  • 學位論文


Investigation Study of Collaboration Relationship between Resource Room Teachers and Regular Class Teachers in Junior High School

指導教授 : 王振德


本研究旨在探討國中階段資源班教師與普通班教師對於雙方教師合作的態度與現況,以瞭解現階段資源班與普通班教師的合作關係及其差異情形,並針對教師的態度與合作現況,分析兩者間的關聯性,最後,從合作教師的觀點,分析可能影響合作關係的有利與不利因素。本研究之有效樣本共284名,所得資料以描述統計、t考驗、皮爾森積差相關、卡方考驗加以處理。 依據上述研究目的與方法,本研究獲得下列結果: 一、國中資源班與普通班教師對於雙方教師合作皆具備正向且積極的態度,而資源班教師的態度又顯著較普通班教師積極。 二、國中資源班與普通班教師的合作以轉介層面的合作情形最好,在教學與輔導上的合作情形較少,而資源班老師在轉介層面的合作顯著較普通班教師頻繁。雙方教師聯繫最常透過電話與會議,聯繫頻率以每二∼四天一次最多。 三、國中資源班與普通班教師的合作態度與合作現況有顯著正相關。 四、國中資源班與普通班教師認為教師之間能尊重彼此的專業、有融洽的溝通氣氛、對教育理念有共識、瞭解合作的目的及主動性高是造成合作關係良好的主要因素,而資源班教師在「對於教育理念有共識」的認同顯著高於普通班教師。 五、國中資源班與普通班教師認為教師之間缺少共同討論的時間、不清楚在合作中應扮演的角色及合作的目的、缺少相關專業人員協助、缺少行政支持是造成合作關係欠佳的主要因素,而資源班教師在「不清楚在合作中需扮演的角色」的認同顯著高於普通班教師,普通班教師在「缺少相關專業人員的協助」的認同顯著高於資源班教師。 最後,根據本研究結果提出建議,以提供資源班教師、普通班教師、行政相關單位,以及未來研究之參考。


This study aimed to investigate the attitudes and status quo of collaboration of the resource room teachers (RRTs) and the regular class teachers (RCTs) in junior high schools in order to make insights into the collaboration relationship between RRTs and RCTs and into the differences in each aspect of such relationship. The study was intended to probe into the statistical correlation between attitudes and status quo of collaboration and analyze the factors influencing the collaboration relationship. There were 284 returned valid questionnaires, the data from which were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, Person product-moment correlation, and chi-square test. The results indicated that: 1. Both RRTs and RCTs in junior high schools assume positive and initiative attitudes towards collaboration and RRTs’s attitudes are significantly positive than RCTs. 2. The frequency of collaboration between RRTs and RCTs’ in junior high scholls is highest in the aspect of referral and least in the aspects of teaching and counseling. RRTs make more frequent referral than RCTs. Both types of teachers keep in contact with each other most frequently via telephone and conference, and the contact occurs mostly in the frequency of 2~4 days a time. 3. The attitudes of collaboration between RRTs and RCTs and the status quo of that are significantly positively correlated. 4. Conducive to the cordial collaboration relationship are RRTs’ and RCTs’ mutual respects for each other’s professions, congenial atmosphere of communication, consensus on educational philosophy, understanding of goals of collaboration and, more initiative. RRTs manifest more recognition of “consensus on educational philosophy” than RCTs. 5. Adverse effects on collaboration relationship are lack of common time for discussion, obscure ideas of the necessary roles in and goal of collaboration, paucity of related professionals, deficient administrative supports. RRTs have more recognition of “obscure ideas of the necessary roles in and goal of collaboration” than RCTs; RCTs have more recognition of “paucity of related professions” than RRTs. Based on the results of the study, recommendations are made for Resource Room Teachers, Regular Class Teachers, and correlated administrations in Junior High Schools for further studies’ reference.




