  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳政友


本研究之研究目的在瞭解女性教職員工接受子宮頸抹片檢查行為的現況以及探討其相關因素,以做為推展校園教職員工健康促進工作之參考。本研究以民國八十九年七月至九十年七月任職於國立臺灣師範大學的女性教職員工為母群體,採系統隨機抽樣法,於民國八十九年十一月進行施測,得有效樣本244人。資料以描述統計、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、多元邏輯迴歸等方法進行分析,重要結果歸納如下: 一、研究對象對於子宮頸抹片檢查相關知識的程度約屬中等程度;而子宮頸抹片檢查的訊息來源,主要來自電視、報紙、以及健康中心的通知單;如果由別人提醒她們去做子宮頸抹片檢查,主要是由同事、朋友、醫師等人提醒她們去做檢查;在婦科求診頻率與固定就醫場所方面,僅有六成的人有固定的婦產科醫師及去固定醫院診所看病;另外,增強因素中以親人的社會支持最重要,其次為朋友、醫護人員。 二、研究對象中認為自己需要做子宮頸抹片檢查的人佔84.0﹪;而實際接受子宮頸抹片檢查的經驗,有23.0﹪從未接受子宮頸抹片檢查,31.6﹪未定期接受子宮頸抹片檢查,45.5﹪定期接受子宮頸抹片檢查;多數的人以健康非常重要或學校健康中心通知的理由,而專程去做子宮頸抹片檢查。 三、與研究對象子宮頸抹片檢查行為有關的因素,屬於社會人口學變項有年齡、教育程度、以及婚姻狀況等;屬於素質因素有罹患性認知、嚴重性認知、障礙性認知、以及內控分數高低等;屬於促進因素有抹片檢查訊息來源多寡、提醒人士的人數、抹片檢查場所的方便性、檢查場距離不遙遠、婦科求診頻率與固定就醫場、以及親友的檢查經驗等;屬於增強因素有親人的社會支持等。 四、年齡、教育程度、罹患性認知、障礙性認知、親人的社會支持等,是預測研究對象子宮頸抹片檢查行為的重要變項,年齡越大、教育程度越高、罹患性認知越高,親人的支持越多、障礙性認知越少者,越會傾向於採取子宮頸抹片檢查行為;至於研究對象採取定期抹片檢查與否,主要的決定因素在於教育程度,教育程度越高者越會傾向於採取定期抹片檢查。 依據研究結果,本研究針對教育單位、行政單位提出若干建議,以作為日後子宮頸抹片檢查教學介入與未來類似研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to understand behavior of school employee’s on adaptation of cervical cancer screening and to explore some of the relevant factors on it. The result of this research served as a reference for the promotion of school employee’s health programs. This study was conducted during November 2000,and the subjects were sampled from the female employees of National Taiwan Normal University by using a system random sampling method.The effective samples were 244 people.The data were analyzed by frequence distribution chi-square test,one-way ANOVA ,Multiple logistic Regression Analysis.Important findings of this study were concluded as follows: 1. cervical cancer and cervical cancer screening knowledge average knowledge level. The accesses to cervical cancer screening information were mostly from television, newspaper and notice forms from health care centers. They were reminded by colleagues, friends and doctors. The fixed gynecologist obstetrican and fixed clinic orhospital who 60﹪of them had under regular gynecological observation and who had ever done screening before. In addition, enabling factors were mostly from the social support of family members and than the support from friends or medical workers. 2. On the present state of cervical cancer screening behavior, 84﹪of the subjects thought they need cervical cancer screening. 77﹪of them had done cervical cancer screening before and 23.0﹪of them had never. Non-routinely screening were 31.6﹪and routinely screening were 45.5﹪.Majority of people do cervical cancer screening intentionally on the ground of health is very important or being notified by the school health center. 3. socialemographic variable includes age,education,marriage. All of these factors reached statistical significance in this study. Predisposing factors includes cervical cancer screening knowledge, gynecological symptoms,perceived susceptibility,perceived severity,perceived benefits of action, perceived barriers of action, and internal health locus of control. All of these factors reached statistical significance in this study. Enabling factor includes the information resource of the cervical cancer screening , reminders ,Exam place convenient , Exam place not faraway,fixed gynecologist obstetrican, fixed clinic orhospital , friends ever have cervical cancer screening. All of these factors reached statistical significance in this study. Reinforcing factor includes the family member supported. All of these factors reached statistical significance in this study. 4. On the significant factors that affect the cervical cancer screening were age,education,perceived susceptibility, perceived barriers of action,the family member supported which all provide clues to the observation of cervical cancer screening behavior. People who had more age,more education, more perceived susceptibility,less perceived barriers of action,more the family member supported tend to adapt cervical cancer screening. Whether the research objects adopt cervical cancer screeing or not ,depending mainly on education,more education tend to have cervical cancer screening. To sum up, this study aims to provide suggestions for the educational and governmental institutes and the result would be a reference to the teaching and research agency in the future.




