  • 學位論文


A Study on the Factors of Influencing the Students of Automobile Department in Senior Vocational High Schools in Northern Taiwan to Select Their Major Studies in College

指導教授 : 許良明


在跨入二十一世紀後,已進入高科技的現代化時代,台灣的產業也由傳統的勞力密集產業邁入技術及自動化階段;由於社會結構型態的改變,以及經濟發展帶來國民所得增加,一般家長不需要讓子女太早進入就業市場,而使高中職畢業生的升學意願高漲。為了因應此一趨勢的變化,技職教育也應具備靈活而有彈性的應變能力,適時調整授課內涵及招生方式,以適合學生的需求,否則將易造成教育投資的浪費。本研究旨在探究台灣北部地區高中職汽車科學生升學選系的情形及影響因素,研究係以問卷調查方式進行,對象為九十二學年度台灣北部地區高中職汽車科應屆畢業生,抽取公立學校及私立學校各8所,共計16所學校30班,學生人數共1134人。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、學生剛進入高職時有三分之一的學生本來不想選讀高職,也不想選讀汽車科。 二、學生完成汽車科學業後,有八成以上的學生會參加四技二專統一入學測驗,祈求更高的學歷。而其中有三分之一的學生並未選擇汽車類,學生未選擇汽車類的主要原因是汽車類錄取率太低。 三、學生在升學類別選擇上有將近九成的學生是自己決定。 四、選擇「自己決定」的選項與公私立別有顯著差異,表示公立學校的學生之信心度較高,較能確定自己的規劃與選擇。 五、選擇「父母建議」的選項與家庭所在地、學校所在地等有顯著差異,表示地區性不同,家長對子女的關注也不同。 六、學校對有關升學及就業輔導等相關資訊能充分提供。 本研究提出下列建議,以供教育機關、學校行政單位及教師等參考。 一、對教育行政單位的建議 1.鼓勵增設車輛工程系或增加車輛工程系的招生名額。 2.修改四技二專的招生簡章,讓汽車科與機械科能混合選系。 二、對學校行政單位的建議 1.讓學生提早作生涯規劃,積極給予適性輔導。 2.多利用學校網站、集會時間或上課時間宣導有關升學及就業資訊。 三、對汽車科老師的建議 1.汽車專業課程應作周全規劃,讓學生產生興趣。 2.多舉辦校外職場參觀,讓學生瞭解汽車的就業環境。


Up to twenty-first century, we have reached the age of high technology. The industry in Taiwan have transformed from traditional labor-concentrated industry into high technology and automation stage. The change of social structure and economical development bring about the increase of national income, generally, The parents do not let their children enter employment market too early, so the motivation of entering a higher school of senior vocational school graduates is rising. To deal with such trend, Technological and Vocational Education should have flexible and adaptable abilities to adjust teaching programs and recruiting way, suited for the need of students, otherwise it will be the waste of educational investment. This research aims to explore the background of Automobile Department students in selecting department for a higher school in northern area of Taiwan and its variables by using the survey research. The target is senior vocational high school Automobile graduating students in 2004-school semester from 8 public schools and 8 private schools, 30 classes from 16 schools; the total number of students is 1134. The major results came out as follows: 1. One third of students who just entered the vocational high school did not intend to select vocational school and the Automobile Department, as their first choice. 2. After finishing their study program, about eighty percent of the students of Automobile Department will take the joint entrance examination for four-year or two-year college to get the higher level diploma. However, one third of students do not select Automobile Department. The main reason is that the rate of enrollment of Automobile Department is much lower. 3. In selecting a further study, about ninety percent of the students make their own decision independently. 4. There is an obvious difference in self-decision item between public and private school students, which reveals public school students' confidence is even higher. Besides, they can surely make their plan and choice. 5. There are obvious differences among parental suggestions and house location or school location and so on, which show that parental concern about their children differs from different area. 6. School can provide related information regarding to enter a higher school and employment guidance fully. I would like to offer the following suggestions for educational organization, school administration unit and teachers. 1. Suggestions for educational administrative organizations: (1) Encourage to set up more Vehicle Engineering courses or increase the number of enrollment. (2) Revise the enrollment regulation of four-year and two-year college and let students of Automobile and Mechanical Department be able to select curriculum mutually. 2. Suggestions for school administrative unit: (1) Let students make career-planning in advance, give them flexible guidance positively. (2) Make the full use of school network, school assembly or class-attending time to provide the information about enter a higher school and employ environment. 3. Suggestions for Automobile teachers: (1) Design the plan of Automobile Professional Curriculum to arouse the interest of students. (2) Hold several tours to employment market outside the school and let students understand the automobile employ environment.






