  • 學位論文


A study of senior high school students’ reasoning of DC circuits conceptions and analogy models.

指導教授 : 楊文金


高中生對直流電路概念及其類比模型理解之研究 中文摘要 本研究旨在探討學生對直流電路概念的理解、對直流電路類比的理解及其間的關係。 以「水槽模型」、「人背重物模型」、「封閉水流模型」和「火車模型」等四模型為研究題材,以高一學生三班122名及高三學生三班120名為研究對象。先讓學生閱讀四個類比模型之「直流電路類比閱讀教材」,然後作答「直流電路與類比評比測驗」,以診斷學生的迷思概念及瞭解學生對於各模型的評比。並以物理專家的評比為基礎,利用凱利方格法(RGT)交換方格理論,計算出學生的「類比理解程度」。然後以「類比學習態度問卷」瞭解學生對類比模型的整體評價。最後分別對高一學生7名和高三學生4名進行晤談。 主要的研究發現包括: 1. 高三學生在局部推理、電池輸出固定電流、短路等迷思概念上的比例與高一學生相近外,其餘均低於高一。 2. 高三學生對封閉和火車模型之理解程度比高一好;在另兩個模型上,兩個年級之理解程度相當。 3. 學生所持有的迷思概念會與學生所察覺的模型特徵相對應。 4. 學生對類比的評價會因其對該類比的理解程度之高低而異。 5. 許多所謂「概念正確」之學生,其對類比不瞭解的原因是由於對微觀的電路概念不瞭解。 6. 在此四個模型中,高一學生對「封閉」類比的理解程度最低,而且會因呈現模型順序的不同,而影響學生對於該類比模型的理解;然而此情形並未在高三學生中發現。


直流電路 類比 凱利方格


A study of senior high school students’ reasoning of DC circuits conceptions and analogy models. Yan-Feng Huang Abstraction This study investigates the senior high school students’ understanding of DC circuit analogies by their reasoning of DC circuit conceptions. Four analogy models were studied, including "Water tank model", "People with loading model", "Closed water-circuit model", and "Train model". The sample included 122 10th grade students and 120 12th grade students from 6 different classes. All students had studied the topic of DC circuits before. They were required to read the "DC circuits analogies material", and then take a test. The test included the misconceptions test designed to diagnose students’ misconceptions and the level-explaining item to let students judge how accurate each model can be used to explain their answers. The evaluation of students has been transformed into grid on the basis of Repertory Grid Technique(RGT), and compared with the grid completed through literature review and experts, then calculated the "Analogy reasoning score" by RGT "EXCHANGE" theory. Finally, students finished the questionnaire to make the overall evaluation of the four models. After the test, interviewing with some students to make sure the conceptions they had and the reasons of evaluation. Major findings were summarized as the following︰ 1. The 12th grade students were better than 10th grade students except in "local reasoning", "battery producing constant electric current", "short-circuit" misconceptions etc… 2. In the closed water circuit model and train model, the 12th students’ reasoning are better than 10th grade students, the other models are equal. 3. The misconceptions were mapping with some attributes of the four models students perceived. 4. The evaluation of analogy would change with the reasoning level of the analogy. 5. Some students who had "correct concepts" but didn't understand the analogy was due to their not understanding of micro conception of circuits. 6. When we changed the presenting order of the closed water circuit model, which is the least understanding one for 10th grade students. It will affect their understanding of the model, but such situation didn’t occur in the 12th grade students.


DC circuits analogy RGT




