  • 學位論文


The Comparison of Traditional Assessment and New-form Assessment, and the Awearness of Elementary School Teachers to the Implementation of New-form Assessment

指導教授 : 簡茂發 黃光雄


中文摘要 本研究從教學評量發展的經過、傳統評量與新式評量編製的過程、實施的技術等方面,來探討傳統評量與新式評量的差異;並進一步了解國小教師對國民小學實施新式評量對教師教學、學生學習及家長教育觀念影響的看法;最後則探討國內實施新式評量可能遭遇的問題。 為達成此研究目的,本研究首先進行相關文獻的探討,其範圍包括:教學評量發展的過程、心理學的理論依據、傳統評量與新式評量測驗編製的過程、實施的技術、信度與效度、優缺點等。其次,根據文獻分析的結果,編製「國民小學教師實施教學評量方式」調查問卷,對國民小學教師進行調查,研究對象為中部四縣市的國小教師,採叢集取樣的方式,樣本人數為659人。 調查所得的資料,經以獨立樣本t檢定、相依樣本t檢定、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、複選題分析程序及意見歸納的方法,共得到下列的結論: 一、教學評量的發展是一個漸進的過程,會因當時時代背景、哲學思潮、心理學對人類心理歷程的了解,而發展出不同的評量方式。 二、大學就讀期間曾修習教學評量課程或教師在職期間參加過教學評量課程研習者,對傳統評量與新式評量的認知都比較好。 三、國小教師對傳統評量的認知情形比新式評量好。 四、國小教師對傳統評量的認知情形除了雙向細目表以外,其餘項目認知情形相當良好。 五、國小教師對新式評量的認知情形不佳,大約有四成的人並不了解,非常了解者極少。 六、多數的國小教師認為新式評量對教師教學的行為有積極正面的影響。 七、多數的國小教師認為新式評量對學生學習的行為有積極正面的影響。 八、約有半數的國小教師認為新式評量對家長教育子女的觀念有積極正面的影響;但也約有三分之一的教師持保留的態度。 九、絕大多數的國小教師認為教學評量是教師一項很重要的能力;其服務學校應常舉辦教學評量課程的研習;目前最常使用的評量方式是「大部分是傳統評量,偶而會使用新式評量」。 十、實施新式評量可能遭遇的困難方面,依次為:學生人數太多,不可能一一有實作的機會;施測費時;教材的份量太多沒有時間讓學生實作;評分主觀;對新式評量的各項實施技術不熟悉;對新式評量的實施過程不熟悉;對新式評量的評分方法不熟悉;教師不願意改變傳統評量的方式。此外,家長注重學業成績的觀念;家長可能質疑教師評分的公正性;學生課堂秩序難以掌握;場地、設施不足;教師心態無法調適;教師工作份量過重,雜務太多等,這些也都是實施新式評量阻礙的來源。 十一、大多數的國小教師願意配合教學評量改革的趨勢,改變他們的評量方式。絕大多數的國小教師認為有必要辦理新式評量的進修研習,且參加意願非常強烈;辦理方式以「各校視需要辦理研習,聘請評量專家擔任講座」為最優先。 十二、開放式意見徵詢結果,國小教師們認為傳統式評量的缺點宜予改進,但傳統評量也有其長處,可予保留,不宜廢除。新式評量固然有優點,但也有一些先天上的限制﹙費時、費力、評分主觀、無法大量施測﹚,兩者正好可以互補,相輔而相成,可視科目與性質,決定採用的評量方式。 最後本研究根據上述的研究結果,對教育行政單位、師資培育機構、國民小學、國小教師、學生家長及未來的研究,提供具體的建議。


The Comparison of Traditional Assessment and New-form Assessment, and the Awareness of Elementary School Teachers to the Implementation of New-form Assessment ABSTRACT Yin-Hsin Yang This study investigated the differences between the traditional assessment and the new-form assessment by means of exploring the history of the assessment, the different developed processes of the assessment and the techniques when the assessments were administrated. Specifically, this study examined the elementary schools teachers’ awareness about how new-form assessments influenced teachers, students and parents. An additional purpose of this study was to attempt to investigate the difficulties when the new-form assessment was used in the Republic of China on Taiwan. Two major research approaches were conducted for the purposes. One was learning the he history and the psychology foundations about the assessment, the development of the different types of assessment, the techniques of the administration, the reliability and validity of the assessments and their strength and weakness by literature review. Another was to obtain data by means of a self-developed questionnaire which based upon the foregoing literature review. A sample of 659 elementary school teachers was drawn from 3 counties and a city in middle Taiwan. Randomness was obtained by cluster sample. The independent t-test, paired t-test, x2 test, one-way ANOVA, multiple-response item and the analysis of written opinions were done to assess the awareness of the teachers. The findings were as follows: 1. Assessment was gradually developed and influenced by times, and the thinking of philosophy and psychology . 2. Teachers who had taken courses or participated workshops about assessment had more new-form assessment knowledge . 3. Teachers knew traditional assessment than new-form assessment. 4. Teachers well knew the content of traditional assessment but “two-way table of specification.” 5. Teachers less knew the new-form assessment. 6. Most of the teachers perceived the new-form assessment improved their teaching. 7. Most of the teachers also perceived the new-form assessment improved students’ learning. 8. Almost half of the sample perceived the new-form assessment changed parents’ value system about their children’s learning, but some didn’t agree with it. 9. Most of the teachers perceived that the skills of assessment is important for them,so their schools must prepare such in-service courses for them. 10. The difficulties of administrating new-form assessment are time-consuming, unfair, the limited facilities and the large bodies of students in a classroom,…etc. 11. Most of the teachers perceived the importance of using new-form assessment for their teaching and were willing to change. For changing their traditional style, they were eager to learn more about new-form assessment from workshop. They prefer participating the workshop in their own school. 12. School teachers expressed their opinions about the traditional assessment and new-form assessment were used concurrently. According to the aforementioned findings, there were some suggestions for educatuional authorities, teachers’ pre-service programs and institutes, elementary schools and their teachers, parents and the future studies.


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