  • 學位論文


The Study of Elementary School Applying Internet in Environmental Education

指導教授 : 張子超博士


摘 要 本研究之目的在於瞭解現行國民小學配合政府政策,推行環境保護與環境教育之現況,從而瞭解之可利用資源、可行方式及可能限制、障礙。本研究應用台灣學術網路內的國民小學網站作為內容分析(content analysis)對象,並利用電子郵件問卷,瞭解國民小學行政人員、教師等對利用網際網路上於國民小學推行環境教育之意見。 本研究之重要結果有: 一、 目前國民小學利用網際網路推行環境教育是以環境教育相關訊息之發佈為主要方式,以環境行動中的生態管理為發佈的主要內容。 二、目前國民小學的網路設備及速度尚足以應付推行環境教育之需要,但網站內提供環境教育相關服務的急迫性並不高。 三、利用網際網路推行環境教育雖具經濟性,惟仍需更多經費、人力以擴充網際網路在環境教育上的應用。 四、利用網際網路可以提高學生對學習環境教育活動的動機和 意願,也可以提高學生對學習環境教育活動的效果。 五、網路資源對教師準備環境教育活動非常有幫助,但學校老師使用網際網路推行環境教育意願有待提昇。 六、學生會利用網際網路學習環境教育活動的不多,而且網路上有太多吸引學生的非學習活動或內容。 七、目前國民小學無多餘時間可供利用網際網路推行環境教育,而且可使用上網的電腦不足。


Abstract In this thesis, how the elementary schools coordinate with government policies to practice environmental protection and education are being described. And it will introduce the relevant resources, methods, possible restrictions and obstacles, and then suggest some countermeasures. The elementary schools' websites in TANet as content analysis targets, and collect opinions from teachers and administrators on practicing environmental education with Internet. The questionnaire used in this research was sent and replied through e-mail. This research would like to present some practical reflections: 1. Most elementary schools use Internet to publish environmental action information about eco-management. 2. As so far, the equipment and bandwidth at schools are enough to practice environmental education. But it seems not an urge to supply environment-related information on the websites. 3. Although it's quite economic to popularize environmental education on Internet, we do need a lot expenses and manpower to expend related application. 4. Using Internet help motivate students to learn more about our environment, and the learning can be more effective. 5. Resources from Internet are very helpful for teachers preparing activities and teaching plans on environmental education. On the other hand, teachers are not willing to use Internet as their assist. 6. Not many students are able to take advantages of resources from Internet. There are too many unrelated contents and activities in the virtual space. 7. For students, they don't really have enough time to practice environmental education with using Internet. Besides, the computers are not enough, either.


