  • 學位論文


Effect of small dose of alcohol on blood lactate, heart rate and blood pressure after moderate exercise

指導教授 : 林正常


本研究的主要目的在於探討中等強度運動後,攝取低劑量酒精飲料,對於恢復期血乳酸的移除、心跳率的恢復以及血壓的影響。本研究係以12位健康大學男生為受試對象(平均年齡21.5±1.45歲,身高175.3±3.08公分,體重71.4±1.41公斤),並依據其飲酒習慣,將受試者分成中度飲酒組與輕度或無飲酒組(每組各6人)。利用重複量數與平衡次序的方式,令受試者在固定式腳踏車測力器上,分別接受二次的運動測驗(強度為70﹪VO2max,持續運動20分鐘),並在每次運動後5分鐘內,攝取實驗所指定的飲料(每公斤體重6毫升的礦泉水或台灣啤酒)。所有受試者在每次運動前以及運動後第0、5、15、30和60分鐘之不同時刻,各接受一次指尖採血與心跳率的測量,並於運動前以及運動後第30與60分鐘時,進行血壓的測量。在攝取酒精的測驗中,於運動後第30、60與90分鐘時,分別進行一次的肘靜脈抽血,以測量受試者的血液中酒精濃度。所得資料以混合設計三因子變異數分析及混合設計二因子變異數分析處理,結果發現: 一、 酒精對於血乳酸值的影響,僅在運動停止後的第60分鐘達顯著水準(飲酒:2.39±1.08 mmol/L ;飲水:1.73±0.87 mmol/L),其餘時刻則未達顯著水準。血乳酸移除率,則明顯地受到運動後飲酒或飲水的影響(飲酒:68.19±8.87﹪;飲水:80.67±5.59﹪)。 二、 酒精對於心跳率的影響,在運動停止後的第30分鐘與第60分鐘時,均達統計顯著水準(P<.05),其餘時刻則無顯著差異。心跳恢復率,亦明顯地受到運動後飲酒或飲水的影響(飲酒:46.05±8.44﹪;飲水:56.55±5.94﹪)。 三、 各個不同時段之心縮壓與心舒壓,均不受運動後攝取酒精飲料的影響(P>.05)。 四、 輕度或無飲酒組之血液中酒精濃度平均值顯著地高於中度飲酒組(P<.05);但兩組受試者在運動後飲酒或飲水時,各個不同時段的血乳酸值、心跳率以及血壓變化情形,並無顯著差異存在(P>.05)。 本研究結果顯示,在中等強度運動後,攝取低劑量的酒精飲料,對於運動的恢復期,將造成心跳率的加速,並產生血乳酸移除的延遲,而心縮壓與心舒壓則無顯著影響。因此,運動後酒精的攝取,在疲勞的消除上,似乎產生了一種阻力。


The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of small dose of alcohol on blood lactate, heart rate and blood pressure after moderate exercise. Twelve male students (age 21.5±1.45 yrs; height 175.3±3.08 cm; weight 71.4±1.41 kg) participated in this study. According to alcohol habit, all subjects were divided into moderate group and the light or none group(6 subjects per group). Using a repeated-measure design, all subjects received alcohol corresponding to 6.0-ml/kg-body mass in 4.5% solution in the experimental session or water in the control session. The 20 minute exercise test was performed on a bicycle ergometer at the intensity of 70﹪VO2max. The capillary blood samples for lactate concentration were obtained by finger puncture and the values of heart rate were assessed before, after immediately, and at 5, 15, 30, as well as 60 minutes after exercise. The blood pressure was measured before exercise and at 30 and 60 minutes after exercise. Venous blood samples for alcohol concentration were collected at 30, 60 and 90 minutes after exercise in the experimental session. The results revealed that: (1) The blood lactate did differ between alcohol and control session at 60 minutes after exercise (2.39±1.08 vs. 1.73±0.87 mmol/L, P<. 05). The elimination rate of blood lactate was significantly affected by alcohol (non-alcohol vs. alcohol; 80.67±5.59 vs. 68.19±8.87﹪, P<.05). (2) The consumption of alcohol has significant effect on the heart rate measured at 30 and 60 minutes after exercise. The recovery rate of heart rate was observably decreased by alcohol (non-alcohol vs. alcohol; 56.55±5.94 vs. 46.05±8.44﹪, P<.05). (3) The blood systolic and diastolic pressure were insignificantly affected by alcohol(P>.05). (4) The average blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of the light or none group was higher than the moderate group (P<.05). However, the blood lactate, heart rate and blood pressure during recovery between the two groups were insignificant different (P>.05). In conclusion, the ingestion of alcoholic beverages after moderate exercise should increase the heart rate in recovery, and delay the removal of blood lactate. Therefore, a small dose of alcohol has a negative effect on recovery after moderate exercise.


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