  • 學位論文


Rubrics for recorder instruction in junior jigj school - A case study

指導教授 : 賴美鈴博士


中文摘要 本研究旨在探討評分規準於國中直笛教學之個案研究,目的為瞭解個案班級之評分規準,並透過評分規準之應用,瞭解個案班級學生直笛吹奏表現和直笛學習態度的情形。研究方法採探索性的個案研究,由研究者擬定之直笛教學設計,以台中縣某國中一年級學生,立意取樣七十三人為研究樣本,研究期限共十週,自九十五年四月十日至六月二十三日,研究工具包括研究者自編「中音直笛評分規準」、「直笛學習態度量表」及評量錄影帶,並蒐集教師日誌及學生回饋意見等資料。研究結果如下: 一、確定中音直笛評分規準之建構原則依序為:1、確認直笛教學目標;2、編擬評分規準之學習向度與表現層級;3、初步設計評分規準;4、進行直笛樂曲評量;5、修正評分規準;6、完成中音直笛演奏曲之評分規準。 二、學生之直笛吹奏表現均達評分規準「霍元丙」以上的等級,各項吹奏技巧之表現有差異性,基本姿勢方面,超過35%的學生為「霍元甲」等級;運指技巧方面,超過52%的學生為「霍元乙」等級;運氣技巧、運舌技巧和音樂表現方面,超過50%的學生為「霍元丙」等級。 三、學生對於使用評分規準的學習態度均為正向,在李克特五點量表中,學生直笛學習態度之平均值達3.9以上,至於學生對於評分規準的評量方式之看法、學生使用評分規準的評量方式之看法及評分規準對直笛技能之學習效果的影響,平均值均為4以上。 研究結果顯示評分規準可適用於國中直笛教學。最後,研究者建議音樂教師建構評分規準的過程可邀請同儕共同參與,並建議教育機構架設評分規準之網站,提供教師評量資源與分享。 關鍵字:評分規準、直笛教學、國中音樂教學、評量方法


Abstract The purpose of this study was to create rubrics for recorder instruction in junior high school, to assess students’ skill and to survey their learning attitudes. The explorative case study method was adopted. The sample of this study included seventy-three students from the junior high school in Taichung County. The researcher designed a series of recorder lesson plans to teach seventh grade students for ten weeks, from April 10 to June 23, 2006. Alto recorder rubrics, music learning attitude scales and videotapes were used as the research instruments. Besides, data were collected also from teacher journals and students’ feedback. The major findings of this study included: 1. Established the procedure of the recorder rubrics: (1) to develop the objectives of recorder instruction; (2) to define the criteria and the ratings; (3) to draft the rubrics; (4) to pretest recorder rubrics; (5) to adjust the rubrics; (6) to complete the alto recorder rubrics. 2. The average score of the students’ alto recorder was above the level of “Huo Yuan Bing”, and there were differences between the criteria, such as, more than 35% students reached “Huo Yuan Jia” level in holding recorder, more than 52% students reached “Huo Yuan Yi” level in fingering, more than 50% students reached “Huo Yuan Bing” level in breathing, tonguing and interpretation. 3. The students’ learning attitude was all positive. The average rating of students’ attitude of learning alto recorder was over 3.9 in Likert scales, the results of students’ perspective on this rubrics format、effectiveness of using this rubrics and helpfulness of learning alto recorder were all over 4. Therefore, rubrics was recommended for the junior high school music class. Recommendations of this study were that music teachers should encourage colleagues to create rubrics, and the administrator should build the website to provide teachers the resource of rubrics. Keyword: rubrics, recorder instruction, music instruction in junior high school, assessment approach.




尤秋雅(2009)。以打擊樂器加入直笛教學之行動研究 -以三重高中國中部為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北藝術大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0014-2307200915372600
