  • 學位論文


Analyzing the professional representations of science pre-service teachers by using mental model theory

指導教授 : 黃芳裕


從當今教育觀點看來,師資的需求趨向更具知識素養、溝通技巧與教學彈性之專業涵養教師,教師不再像傳統教師般閉門造車,只需要將教科書上的知識傳遞給學生,讓學生將教科書上的知識精熟,以取得更高的學習成就,而不必考慮其他外在世界知識的變動,而評量學生成就的方式,也由單一的紙筆測驗評量,演變成多元化評量機制,在教育理念轉變的過程中,影響學生學習的因素也相對增加,相對的也挑戰傳統教師的權威,以往傳統強調教材教法已不再適用當今教育體制,並衝擊師資培育機構,師資培育理念已成近年來研究的趨勢,越來越多的研究也相繼出爐,師資培育也朝多元化方向發展。 本研究目的在探討科學實習教師在當今實習制度下之專業素養培養,呈現六位實習教師在為期一年之實習期間其專業發展的情形。採用質的研究法來進行為期二年相關資料的收集與分析,對六位實習教師在實習學校表現在外表徵進行相關個案研究。資料的收集包括上課的錄影/錄音、現場觀察、晤談、現場記錄、教師日誌、紙筆測驗及其他質的研究技巧資料的收集,研究的分析透過資料的轉釋及編碼進行,本研究經由文獻分析與相關理論佐証,分析影響實習教師專業素養發展的因素如下: 1.實習教師本身對教師角色定位、專業素養、個人價值觀及信念等的看法與願景,將會影響到實習教師在實習學校中實際教學中教學與學習的表現與成長。 2.實習教師本身在實習學校環境、師資培育機構與本身認知三者之間的調適能力,影響到實習教師的專業素養的養成。 3.實習輔導教師在實習教師專業素養成長扮演重要的角色,引導實習教師在實習環境適應上與專業素養上的成長。 4.師資培育機構必須增強實習教師往多元文化價值選擇教育理念方向發展趨勢,以迎合未來師資需求傾向,在實際教學時因應情境的不同作調整課程設計的能力。 5.實習指導教授必須引導幫助實習教師摒棄過去傳統的邏輯理性思考模式,進而延伸至多元社會價值選擇的思考模式。 研究本質上,本研究架冀望探研出實習教師專業素養發展的相關因素,進而提供相關單位參考之用。


Today's schools require more knowledgeable, skilled, and flexible teachers. Teachers can no longer close the door to the classroom and ignore the pressures from outside. State requirements in the form of student performance on assessments, as well as community and family issues that affect student learning, challenge teachers--individually and collectively--to demonstrate exemplary professional preparation and continual development. The growing interest in researching teachers’ professional development, and the expanding literature on what effective in-service education for pre-service teacher develops professional literacy. This paper discusses the differential distribution of aspects for professional development of science pre-service teachers, and presents an investigation based on case studies of six teachers in junior high schools in Republic of China. Using a case study account of features of pre-service teachers development of intern schools teaching and learning, this study analyzed 6-targeted pre-service teachers in intern schools over 12 months. The data were collected using videotape/audio-tape, classroom observation, field notes, interviews, teachers’ journal and other qualitative research techniques. Research results from the coding of field notes, the videotape/ audio-tape and the interview indicated that the pre-service teachers development was affected by the following factors: 1.The pre-service teacher’ view themselves of the teacher’ role, the professional literacy, values and beliefs will influence about teaching and learning. 2.The pre-service teacher must aware of the many problems that they could adapt themselves to the complicated relationship about his/her identify, environment, institutions. 3.Mentor as leader and facilitator of the intern process facilitates pre-service teachers to engender good classroom practices. 4.Teacher development institutes must enhance the multicultural dimension of pre-service education and on the development of pre-service teachers crafting a multicultural science teaching practice. 5.College supervisor should guide pre-service teachers in abandoning technical rational decision-making and assist them in becoming reflective decision-makers. In essence, researcher formatted relationship about pre-service teacher’s professional developments.




