  • 學位論文


The Adaptation of the Agricultural Activities to Season Wind in Hengchun Area, Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳國彥


本研究從人地關係觀點來探討恆春地區農業活動對落山風氣候的調適過程。研究目的有下列四項:1、分析恆春地區落山風氣候環境特性。2、劃分恆春地區長期以來的農業活動發展分期。3、瞭解各時期農民在農業活動對落山風氣候環境的調適情形。4、建立百年來恆春地區農業活動與落山風氣候環境的交互作用模式。 恆春地區一年中的落山風月旬分佈變化是向左偏的非常態分配曲線,於國曆9月上旬至5月下旬為落山風期,其中11月上旬至12月中旬為主落山風期。 小地形對本區落山風的風向風速分佈有影響。大落山日之落山風空間分佈,依風速的強弱變化可分成迎風強背風弱和迎風弱背風強兩種類型。迎風背風的位置和地形的相對空曠程度是決定風強風弱的重要因素。大落山日之氣候空間分佈特徵大抵是愈向半島的四周海岸地區,風愈大、雨量愈少、氣溫愈高、濕度愈低。本文將本區劃分成強風微雨鹽霧區等八個大落山日氣候空間分佈類型區,其中以強風微雨鹽霧區之氣候最惡劣,分佈於鵝鑾鼻半島的東海岸地區。 恆春地區的農業活動發展以主要作物之耕作面積變化分,可分為早期、中期和近期三階段;其中早期又可分為日治以前與日治時代兩個亞期。早期為戰前,以糧食作物為主,經濟作物為輔;中期為戰後至1985年間,糧食作物和經濟作物並重;近期為1986年後至今,以經濟作物為主,糧食作物為輔。 早期之日治以前,落山風對人類農業活動之影響只有出現一般影響和環境災害二類;此期尚未以科技來增進調適能力,其調適策略充滿了濃厚的儒家、宗教色彩和短期性應急行為。 早期之日治時代,由於內、外部環境改變,團體組織開始引進農業科技來幫助農民增進對落山風的調適能力;落山風對人類農業活動之影響已經出現環境資源、一般影響和環境災害三類;調適策略著重在團體組織輔導農民進行耕作環境改良之推動防風林造成事業和引進瓊麻、梗稻之長期性策略方面。 中期時,由於外部人文環境改變成民國政府治台,快速工業化、都市化;影響到內部環境之農業中度商業化和引進深井抽水技術等;落山風對人類農業活動之影響和日治時代相同;調適策略著重在續種瓊麻,引進洋蔥、西瓜、芒果新作物種植以及種植時序調整之長期性策略。 近期時,外部環境系統為人口成長趨緩,農村人口老化,農業生產持續衰退,高度工業化、都市化,經濟逐漸自由化,政府鼓勵稻田轉作或休耕;影響到內部環境為設立國家公園,農業高度商業化,觀光業蓬勃發展中;落山風對人類農業活動之影響和日治時代相同,但災害已比以前明顯減少;調適策略著重在續種洋蔥、西瓜和引進牧草、山蘇等新作物,農作區的空間區位調整,種植時序之人為蓄意調整方面。 恆春地區的農民在農業活動對落山風的調適方面,隨著時代的變化,調適情形有愈來愈能適應的現象,稱之為「調適進展」。促成調適進展的最主要機制是團體組織中有一些用心人士和民間有識之士能獲取資訊,引入能適合當地落山風環境的新作物,加上農民個體經營者接受團體組織輔導,謀求更多利潤動機和配合外部環境所傳進來的農業科技的集體努力結果。 恆春地區農民在農業活動對落山風氣候之調適過程是百年來人文和自然環境系統產生不斷的交互作用,結果之一是落山風氣候因子對農業活動產生影響,人類的農業活動並未對落山風氣候環境產生任何顯著的影響。人類對此影響表現出調適的行為回應,是為人地關係的交互作用。人地關係的交互作用結果會反饋回來修正原先的人文和自然環境系統,而形成暫時新的環境系統特徵。另一方面,區域內的人文環境系統也會受其較大區域環境系統變化的影響而形成新的人文環境系統特徵。如此,透過對環境事件的調適而產生再循環的動態過程,使區域地表景觀慢慢發生改變,而人類也在此調整過程中,表現出暫時適應地理環境的生活方式。 落山風在引進新作物者的主要決策過程中,扮演的機制不一,因人而異。


