  • 學位論文

Zygmunt Bauman倫理觀之德育蘊義

Zygmunt Bauman's Perspective on Ethics and Its Implication for Moral Education

指導教授 : 楊深坑 洪仁進


本研究旨在探討Zygmunt Bauman之倫理觀及其在道德教育上的蘊義,將Bauman的倫理思想作深入的分析,據以提出改善道德教育理論與實踐的建議。具體言之,本研究之目的如下: 一、探究Zygmunt Bauman倫理思想形成之背景與學術淵源。 二、探討Bauman對當代社會情境的分析。 三、分析Bauman對當代倫理危機的診視。 四、研討Bauman提出的倫理觀。 五、綜合前述研究結果,探究Bauman倫理觀在我國道德教育上的蘊義與建議。 根據前述之目的,本研究整理Bauman著作與相關研究,討論詮釋後研究結論如下: 一、Bauman以對時代與人類社會的變遷的分析為經,以回歸人類本有之道德內在本能為緯,提出應為自己與他人負責並付出的倫理觀點;此觀點受到他個人背景與經歷深刻的影響。 二、Bauman對當代社會情境分析發現,人類在現代性與後現代性情境中,同樣面臨失去道德責任感的倫理危機。 三、Bauman認為需破除對道德普遍規準以及基礎價值的錯誤信心,並依從人類天生的道德內在動力,回歸人際之間原初的倫理關係。 四、Bauman認為道德的起點在於單純的一對一人際關係,尤其是主體「我」對「他人」之間,由他人的優先性引發「我」對他人完全的付出,並且不求回報;「我」的存在價值也就在為自己與他人負道德責任之中,得以完滿。 五、據Bauman倫理觀檢視道德教育,在理論上應強調道德的內在動力與非理性的部分,並且強化私領域與單純人際關係的道德教學,以培養能尊重他人並能負起道德責任的個體為目的。 根據以上結論,本研究爰提供以下建議,以作為建構合宜道德教育理論與改善道德教育實踐之參考: 一、道德教育應回歸學生主體; 二、加強學生自我認同與道德責任的建構; 三、重視道德教育中情感與非理性部分之研究; 四、鼓勵並增加道德教育中直接經驗與面對面接觸的課程設計; 五、多元文化中的道德教育需賴師生共同負起道德責任。


Zygmunt Bauman’s Perspective on Ethics and Its Implications for Moral Education Abstract This study aims at interpreting Zygmunt Bauman’s perspective on ethics and its implications for contemporary theory and practice of moral education. Analytically, the goals of this study are as follows: 1.To investigate Bauman’s life history and academic background to understand his perspective on ethics. 2.To discuss Bauman’s analysis of contemporary social conditions. 3.To analyze Bauman’s ethical diagnosis on contemporary moral crisis. 4.To examine Bauman’s perspective on ethics. 5.To interpret the implications of Bauman’s perspective on ethics for the moral education in Taiwan. After careful interpretation of Bauman’s works and scrutiny of contemporary situation of moral education, the following conclusions are secured: 1.Bauman’s ethical view, which analyzes both the outward social conditions and inward moral impulse, is based upon his personal background and experiences. 2.Analyzing contemporary social contexts, Bauman finds human beings facing the same moral crisis, the loss of moral responsibility, in both modern and postmodern conditions. 3.Bauman proposes that we should not falsely trust on universal ethical codes and basic values without consulting our natural moral impulse that may lead us back to the primal ethical relations. 4.Bauman states that morality starts from the simple moral party of two, especially from the relation between the subject ‘I’ and ‘the Other’. The alterity of the Other brings about full devotion of ‘I’ toward the ‘Other’ without asking for anything in return. The meaning of ‘My’ existence is fulfilled in taking up responsibilities for ‘I’ and ‘the Other’. 5.The implications of Bauman’s perspective on ethics for contemporary moral education run as follows: (1) instinct power and irrational parts of morality should be clearly underscored in the theoretical constructions of moral education; (2) more attention should be put on private realm and simple interpersonal relations in moral education pedagogies; (3) respect the Other and moral responsibility should be emphasized in developing individuals. Based on the above findings, the following recommendations are proposed for the betterment of theoretical and practical aspects in moral education: 1.In moral education, students should be treated and viewed as subjects. 2.Students’ self-identity and moral responsibility should be specifically emphasized in moral education. 3.More studies focusing on emotional and irrational aspects of moral education should be encouraged. 4.Increase of direct experience or face-to-face contact in curriculum design of moral education should be highly recommended. 5.In the contemporary multicultural context, moral responsibilities should be given to both teacher and students in practicing moral education facing contemporary multiculturalism.


Bauman, Z. (1992) Mortality, immortality, and other life strategies. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Bauman, Z. (1996) From pilgrim to tourist – or a Short history of identity. In S. Hall & P. D. Gay (eds.) Questions of cultural identity. pp.18-36. London: SAGE.
Bauman, Z. (1999b) The world inhospitable to Lévinas. Philosophy Today. Vol.43 Number 2/4. Summer 1999. pp.151-167.


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