經濟與社會背景。 二、日治時期的台灣農民運動具殖民色彩。 三、國民黨執政時期的台灣農民運動受政治力干預與知識份子操弄。 四、民進黨執政時期的台灣農民運動深繫於政治力的趨向,扮演在野的角色批判執政黨,亦與執政黨互補抵禦外侮。 五、近代各階段農民運動特性與發展趨勢 (一)農民運動的訴求,基本上來自於經濟層面,為爭取農民權益而發起。 (二)農民運動之發起與結束,通常都有農業知識份子、民意代表、農會組織幹部及政治人物從中策劃與支持。 (三)台灣農民運動的形成,剛開始由地方性的抗爭,逐漸發展到區域性,若未能有效解決,才會促成全國性的抗爭活動。 (四)農民運動的模式取決於問題爆發之後,延伸為政治問題,再擴大為情緒性的訴求,將不滿、挫折的感受,導向希望與理想的目標,進而採取和平理性之遊行或示威抗議,以達成訴求。 (五)農業政策影響社會安定,未來應周延的規劃:從計畫性的生產、農民的公平利益、土地的有效運用、環保措施的兼顧,以及外銷農產品的配套等都必須同步思維,應特別考量變遷性和制度化。


The main purposes of this research are to discuss the movement of the Taiwan peasants and to know the causes and the consequences of different stages of Taiwan peasant movement. Therefore, one could understand the trend of the peasant’s movement and provide valuable suggestions for the agriculture planning policies. The five main research purposes are: A.To understand the development of the peasant movement B.To discuss the causes of the peasant movement from the Japanese colonial era to year 2005 C.To analyze the development and the effects of different stages of the Taiwan peasant movement D.To evaluate the practices of the Taiwan peasant movement E.To predict the trend of the Taiwan peasant movement The research methods are mainly based on historical research, content analysis, interview and document analysis. All the documents are collected from the Japanese colonial era to year 2005. Documents, regarding the background of different stages of the Taiwan peasant movement, the nature and the development of the peasant movement, are from publications, periodicals, the Legislation Department bulletin and theses. In addition, the interviews of the some important people from the peasant movement not only make up the inadequate information but also provide more information to further understand the development of the peasant movement. The findings and suggestions from this research are as follows: A.The peasant movement is one form of the social revolution. It reflects the political, economic and social backgrounds under the Japanese colonial era, the Kuomingtang government and Democratic Progress Party government. B.There is the colonial effect on the peasant movement under Japanese colonial era. C.There is political involvement and intellectuals’ manipulation on the peasant movement under Kuomingtang government era. D.The peasant movement under DPP’s government attaches the political power, plays the opposition role to judge the ruling party and parts with ruling party to resist outside aggression. E.The recent characteristics and trends of the different peasant movements are: i.The peasant movement is mainly from economic concern with an aim to fight for the farmer’s benefits. ii.The origin and the end of the peasant movement are usually planned and backed by agricultural intellectuals, public opinion representatives, the cadre members from the agricultural organizations and politicians. iii.The Taiwan peasant movement starts from local to regional protests. The national protests only occur when the local and regional protests could not bring positive results. iv.The evolvement of the peasant movement starts from the issue explosion, political issues, emotional appeals to turn the frustration, dissatisfaction to a hope and ideal objective, to a peaceful march or protest. v.The agricultural policy will affect social stabilization. Therefore, it should be planned rigorously including planned land production, a fair farmer’s benefit plan, effective land utilization, consideration of the environmental safety policy and the back-up plan for the exporting farmer products. One should especially take the transforming and systematic factors into accounts.


