  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 洪欽銘


本研究旨在探討目前台北縣市電機電子群教師,利用網路資源於教學之現況及其所產生的影響因素,並且歸納研究所得提出結論與建議,以作為教育主管機關及學校,提升台北縣市高中職電機電子群教師利用網路資源於教學中所需能力之參考, 透過網路的無遠弗屆,以及日新又新的資訊科技,身為現代教師的我們,已無法再依賴傳統的教學方式來滿足學子了,而是必需由單向的課堂上講解,轉化為多向的學習空間與時間來促進教學活動的延伸,要達此一目的,教師必需熟悉網路所能提供的各項教學資源與分享模式;本研究以三個教學層面(教學前的準備工作、教學中的實施工作、教學後的評量工作)設計利用網路資源之教學能力問卷,以探討現今台北縣市高中職電機電子群教師(以下簡稱為本群教師)對應用網路資源之教學能力是否不足。   本研究之目的如下: 一、瞭解本群教師應具備利用網路資源之教學能力。 二、瞭解本群教師目前已具備利用網路資源之教學能力。 三、分析本群教師應具備與已具備利用網路資源之教學能力的差距與問題。 四、探討本群教師,對利用網路資源教學之研習需求,以提供教育主管機關,規劃本群教師進修課程時的參考。


The aim of this research is to discuss teachers’ current use of Internet resources in teaching the electrical engineering and electronics in Taipei municipal and county areas, and the influential factors that this has produced. Also, I will draw conclusions and offer recommendations based on my research, which may be used for reference by leading educational mechanism and schools for the purpose of increasing the use of Internet resources when teaching electrics and electronics within the Taipei municipal and county areas. Due to the infinite boundaries of the Internet and the continuous renewal of information technology, modern teachers, such as ourselves, are unable to rely on traditional teaching techniques to satisfy the needs of our students. We must move away from the class technique of one-way explanations and towards multi directional teaching which promotes a range of teaching activities. In order to reach this goal, teachers must become more familiar with the multifarious teaching resources offered and teaching models shared provided by the Internet. This research applies the three stages of teaching (preparation prior to class, teaching while in class, and post class evaluation) to design a questionnaire based on the teaching capabilities of using Internet resources. Also, I discuss the current crop of vocational high school teachers of the electrical engineering and electronics (herein referred to as “this group of teachers”) and whether or not they have sufficient ability in applying Internet resources in their teaching. The aims of this research are as follows: (i).To understand the teaching capabilities which this group of teachers should possess in order to apply Internet resources (ii).To understand the teaching capabilities in applying Internet resources which this group of teachers currently possess (iii).To analyze any discrepancy and problems between the teaching capabilities this group of teachers do currently possess and that which they should possess in order to apply Internet resources in class (iv).To discuss the need for research and study in applying Internet resources in teaching, and to provide reference material for the use of educational mechanisms when planning additional advancement classes for this group of teachers. Key words: Vocational High School, Teachers of Electrical Engineering and Electronics in Vocational High Schools, Internet Resources, Teaching capabilities in the application of Internet resources.


