  • 學位論文


A Study of Program Planning for the Teacher-Chang College of Psychology

指導教授 : 郭麗玲


中文摘要 本研究旨在了解「張老師」心理學苑方案規劃過程的現況以及方案規劃相關人員對規劃過程的觀點,希望能提供「張老師」及國內其他輔導機構規劃推廣教育方案的參考。為了上述研究目的,乃著手探討相關文獻作為理論基礎;其次,以深度訪談,配合問卷調查與文宣內容分析,針對全省「張老師」心理學苑方案規劃者,進行實證研究。深度訪談樣本共有九名,問卷填答對象為全省心理學苑方案規劃者共二十名。問卷內容以描述性解釋分析來處理,並配合質性訪談內容使之更為完備。進而獲致以下結論: 一、 社會大眾對於心理學苑的定位不清楚 二、 心理學苑以內部講師為師資來源,課程形式多以小團體及工作坊為主,課程主題以自我成長及人際關係系列為主,對方案規劃者課程設計方面的困難是較缺乏穩定的師資來源。 三、 方案規劃者的人力及能力不足,總團部與各中心之間期待有落差 四、 沒有具體的行銷策略及專才,行銷仍以舊有工具為主 五、 主要以問卷及觀察為評鑑方式,缺乏方案整體及質性的評鑑 六、 心理學苑願景 願景是很美好的,因為心理學苑瞭解大眾內在需求,許多課程仍有發展的空間。若能打破非營利機構的刻板印象,做好對象的區隔,重新建立專業形象,則心理學苑是「張老師」轉型的契機。 以下根據本研究結果提出建議,以供「張老師」、輔導相關機構及後續研究者之參考。 一、對「張老師」的建議 1. 為心理學苑找出明確的定位 2.建立師資庫,培訓講師更了解成人學習者特質 3.方案規劃者應與講師及學員多互動,並建立學員資料庫 4.分工專業化,並晉用行銷專才 5.釐清總團部與各中心之間的權限,並做有效的溝通 6.活用方案行銷策略,全省各中心集體行銷 7.發展核心技術課程,形成專有的標記 8.建立完整方案規劃流程,期待員工能切實執行 9.多元評鑑方式,且對方案整體細項評鑑 二、輔導相關機構 1.找出機構特色產品,善用方案規劃流程 2.與企業合作,並量身打造符合組織目標的成人教育推廣課程 3.與其他相關機構多交流,並聯盟凝聚力量 三、後續研究者 1. 擴大研究對象及單位 2. 深入探討方案規劃者的方案規劃流程,建構我國輔導諮商機構規劃模式


A Study of Program Planning for the Teacher-Chang College of Psychology Ya-Yen Chang Abstract The purpose of this study was to understand the program planning practices of the College of Psychology and tried to plan an ideal program finally. The qualitative study approach and the questionnaire investigation were adopted to examine the Teacher-Chang College of Psychology program. The program planners were interviewed concerning their beliefs of the program goals, the curriculum design of the programs and their evaluation procedures. Through interviews and questionnaire investigations the findings are as follows: 1. People didn’t know the Teacher-Chang College of Psychology very well. 2. The recruiting of lecturers were mainly inner teachers. The groups and workshops were their main curriculum style. The curriculum contents were almost about self-growth and human relationship. The problem of curriculum design was that the Teacher-Chang College of Psychology didn’t have steady lecturer recruit. 3. The Teacher-Chang College of Psychology didn’t have enough program planners and program planners didn’t have enough ability. However there was a discrepancy between the head of Teacher-Chang and other centers. 4. There were not concrete marketing strategy and experts. Marketing strategy is to use old-fashioned media. 5. The main evaluation was quantitative and interview, while qualitative evaluation and whole program evaluation were being neglected. Key words: Program planning, Teacher-Chang, adult education, College of Psychology


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