  • 學位論文


A Study on the Need of Further Development for the Current Graduates of the Aquaculture Department in Senior Vocational High School in Taiwan

指導教授 : 饒達欽


本研究係以高職水產養殖科或學程應屆畢業學生為對象探討本科學生之進路需求,以協助本科學生之升學或就業輔導,並提供高職學生進路輔導之參考。 以「高職水產養殖科學生進路需求問卷」為研究工具,對全國九十三年(92學年度)該科應屆畢業生進行全員普測。針對學生之性別、國中基本學力測驗成績、前兩學年在該班之平均成績、最喜歡之科目;以及學生父母親教育程度、父母親職業;影響學生進路抉擇影響力最大的人、就讀本科最主要原因等十個自變項,比較其之於升學進路需求之「升學準備」、「升學輔導」、「升學意願」三構面與就業進路需求之「就業準備」、「就業輔導」、「就業意願」三構面,總計六個依變項差異。運用獨立樣本t檢定(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA)等統計方法分析結果為: 有40%的水產養殖科學生最喜歡的科目是水產養殖專業科目 有40.7%的水產養殖科學生表示決定進路抉擇之最有影響力的人是「自己」 水產養殖科學生對於進路各構面之需求依序為: 「升學意願」(繼續升學、社會地位、薪資與升學)、「就業輔導」(實習、參訪、就業輔導活動)、「升學準備」(課程、教學、設備與升學)、「升學輔導」(升學資訊、升學宣導、課業輔導等)、「就業準備」(課程、教學、設備與就業)以及「就業意願」(行業認識、興趣與就業意願)。除就業意願構面之需求為「不確定」外,對其餘各構面均為「同意」之正向需求。 女生對升學準備與升學輔導之需求「高」於男生。 國中基本學力測驗成績對學生進路需求之影響非常顯著: 1.「150-199」,「100-149」 兩級成績組學生較「5. 99以下」級組之「升學準備」、「升學輔導」、「就業準備」 有較高之需求; 2.「 100-149」級成績組學生較「 99以下」 級組之「升學意願」 有較高之需求; 3.「150-199」級成績組學生較「99以下」級組從事水產養殖之「就業意願」 有較高之需求。 在校前兩學年平均成績,對進路需求有顯著影響:成績在前30 %組之學生,較在後30 %組之學生有較高之「升學準備」與「就業意願」之需求。 不同「最喜歡的科目」之學生,其進路需求之影響非常顯著: 1.「最喜歡水產養殖專業科目」與「最喜歡普通科目」之學生比「最喜歡其他科目」之學生,有較高之「升學準備」與「升學輔導」之需求。 2. 「最喜歡水產養殖專業科目」之學生,其從事水產養殖之「就業意願」需求最高。 因「興趣」而就讀水產養殖科之學生比「非因興趣」就讀者,有極顯著較高之「升學意願」、「就業輔導」、「升學準備」與從事水產養殖之「就業意願」。 主要結論與建議: 最適合就讀水產養殖科之學生應該是不論家長教育程度或職業為何,國 中基本學力測驗成績100分以上,對本科有興趣,或是就讀以後對本科專業科目或對其他普通科目有興趣之學生。 從事水產養殖之「就業意願」需求顯著較高的學生,通常是國中基本學力測驗成績較優異或是前兩學年在校成績在前30 %之學生。 為提升水產養殖科教學成效,充分協助學生進路輔導。根據本研究結果,建議在班級數維持不變之原則下,調降為每班20人。


This study explores the need for further development by graduates from aquaculture departments or programs in senior vocational high schools in Taiwan. By selecting current graduates from those programs as subjects, this study aims to improve the guidance service for students of those programs in pursuing further education or seeking employment. An additional goal of this study is to provide useful information for career planning guidance for senior vocational high school students in general. The Questionnaire on the Need for Further Development by Students of Aquaculture Department Students in Senior Vocational High Schools is used as the research tool in a general survey conducted with students nationwide in 2004 (school year 2003). Ten independent variables are used for the study: gender, scores in Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students, average scores of the student in the current class during the first two school years, the student’s favorite subject, the parents’ education background, parents’ occupation, the person who has the greatest influence on the student’s further development, and the main reason for enrolling in this department, etc. Comparison is made between those independent variables and six dependent variables for difference: the dependent variables “preparedness for further education,” “guidance for further education” and “willingness for further edu- cation” comprise the three aspects of the need for further education option, while the dependent variables “preparedness for employment”, “guidance for employment” and “willingness for employment” comprise the three aspects of the need for employment option. The statistical methods implemented herein- after include t-test, One-way ANOVA etc. The results based on above analyses are as the following: 40% of the students in aquaculture department express they “like specialized subjects in aquaculture the best”. The person who has the greatest influence on the student’s further development is “his own” or “her own” in 40.7% of the students in aqua- culture department Regarding the students’ need in the aspects of career options, only the need in the willingness for employment aspect is “uncertain”. The need in all other aspects is positive, or “agree.” The importance of need is “willingness for further education”, “guidance for employment”, “preparedness for further education”, “guidance for further education” and “willingness for employment”. Regarding the students’ need in the “willingness for further education” and the “guidance for further education” schoolgirls are higher than schoolboys. The scores in the Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students have very significant influence on the students’ need for career options: i. The groups of students whose scores fall into the levels of 150-199 points and 100-149 points have higher need in “preparedness for further education”, “guidance for further education” and “preparedness for employment” than those in the group whose scores are in the level of below 99 points; ii. The groups of students whose scores fall into the levels of 100-149 points have higher need in “willingness for further education”, than those in the group whose scores are in the level of below 99 points; iii. The groups of students whose scores fall into the levels of 150-199 points have higher need in “willingness for employment” on aquaculture, than those in the group whose scores are in the level of below 99 points. The students in the group of top 30 % academic achievement have higher demand for “preparedness for further education” and “willingness for employment” than those in the lowest 30 % group. The students’ choices of different “favorite subjects” have very significant influence on their need for career options: i. Students who indicate that they “like specialized subjects in aquaculture the best” and “like general subjects the best” have higher need for “prepared- ness for further education” than students who indicate that they “like other subjects the best.” ii. The students “like specialized subjects in aquaculture the best”, have the highest “willingness for employment” of aquaculture. The “willingness for further education”, “guidance for employment”, “preparedness for further education”, and “willingness for employment” in jobs related to their training indicated by students who enrolled into the department because of “interest” is significantly higher by an extreme extent compared to the students who enrolled into the programs for “reasons other than interest”. Main conclusions and suggestions are: 1. Regardless of their parents’ education background and occupations, the students best suited for studying in aquaculture programs should be those who have scored above 100 points in Basic Junior High School Academic Achievement Tests, are interested in this field of knowledge, or are interested in other general subjects after enrolling in those programs. 2. For the purposes of improving the education results of aquaculture programs and providing sufficient career guidance for students, the results of this study suggest that the number of students in each class be reduced to 20 on the condition that the total number of classes remains unchanged.


