  • 學位論文


Studies of Morphology and Taxonomy of Thraustochytrids from the North Coast of Taiwain

指導教授 : 簡秋源


破囊壺菌是非光合性的海產原生生物,屬於羽狀鞭毛菌群。它對於鈉有絕對的需求性,因此廣泛分佈於海洋、河口、內陸性鹽水湖泊及紅樹林等地域。菌體為單中心,外形和單中心體的壺菌相似,惟其游孢子具有雙鞭毛,或為不具鞭毛的不動孢子。在生活史方面,無性生殖包括孢子囊與外質網,大部分為在藻類及顯花植物殘屑上營腐生,另在無脊椎動物身上營寄生亦有數例,有性生殖至今尚未被發現。 從台灣北部沿海地區採得水樣及土樣,以台灣二葉松花粉作為餌物進行破囊壺菌的誘釣,並使用含抗生素的KMV培養基,以塗佈及劃線的方式分離與純化破囊壺菌。獲得純培養後,將破囊壺菌轉移至不含抗生素之KMV培養基上或以無菌水加入滅菌過的花粉誘釣,作為菌種的觀察及形態學上描述和鑑定之依據。 實驗結果共獲得三屬九種,包括破囊壺菌屬(Thraustochytrium)五種:即是動孢破囊壺菌(T. motivum Goldstein)、南極破囊壺菌(T. antarcticum Bahnweg and Sparrow)、增生破囊壺菌(T. proliferum Sparrow)、金尼破囊壺菌(T. kinnei Gaertner)和聚合破囊壺菌(T. aggregatum Ulken);吾肯氏壺菌屬(Ulkenia)二種:即是威瑟吾肯氏壺菌(U. visurgensis (Ulken) Gaertner)和星狀吾肯氏壺菌(U. radiata Gaertner)以及裂殖壺菌屬(Schizochytrium)二種:即是八孢裂殖壺菌(S. octosporum Kumer)和紅樹林裂殖壺菌(S. mangrovei Kumer)。其中,吾肯氏壺菌屬(Ulkenia)為台灣新紀錄屬;另新紀錄種有六種,分別為:南極破囊壺菌(T. antarctium)、金尼破囊壺菌(T. kinnei Gaertner)、威瑟吾肯氏壺菌(U. visurgensis)、星狀吾肯氏壺菌(U. radiata)、八孢裂殖壺菌(S. octosporum)和紅樹林裂殖壺菌(S. mangrovei)。


Abstract Thraustochytrids are non- photosynthetic marine protests, belonging to chromists. They display an obligate sodium requirement, so they are widely distributing in the ocean, estuary, inland salt lakes and the mangroves. The thalli of thraustrids are similar to the monocentric chytrids. Thraustochytrids have biflagellate zoospores and non-flagellate aplanospores. They are saprophytic on algae and phanerogamic detritus and parasitic on invertebrate. In the asexual reproduction, the thallus includes the sporangium and ectoplasmic net. So far, no sexual reproduction have been documented in any thraustochytrids. Thraustochytrids are isolated from the soil and water samples collected in the north coast of Taiwain by using pine pollen grains(Pinus taiwainensis). All isolates were successively transferred by streaking on the KMV agar medium containing antibiotics until the cultures were purified. Then transferred the thraustochytrids on the KMV agar medium and in pollen seawater. In such culture conditions, observation and discription of their morphological characteristics were made. Totally, three genera and nine species are successfully examined and identified namely : five species of Thraustochytrium : T. motivum 、T. antarcticum 、T. proliferum 、T. kinnei 、T. aggregatum;two species of Ulkenia : U. visurgensis 、 U. radiata ;two species of Schizochytrium :S. octosporum S. mangrovei. Among them, T. antarctium、T. kinnei 、U. visurgensis、U. radiata、S. octosporum、S. mangrove are described as new records to Taiwain.


thraustochyrids sagenogen Ulkenia Schizochytrium
