  • 學位論文


The effects of Kumquat ingestion on blood lipids, antioxidant status and estrogen metabolites in young women

指導教授 : 吳文惠


宜蘭縣的特產水果金柑,其果皮富含多種類黃酮物質與d-limonene,金柑的特點是可以連皮一起攝取,本研究目的在探討每日食用金柑,對於婦女血脂、抗氧化能力、與雌激素代謝之影響。採交叉試驗,將23位受試者(19-27歲)隨機分為兩組,一組先食用金柑,每天30克(約12~14顆) 於餐後食用,持續一個月經週期,而在下一個月經週期食用習慣飲食,另一組次序則相反。所有受試者以月經來後第6-8天為開始日,分別於參與研究前及兩期終了時抽血與收集晨尿共三次,分析血脂、isoprostane、尿鈣、雌激素代謝與LDL氧化。研究期間受試者體重、體脂肪、BMI與熱量攝取皆保持不變,結果經重複量數共變數分析(ANCOVA)校正體重與前測數值,以攝取金柑後的數值與習慣飲食相比,發現血漿中LDL-C以及LDL-C/HDL-C在分別降低了7.69%(p<0.05)與8.29%(p<0.05),但血漿中總膽固醇、HDL-C與三酸甘油酯沒有顯著差異;血清總抗氧化狀態近於顯著增加5.66%(p=0.058),但LDL氧化遲滯期、TBARS產生量與尿液雌激素代謝物分佈的變化,則未有顯著差異。推論本研究結果年輕女性每日攝取30克金柑,在持續一個月經週期食用之下,可以降低血漿中LDL膽固醇,且也許有增加抗氧化能力之潛力。


Kumquat (Fortunella) is a special fruit consumed with peel which contains high concentrations of flavonoids and d-limonene. This study is aimed to examine the effect of Kumquat consumption on levels of blood lipids, LDL oxidation, serum isoprostane and urinary estrogen metabolites. Using a cross-over design, 23 young women (age of 18-27) were randomly divided into two groups. One group took 30 g of kumquat per day for 1 menstrual cycle and then followed by their habitual diet for another menstrual cycle. The other group completed the same treatment in reverse order. Each subject started at the 6th-8th day of menstrual period. Blood and first morning urine samples were collected at baseline, the ends of habitual diet and the kumquat intervention period. Results were analyzed by ANCOVA, controlled for baseline and weight. Body weight, percent of body fat, body mass index and energy intake did not change during this trial. The levels of plasma LDL-C and LDL-C/HDL-C decreased by 7.69% and 8.29%, respectively, after kumquat and were significantly different from those after habitual diet (p<0.05). The serum total antioxidant status after kumquat increased with borderline significance (p= 0.058) as compared with that after habitual diet. No significant difference was found in the levels of plasma cholesterol, HDL-C, serum isoprostane, estradiol, lag time of LDL oxidation, LDL-TBARS, and urinary estrogen metabolites. In conclusion, kumquat intake at a dose of 30 g per day for one menstruation cycle decreases plasma LDL-C, and might possibly increase antioxidant status in young women.


