  • 學位論文


A Study of the History and its Future of Compulsory Education Policy of Early Childhood Education in Taiwan

指導教授 : 周愚文 吳明清


本研究旨在探討臺灣地區幼兒教育的演進與現況,並分析未來幼教政策發展的可能方案。本研究目的主要有三: 一、 了解臺灣地區幼教的發展演變與現況; 二、 探討臺灣地區幼教未來發展的可能方向; 三、 提出具體建議。 本研究採文獻分析、國際比較及問卷調查等研究方法。首先探討近代幼教的發展以及臺灣地區幼教的演進與現況,歸結前述歷史經驗對幼教未來發展的啟示,從而探索臺灣地區幼教未來發展的可行方向。探索角度主要有三,首先,就世界各國幼教現況進行分析;其次,就義務化政策理論進行論述;最後,採問卷調查,以臺灣地區不同背景人員計2,246位為施測樣本,就臺灣地區幼教義務化政策制訂的內涵與未來走向廣泛蒐集意見。 依據前述研究結果,本研究分就近代西方幼教的主要思想與中國幼教的興起、臺灣地區幼教的演進及其啟示、世界各國幼教現況、義教政策制訂的理論與臺灣地區的義教經驗以及受訪人員對臺灣地區幼教義務化政策發展的看法等項目提出研究結論,最后,提出六項具體建議: 一、 幼教目標應以發展幼兒健全身心為主,不宜強調學術取向目標; 二、 五歲幼教應予普及,並兼重機會均等; 三、 幼教辦學主體仍應採公私立並存,惟應行省思政府的角色與職責; 四、 加強合格幼教師資培育,改善教師工作環境,以提昇師資的量質; 五、 檢討各階段教育經費需求與分配的適切性,提高幼教階段的經費補 助; 六、 幼教政策的制訂應以社會菁英、學者專家以及幼教工作者的主張為 基礎,再納入其他意見,不宜由行政或立法當局直接訂定。


The three main objectives of this study are as follows: 1. to enquire early childhood education in Taiwan in the past and present; 2. to search for the directions of development of early childhood education in Taiwan in future; 3. to make some suggestions for policy-making and research. Historical analysis, comparative method, and questionnaire survey are used in this study. This historical analysis explored the development of early childhood education in Taiwan in the past and present. The worldwide trends are showed by the comparative inquiry, theoretical discussion and questionnaire survey and about compulsory education policies provided the empirical data for policy making. Based on this study, six suggestions are made as follows: 1. to develop healthy young children physically and mentally but not academically should the main aim of early childhood education; 2. early childhood education should be provided for five-year-olds generally and equally; 3. early childhood education may provided by both the public and the private sectors, but the Government should play the role actively; 4. the training of qualified kindergarten teachers should be enhancing and their working conditions should be improved; 5. the allocation of education budget at every level should be reviewed, and more resources should be invested into early childhood level; 6. the policy-making of early childhood education should be based on the opinions of society leaders, experts and early childhood educators with other relevant views; which should not be made by the Government or the legislature alone.


