  • 學位論文

環境覺知教育之探究 以國小五年級學生為例

The qualitative research of environmental awareness education

指導教授 : 張子超


摘 要 環境教育的終極目標是解決現在和未來的環境問題。為了解決環境問題所採取的環境行動,卻深受個人的環境覺知及態度等因素影響,所以環境覺知能力的養成,是培養環境行動的重要後盾。然而,目前環境覺知的研究多侷限在針對環境問題或在認知、技能層面的探討,較少進行情意領域的探究,也欠缺對都市自然環境或生物之美的關注。在校園進行的環境教育,也較少為提昇環境覺知能力而專門設計活動。所以本研究之研究目的為: 一、 從學生對校園環境和自然現象的詮釋(含書面和口頭)活動,瞭解環境覺知之內涵。 二、 探討學生透過環境覺知活動所獲得的成長及活動設計的優、缺點。 三、 探討教師(研究者)在實施環境覺知教育的困境與成長。 本研究採質化研究法,針對33位五年級的國小學生,進行一學期的研究。除了研究者外,還有兩位研究伙伴一起參與活動設計。活動內容可分為二大類:三項主題式活動和隨機活動,因多採用寫作或口頭介紹的形式呈現活動結果,所以可和國語之寫作和說話課結合。研究者透過觀察、訪談及蒐集錄音、實地札記、研究日誌、對話式日誌、學生作品等文件,做為本研究之資料來源。 研究結果發現,環境覺知之內涵可分為四個層面:存在、外貌、情意和自省(覺)。教師可透過問答、對談和分享、讓學生長期接觸自然、鼓勵等方式,喚醒學生的環境覺知能力。設計活動時應注意(1)讓活動活潑化、(2)加強環境覺知的引導教學、(3)活動設計與經驗的結合,及(4)活動設計與正式課程的結合,而且(5)詮釋方式有助於以學生為本位學習。活動進行後,研究者發現(1)學生的環境覺知能力增加、(2)同學間發揚了互助合作精神,而且(3)建立與自然和他人合諧共處的關係。研究者也察覺教師的環境教育專業知識、應變能力及環境教育教學技能有待改善,同時肯定實施以學生為本位教學及重視同儕學習對環境覺知教育的重要性。 關鍵字:環境覺知、環境教育、經驗教育


Abstract One of the ultimate goals of environmental education is to solve present and future environmental problems; however, environmental actions to save the planet are affected by people’s environmental awareness and attitudes. Therefore, to nurture students’ environmental awareness is a key step for preparing their environmental actions. However, most of previous researches on environmental awareness are confined in the awareness of environmental problems in cognitive or psychomotor domains. There are few studies focusing on the affective domain and the beauty of urban nature and creatures. For environmental education in school, there are few programs designed to arouse students’ environmental awareness. So, the purposes of this research are as followed: 1. To figure out the content of environmental awareness through activities of interpreting what students are aware of on school grounds. 2. To figure out students’ development through designed activities of environmental awareness and advantages and disadvantages of activities. 3. To figure out difficulties and progress in practicing activities of environmental awareness from the perspective of teachers. The research was proceeded for a semester with qualitative methodology. The activities were designed into subjective and casual parts for 33 fifth-grade students in a big urban school by two participants and a researcher. The researcher observed, interviewed students, and collected recordings, field notes / research diaries, dialogue journals and activity sheets of students as data to be analyzed and interpreted. Triangulation was adopted to increase the research validity. The findings show that the content of environmental awareness can be categorized into four sets: existence, appearance, affection, and reflection. Teachers can arouse students’ environmental awareness by inquiry, share, encouragement, longstanding contact with nature. Activities can be refined by designing them more lively and experientially, and enhancing students’ motives to try. Students make progress in their abilities of environmental awareness, group cooperation, and having better relationship with nature and people. This research suggests teachers need to acquire more professional knowledge and pedagogy in environmental awareness education, abilities of adapting to changes. It’s also important for teachers to emphasize on student-first education and fellows learning. Keywords: environmental awareness, environmental education, experiential education


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