  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 郭靜姿


摘 要 本研究旨在探討影響其他特殊才能優異高職學生的創意發展因素及其專長技能發展歷程與創作高峰經驗。研究者以38位在高職階段參加全國技能競賽的「美容」、「美髮」、「廣告設計」、「網頁設計」、「服裝設計」、「烹飪」及「石刻」七類職種,獲得前三等獎項之其他特殊才能優異學生及60位一般高職學生為研究對象,比較兩組學生在「創意發展因素量表」上得分之差異;並選取七位不同職種的其他特殊才能優異學生進行深度訪談,以瞭解專長技能發展的歷程及創作高峰經驗。 本研究問卷施測所得結果以描述性統計及卡方(χ²)考驗、單因子變異數分析進行統計,訪談所得結果則以質化方式加以整理歸納。本研究結果如下: 一、 其他特殊才能優異學生的現況 (一)目前就學的占68.4﹪,就業的佔26.3﹪。 (二)樣本中有半數以上沒有繼續參加相關的競賽;半數以上在一年內有創作作品。 二、 其他特殊才能優異學生與一般高職學生在「創意發展因素量表」上之作答情形與得分差異比較 (一)在個人特質方面,兩組學生在下列題項得分之差異達到顯著水準:1.以「我對於目前所從事的工作,具有豐富的專業知識」(χ²=20.36,p<.001),2.「我通常能計劃及掌控我的工作歷程,並做適當的調整」(χ²=9.55,p<.01),3.「我是個多才多藝的人」(χ²=7.90,p<.01)。 (二)在家庭方面,兩組學生在下列題項得分之差異達到顯著水準:1.以「我在一個自由開放的家庭氣氛中成長」(χ²=17.04,p<.001),2.「在我成長的過程中,通常父母會支持我做的決定」(χ²=13.81,p<.001)。 (三)在學校方面,兩組學生在下列題項得分之差異達到顯著水準:1.以「在我求學過程中,通常老師能接納及支持我的想法」(χ²=21.25,p<.001),2.「學校在正式課程以外,常常舉辦一些活動或比賽,讓我有機會發展創意」(χ²=16.56,p<.001),3.「在我的求學過程中,曾經有個(某些)老師的引導或啟發對我創意的發展有很大影響」(χ²=12.82,p<.001)。 (四)在「樂在工作」(F=4.69,p<.05)、「掌握重點、解決問題」(F=7.30,p<.01)、「隨興想像」(F=5.97,p<.05)、「開放氣氛」(F=18.26,p<.001)、「學校」方面(F=29.93,p<.001)兩組學生得分差異達到顯著水準。 三、其他特殊才能優異學生的專長技能發展歷程及創意高峰經驗方面 (一)在專長的發展上,七位個案皆受到家庭與學校的支持。 (二)創意靈感的來源多出自於自己動腦去想,再加上多看、多學、多試得來。以學習的心態多去吸收、瞭解別人的優缺點,再加上自己動腦、動手,就有豐富的靈感。 (三)在七位個案中,每個人都有經歷過低潮時期,低潮大多發生在學習上遇到了挫折困難,走出低潮的方法是自己心態與作法的調整,和其他人的激勵,再加上自身的努力與毅力。 (四)高峰經驗的發生多源自於對於創作事物的熱愛,清楚而熱切的目標,挑戰和自身的能力有所平衡,再加上心無旁騖下而產生了高峰經驗。 關鍵詞:其他特殊才能優異學生、創意


The Factors Influenced the Development of Creativity and the Experiences of Flow of Vocational Senior High School Students Abstract The main purposes of this research were to explore the factors influenced the development of creativity, process of specialty development, and the experiences of flow of vocational senior high school students. 38 talented students who had won first 3 awards in vocational competition within 7 fields, inclusive of fields of Beauty Treatment, Hairdo, Ad Designing, Web Design, Fashion design, Cuisine and Stone Engraving were surveyed. To compare their scores on “Scale on Factors of Creativity Development” with 60 ordinary students, Data was gathered and analyzed by descriptive statistics, chi-square test and One-way ANOVA. Afterwards, 7 students talented in different area were given in-depth interviews in order to understand their development of talent and flow experience of creativity. The qualitative data were recorded and transcribed in detail. The main findings of this research were as follows: A. Current situation of 38 talented students surveyed: 1. 68.4% were study further, and 26.3% were employments. 2. Over 50% of samples were not willing to attend similar competition afterwards; over 50% of them had new work within 1 year. B. Replies listed below showed significant difference in scores of “Scale on Factors of Creativity Development” between talented students and ordinary students: a. In “personal character” field: 1. I have rich knowledge in the field I’m currently occupied (χ²=20.36,p<.001). 2. Normally, I can plan and control my working process with proper adjustment (χ²=9.55,p<.01). 3. I’m gifted in many ways (χ²=7.90,p<.01). b. In “family” field: 1. I’m grown up in a family cultured in freedom of speech (χ²=17.04,p<.001). 2. My parents were supportive to the decisions I made (χ²=13.08,p<.001). c. In “school” field: 1. During the process of my study, my teachers were supportive to the ideas I made (χ²=21.25,p<.001). 2. Except giving the regular lessons, activities and competitions, there were more opportunities provided by schools in order to develop my creativities (χ²=16.56,p<.001). 3. During the process of my study, guidance and enlightenment from certain (some) teachers had influenced me significantly on development of creativity (χ²=12.82,p<.001). d. In some subscales, there were significant difference between these two groups of students; they were “Taking pleasure in work” (F=2.85,p<.05), “Getting the point and solving the problem” (F=7.31,p<.01), “random imagination” (F=5.97,p<.05), “Open environment” (F=18.27,p<.001) and “School” (F=29.94,p<.001). C. The process of talent development and flow experience of creativity were summarized following: a. In the process of talent development, all of these 7 interviewees admitted that they were given strongly supports from their family and schools. b. Inspiration mostly originated from these students’ ideas, added with their learning and testing. Besides, learning the lessons through others’ experiences was another way to get inspiration. c. All of the 7 interviewees had experiences in falling into despondency because of difficulty in learning they encountered. d. Flow experience came from having enthusiasm on creation, being earnest to a clear goal, and having a balance on challenge and capability.




胡宗光 (民91):國小原住民學生創造力特質及影響其創造力發展環境因素之研究─以阿美族為例。國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育研究所碩士論文。


