  • 學位論文


A Study on the Selective Use of High School English Textbook Materials

指導教授 : 周 中 天


本論文研究動機是高中英文教師通常在教材中選擇若干課不做課堂講解,只要求學生自習,研究目的是想探討哪一類型的課次較容易略過不教以及其原因,主要作法是以問卷調查各高中英文科召集老師。 在主要實驗開始之前先做了兩次測試(pilot tests),第一次是以研究者之前的同學同事為對象,第二次則是從台灣公私立高中挑出20所寄給英文科召集老師,藉以修改問卷及預知回收率。在2006年五月,318份問卷分別既給318所台灣各地的高中英文科召集老師,回收113份問卷。主要是用質的方法來分析,回收的問卷根據公私立學校來看是否挑選課次及其主要原因,同時分年級來看挑選的版本,並將所有課次分類,比較不同類別平均略過不教的頻率(average frequency of skipping)是多少,之後將三個主要高中英文版本共18冊課本每一課依跳過不教的頻率(frequency of skipping)排列,並分析受測老師對每一課不教的評語,之後綜合看每一類別主要跳過不教的原因是什麼,並分析這些不教的課次是否列入段考。 研究結果發現將近60%的受測老師都有略過不教的情形,其中80%是公立高中的老師;另一方面,每課都仔細講解的老師占40%,其中有60%是發生在私立學校。在選擇版本方面,遠東版在高中三個年級的挑選次數均高過龍騰版和三民陳版,授試老師沒有選擇其他的版本。在跳過不教的類別方面,對話類是不教比率最高的,但這個類別只出現在遠東舊版裡,大部分授試老師都覺得對話類很簡單,或很無趣。從平均略過不教的頻率(average frequency of skipping)來看,詩歌類(poetry)及故事類(story)不教的比率高過其他類別,但分冊來看,一般說來只要沒有對話類(the topic of conversation skills)的課本,故事類是最多被挑出不教的類別,這些不教的故事通常都被認為太冗長,缺乏啟發性,容易理解,或其中有太多對話。相反的,英文老師最常在課堂講解的類別是實用類(the topic of practical skills/knowledge)的,因為所提供的資訊可以馬上應用在生活當中。大部分不教的類別都被認為是簡單適合學生自學,但這些不教的課次有60%還是列入學校段考,有些授試老師表示雖然課文跳過不教,但字彙片語句型還是列入段考。 本研究結果可以作為書商編選課本文章及英文老師在挑選課次教學時的參考,建議教育單位可以要求書商每冊少編幾課,或給予較為彈性的教學時數,且建議將來的研究可以加入對受測老師的訪談,可以更瞭解老師選課背後的原因,其次,可以將不教頻率較高的一些課次用電腦軟體作可讀性(readability)的分析,這樣可以用具體數據表示出該課的難易度。學校所在地區及學校的規模也可能影響老師的選擇,或學生對課文類別的喜好也可列入研究的項目。


High school English teachers in Taiwan tend to skip some textbook lessons in class under instructional time constraints and ask the students to study on their own. This thesis tries to investigate what topics/text types of lessons tend to be skipped by English teachers and the reasons behind the selection. The participants are the teachers in charge of the English subject from all the senior high schools in Taiwan. The questionnaire is the main instrument. Two pilot tests were done before the formal test was conducted. In May 2006, 318 copies of questionnaires were sent to 318 different high schools in Taiwan, and 113 copies were collected for data analysis. The qualitative method was employed to analyze the data. The received questionnaires and the general reasons to skip lessons or to teach every lesson were analyzed in terms of public and private schools. The researcher then classified the skipped lessons into several topics/text types. The average frequency of skipping of each topic/text type was compared. Then every lesson in every textbook volume was listed based on its frequency of skipping, and analyzed according to its topic/text type and teachers’ comments. The findings show that nearly 60 percent of the teacher participants skip lessons in class, and there are up to 80 percent of public school teachers doing this. On the other hand, the teacher participants who teach every lesson are fewer in number in this study, and over 60 percent of the private high school teachers do this in class. In the selection of textbooks, Far East series are used by more high school grades of students than Lungteng and San-min (Chen) series are. As for the skipping of topics/text types, the topic of conversation skills is skipped most frequently in the textbook volumes with this topic, and it is only found in Far East series. This topic is mostly considered easy for independent study, or not interesting to students. In general, story is the most frequently skipped topic/text type in the volumes without the topic of conversation skills. The stories which are frequently skipped by teachers are usually considered too long or not encouraging enough. The topic of practical skills/knowledge is most of the times English teachers’ last choice to skip because it provides useful tips for students to apply in their lives. Most of the topics/text types are skipped for their easiness for independent study, and 60 percent of the skipped lessons are still included in school exams. This thesis can offer useful information for textbook material writers, and the suggestion for further research on such projects is to analyze the readability of the skipped lessons with computer software, so that the difficulty level of the reading passages can be revealed with concrete numbers.


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