The season wind called Lhosanfung (落山風)occurs from early September to mid May every year on the Hengchun Peninsula in Southern Taiwan. The ambition of this thesis is: 1.to analyze the characteristics of Lhosanfung in temporal and spatial distribution; 2.to divide the agricultural activities of this area into development periods; 3.to explore the farmers’ adjustment to Lhosanfung during each period; 4.to model interactions of the relationship between farmers and Lhosanfung. The most potent Lhosanfung winds occur between early Nov. and mid Dec.; the strongest NE gust of 37.9 m/s took place on Oct. 28, 1991. The Climactic characteristics of Lhosanfung are escalated wind speeds, a decrease in rainfall, and higher temperatures with low humidity when situated near coastal areas. 8 climatic regions are addressed in this study, the strongest Lhosanfung territory being Fung-che-sa. Agricultural development in the Hengchun area can be segregated into 3 periods; first being prior to 1945, second from 1945-1985 and third being from 1985 to present day. The first period consists of pre and post Japanese occupation. First period crops were aimed more at subsistence rather than commerce. For second period crops, subsistence and commerce became equally important, while in the past 1985 sector commerce has been an agricultural focus. The effects of Lhosanfung on agricultural activities can be observed in 3 aspects; environmental resources, environmental general influence factors and environmental hazards. Environmental general influence factors and hazards have been observed since pre-Jap. Occupation. Observation of environmental resources in respect to certain crops did not embark until later during Jap. Occupation. Environmental general influence factors are structured around this basis: 1.to be an obstacle to cultivation during pre-Jap. Occupation; 2.to limit varieties of the crop; 3.to lower the yield of rice in comparison to contrasting areas; 4.to influence farmer’s attitude toward cultivation; 5.to retard the cultivation shifting from onion farming to other crops. Farmer’s adjustment strategies to Lhosanfung in the last century can be categorized into 2 types; being a juxtaposition between the farmer’s independence and government funding. The farmer’s own adjustment can be measured as both long and short term. Long term strategy includes adopting measures to produce new crops, to choose the proper farm location, to cultivate at the proper season and to improve the field quality. Short-term strategies address hazard prevention before, doing, and after Lhosanfung attacks; in accordance with Lhosanfung’s magnitude. During pre-Jap. Occupation, farmer’s adjustment strategies revolved around feudal, religious and supernatural beliefs, evolving short term emergency procedures. During Jap. Occupation, the authority started to bring in the application of current scientific techniques aimed at the promotion of a farmer’s ability to adjust. Stress was placed on the implication of planting windbreaks and production of new crops; such as sisal and Japonica rice which is more resilient to Lhosanfung than the Indica rice. Between 1945 and 1985, adjustment strategies focused on introducing Lhosanfung resilient new crops such as onions, watermelons, mangos, oranges and mushrooms. After 1985, the previous measures taken were introduced to new crop species, as well adjusted cultivation periods and their respective regions in relation to spacing distribution. The Farmers adaptation to Lhosanfung has been referred to as a phenomenon of adaptive development. The main reason being that local people of knowledge could attain beneficial information pertaining to viable crops. The relationship between the farmer and Lhosanfung consists of interactions relevant to mankind and nature. Interactions are inclusive to the effects of Lhosanfung and a farmer’s strategic retaliation. The adjust strategies mainly come from related people making decisions. What new crops to bring in and how to bring them in are among their decisions. Decision models of new crops brought in by farmers and the government are given in this study, too.


