  • 學位論文


An Institutional Analysis on the Changing Roles of the President of the Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China

指導教授 : 董翔飛


摘要 立法院,是我國近年來憲政的焦點與重心。 行憲五十餘年來,隨著台灣民主化的腳步,立法院已從政治的邊陲地帶逐漸地走向憲法設計的國家最高立法機關,與國家最高行政機關的行政院分庭抗禮,展現國會的風采。一路走來,立法院的發展歷程,代表了立法權與行政權的對抗與彼此間權勢的消長。追溯其原由,除了憲政體制的規定與修憲的影響外,從威權體制的鬆動到民主鞏固的進程也產生了相當大的作用。 身為立法權代表的立法院長,在立法院中發揮了什麼功能,扮演何種角色,是本論文欲探討的問題。從合議制的角度來看,立法院是合議制機關,每個立法委員的身份基本上都是平等的,資格相當,並無從屬關係,而立法院的決議以多數決為主,投票時每位立委都有一票,立法院長也不例外。那為什麼要特別研究立法院長呢?他的重要性何在?觀之行憲後立法院長的地位隨著立法權的提升而水漲船高、動員戡亂時期結束後國內朝野黨派都把立法院長視為兵家必爭之地、甚至在政黨輪替後立法院長角色的凸顯,這些現象是把立法院長視為單純合議制的主席所無法解釋的,必須由宏觀的角度觀察行憲後的發展並參照外國議長制度經驗,才可能有令人較為信服的解讀。 每位立法委員的背景、選區、黨派、所代表的利益各不相同,在立法過程中,不論是提案、討論或表決,都有對立與抗爭的不確定因素存在。立法院長的重要性就在於能否有效協調、折衝,整合出國會的多數意見。外國的議長制度,對此有不同的發展歷程。英國的議長,是一個會議主持者,負責維持議事過程的順暢與和諧,但不介入議事的討論內容,國會意見的整合,由朝野黨派負責。美國的議長除了主持會議之外,並介入議事運作過程,主動整合國會多數意見。就這個角度來觀察,我國的立法院長是能夠主動整合國會多數意見、還是只是單純的主持會議? 此外,在立法權提升的歷程中,立法院長這個職位是不是也跟著有所改變呢?哪些地方有改變?是地位、職權、還是角色的扮演?為什麼會改變?是制度上的調整、還是別的因素使然?是立法院長主動引領立法院來向上提升?還是立法院的變革導致立法院長必須有所因應?凡此種種,都是本論文想探索的問題,也希望透過研究的過程,能對立法院長的地位、職權與角色獲得進一步的釐清。 本論文首先透過對國外英、美、法、日四國國會議長(英國的下議院議長、美國的眾議院議長、法國的國民議會議長以及日本眾參兩院議長)的分析介紹,由憲政體制、政黨政治的角度來觀察各國議長所呈現的不同風貌。之所以選擇這四個國家,英國是議長制度的起源地;美國則是首創行政與立法兩權分立的政治體制;法國的雙首長制是我國修憲的重要參考依據之一;日本則是地屬近鄰,政治發展歷程頗多與我國類似之處,其制度值得參考。其次檢視我國立法院長在制度上的地位、選任與職權。以及立法院長的三個角色:國會領導者、選區代表、政黨代表。重點是放在我國立法院長在行憲以來地位的演變,所擁有的職權以及扮演的角色。嘗試以宏觀的角度從威權體制的鬆動、立法權地位的提高、憲政體制的轉變、八十九年總統大選後政黨輪替以及失去行政資源後國民黨黨中央權威的弱化來分析行憲以來從動員戡亂時期(民37-民80年)、憲政體制轉變時期(民80-民86年)、憲政體制改變後(民86年-)等三個時期不同階段中,立法院長的各種角色扮演,並佐以案例具體說明。最後在結論中指出外國議長制度經驗對我國的啟發;我國立法院長已日趨重要,但其目前所擁有的關鍵性地位非制度設計之必然,而是非制度性因素使然;以及未來可能發展的趨勢。


國會 議長 立法院 立法院長


Dissertation Abstract The Legislative Yuan, Taiwan’s equivalent to the British Parliament and the U.S. House of Representatives, has transformed itself from a “rubber stamp” of the Executive Yuan into an institution that checks and balances powers of the executive branch in the democratization process of the Republic of China in the last fifteen years. In the meantime, the role of the President of the Legislative Yuan has undergone significant changes. The election of the President of the Legislative Yuan has become one of the foci of party politics for almost a decade. After the change of party control over the Presidency in 2000, the president of the legislature has been acting as a quasi-leader of the coalition of the opposition parties. The politicization of the President of the Legislative Yuan is a paradox that cannot be adequately explained by the legal-institutional arrangements that grant no special power to the president of the legislature under a collective decision-making framework. This dissertation tries to approach this paradox from a comparative constitutional and political perspective in order to shed some light on possible paths of political development in Taiwan in the future. According to the principle of separation of powers, in order to check and balance the executive branch, a legislature has to be able to coordinate and integrate different opinions among its members and come out with a majority decision under a semi-presidential system like the current constitution of the Republic of China. Because, unlike the Speaker of the British Parliament who serves as an umpire to the policy debate and confrontation between the ruling and opposition parties in a cabinet system, Speakers of the legislatures in presidential and semi-presidential systems are NOT prohibited from participating actively in the formulation of a legislative majority opinion. However, answers to the question of whether, when, and the extent to which a Speaker of a legislature can play an active role in policy making all hinges on the dynamics of party politics. Findings of this dissertation are as follows: (1) Speakers of the legislatures in cabinet systems, such as U.K. and Japan, tend to be less politicized than their counterparts in presidential and semi-presidential systems; (2) Speakers of the legislature in presidential and semi-presidential systems are more likely to participate actively in policy making under two conditions: (i) when the majority party in the legislature is different from the party of the President; (ii) when there is no clear authoritative leader of the opposition parties.


