  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張子超


摘要 本研究旨在探討偏遠與都市地區高級中學學生之環境行為及其影響因素,同時比較兩地區的差異。 本研究經文獻探討後自編「高級中學學生環境行為調查問卷」,問卷經信度與效度檢驗後,取得花蓮縣玉里高中192位學生與台北縣新店高中254位學生之有效樣本原始資料,再以統計軟體SPSS8.0視窗版進行統計分析。主要研究結果如下: 一、 中學生採取之環境行動頻率不高,只有約半機會採取各類環境行動。而且中學生傾向採取較多的生態管理與消費主義行動;較少採取說服與法律行動。 二、 高中學生之環境行為不因地區而有差異,卻會因是否曾參加過環保相關活動或是否曾為環保社團成員而有差異。 三、 除了環境的價值觀會因地區而有顯著差異之外,高中學生之環境行動策略的知識、環境行動策略的技能、環境知識、環境敏感度、環境的責任感、控制觀等自變項不因地區而有差異。 四、 有效預測高中學生環境行為之變項依次為環境行動策略的技能、環境的責任感、過去環保活動經驗、環境敏感度與環境行動策略的知識,共可預測47.9%學生的環境行為。 本研究依據以上研究結果給予未來研究與環境教育建議。 關鍵字: 偏遠地區、都市地區、環境行為、環境行動。


Abstract The purpose of this study is to discuss the Environmental Behavior of Senior high school students in both the rural and the urban area and the possible independent variables correlated to their behaviors. After all the investigation for the Environmental Behavior study, the author compiled the Senior High School Student Environmental Behavior Questionnaire as the tool to assisting the study. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire was tested before implementing the survey. There were 192 valid samples from the Yu-Li Senior high school in Hualien County and 254 from the Hsin-Tien Senior high school in Taipei County. The data was conducted by SPSS8.0 for Window software. The main results of this study are below. (1) The Senior high school student's response toward Environmental Action is not frequent. Only 5o% would take action. And The students tend to take more Eco-management and Consumerism than Persuasion and Legal action. (2) The Environmental Behavior of the Senior high students does not vary with their locality but is correlated with the fact that the student has or has not participated in some environmental activities or joined the member of environmental club. (3) The Senior high school student's Knowledge of environmental action strategy , Skill of environmental action strategy , Environment knowledge , Environmental sensitivity , Environmental responsibility and Locus of control does not vary with their locality. But the student's Environmental value does. (4) The effective independent variables that can predict Environmental Behavior of all high school students in turn are The Skill of Environmental Action Strategy, Environmental Responsibility, experience of environmental activity, Environmental Sensitivity, and Knowledge of Environmental Action Strategy. They can totally predict 47.9% Environmental Behavior. As for the further study and Environmental Education in Formal Education, the author included some recommendations. Key Word: Rural area, Urban area, Environmental Behavior, Environmental Action.




