  • 學位論文


A Study on the Web Citation in Chinese Academic Journals on Social Sciences

指導教授 : 卜小蝶博士


隨著網路成為重要的資訊傳播管道,網路資源的引用已逐漸增長。透過分析學術論文的網路資源引用情形,可以瞭解學者應用網路資源的情形及其影響。本研究嘗試以臺灣社會科學引文索引(TSSCI)資料庫所收錄之29種學術期刊為對象,分析探討2004年1月至2005年12月兩年間,10種學門1201篇論文中參考文獻之網路資源引用情況。研究方法主要採用引用文獻分析法,並輔以訪談法,以瞭解國內社會科學學者引用網路資源現況。 研究結果發現:一、網路資源引用數量及成長情形:1. 統計結果,TSSCI之網路資源引用文獻僅佔2.43%,顯示網路資源尚未成為社會科學學者引用主要來源;2. 2005年較2004年大幅成長64.73%,顯示網路資源引用文獻呈快速成長。二、網路資源引用文獻特性:1. 語文與國別以英文與美國文獻為主;2. 年代分佈以近五年出版的網路資源為主;3. 作者以組織機構(57.87%)較個人作者(42.13%)被引比率高;4. 來源網域以機構組織(30.13%)與政府單位(25.47%)為主;5. 檔案格式與資訊類型以HTML格式(84.50%)和網頁類型(65.05%)為主。三、網路資源引用文獻主題分布,社會科學各學門自我學科之引用與科際整合顯著。四、網路資源引用文獻之可得率為51.82%,顯示近半網路引用文獻無法連結。五、社會科學學者對網路資源引用之看法:1. 受訪學者多肯定網路提供灰色文獻的價值;2. Google和Google Scholar成為學者查尋學術資訊的重要利器;3.網路資源內容獨特、別處無法取得等特性是觸發其引用的最大動機;4. 主題符合所需仍是影響是否引用的重要關鍵;5. 所引用資源是否正確會造成引用時的困擾;6. 肯定網路資源多項優勢,如可彌補正式組織的資源不足、縮短資訊蒐集時間、快速切入主題、與具啟發性等。六、學科特性與學科領域影響網路資源的引用,即便同一學科但研究主題不同也將造成不一樣的引用結果。 根據研究結果,提出以下建議供參考:一、網路資源內容提供者宜提供正確完整的書目資訊,而引用者也宜對網路資源的正確性加以查核;二、在訂定各項網路標準中,或許可將協助使用者判斷資訊之品質與相關性等訊息,適當與HTML或CFM等撰寫語法結合;三、各種型式的網路資源雖已納入不少引用文獻格式之著錄範疇,但更新與推廣可再加強;四、學術單位可思考建置維護較具權威性之主題式資源指引網站(Subject Gateway);五、典藏單位可積極建立網路資源永久保存機制;六、圖書館宜引薦及收錄具有學術價值之網路資源,並將館藏目錄與這些學術性網路資源作連結。


As internet has become an important communication medium, more and more authors use web citation. Through analyzing the content of web citation in academic journals, we can learn more about the impact of internet resources and how a scholar uses such resources. This study is to analyze the content of web citation in 1,201 articles of 29 academic journals listed in TSSCI database, which were all published in either 2004 or 2005, and which can be categorized into 10 fields. Citation analysis and interview are the methods the author conducted. The research findings are: 1. About the growth of web citation: i. The proportion of web citation in articles listed in TSSCI is only 2.43%, which implies that the internet has not become the main citation source for scholars in social sciences yet. ii. The proportion of web citation in 2005 outgrows that in 2004 for 64.73%, which indicates that the frequency of using web citation has been speedily enlarged. 2. About the characteristics of web citation: i. Most of the cited articles in web citation are written in English and are posted in American websites. ii. Most of the cited articles in web citation were posted during the past 5 years. iii. Works by institutional organizations (57.87%) are more often cited than works by individual author (42.13%). iv. Most of the source domains are from organizations and government institutions. v. The file formats and data types of web citation are most in HTML and webpage formats. 3. As for the subject dispersion, the phenomenon of self-discipline citation and technology integration is quite obvious.4.The re-accessible rate of web citation is 51.82%, which indicates that half of the sources in web citation can not be linked. 5. About the social sciences scholars’ opinions on web citation: i. Most of the interviewees agree that internet offers a gateway for them to find gray literature. ii. Google and Google Scholar have become the main medium for them to search out the academic information. iii. The exclusiveness is the main reason why they use internet resources. iv. Whether the internet resources are cited or not usually depends on whether their subjects meet the researchers’ needs or not. v. Not assuring themselves of the accuracy of cited information sometimes becomes a problem for the interviewees. vi. The interviewees agree that there are some advantages in internet resources, such as their easy availability…etc. 6. The characteristics of a discipline will influence its scholars’ usage of web citation, and two researchers’ web citation will be dissimilar if their research subjects are different even though they belong to the same discipline. According to the research findings, the researcher has offered some suggestion: 1. The suppliers of web information should offer detailed bibliographies and the citing authors should check its accuracy before they cite the information. 2. To combine HTML or CFM and the messages which can help users to judge the quality and relevance of the information should be considered when making the internet related standards. 3. Although different types of internet resources have been included in some citation formats, the format of web citation should be constantly updated and made known to more authors. 4. Academic institutions should build and maintain a more authoritative subject gateway. 5. Every preservation institution should build a system to record those related internet resources permanently. 6. Libraries should recommend and collect some academic internet resources and link them to their WEBPAC systems.


