  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林火旺


當代的自由國家已經逐漸呈現多元文化的風貌。每個國家皆欲在社會文化要素中的「差異性」與「統合性」之間尋求一個適當的平衡點,因而使得公民教育的審慎規畫益顯重要。本論文即是要探討在當代多元的民主社會情境中,「自由主義應如何修正其公民資格觀,以容納更多的文化差異?」及「自由主義應如何確立適當的公民教育內涵,以維持政治社群的穩定?」。本論文以上述的問題作為探討的主軸,而其可分為四個部份。一、 討論自由主義的基本主張,以及歸納其公民資格觀。二、 引介多元文化論者楊與泰勒的觀點,來批判自由主義公民資格觀的兩個面向:個人主義和平等主義。他們的論述質疑自由主義並未正視文化與群體的特殊性。三、 以自由主義者秦力克的理論修正來容納多元文化論的主張,使文化可以成為自由主義理論中的重要角色。秦力克將文化視為羅爾斯理論中社會基本善的一項,並且嘗試從自由主義的立場來證成少數權利的設計。四、 討論學者之間所爭議的尤德案與莫札特案,以釐清自由主義容忍少數群體的界線和基礎,並探究其公民教育的意義和限制。 Modern liberal countries are increasingly multicultural. All of them seek to balance its elements of social and cultural diversity with those of cohesion, an aspiration which invokes the importance of education for citizenship. So this essay will explore in the context of a pluralistic democratic society, “ How should liberalism amend its conception of citizenship to accommodate more cultural differences?” and “How should liberalism establish the appropriate content of civic education to maintain the stability of its political community ?” These question are the pivot of this article,which can be further divided into four parts . The first part is to discuss the basic claims of liberalism and the liberal conception of citizenship. Second, I will introduce multiculturalism, which emphasizes the vital role of culture and attacks two dimensions of the liberal conception of citizenship: individualism and egalitarianism . Third, Will Kymlicka argues that the claim of culture can be accommodated by liberal theory. He treats culture as one of Rawls’s primary social goods and tries to defend special rights for cultural minorities from a liberal position. I will, in last part, discuss two case(Wisconsin v. Yoder ;Mozert v. Hawkins) to clarify the boundaries of liberal tolerance and its grounds, and to explore the meanings of liberal civic education and its limits.


Modern liberal countries are increasingly multicultural. All of them seek to balance its elements of social and cultural diversity with those of cohesion, an aspiration which invokes the importance of education for citizenship. So this essay will explore in the context of a pluralistic democratic society, “ How should liberalism amend its conception of citizenship to accommodate more cultural differences?” and “How should liberalism establish the appropriate content of civic education to maintain the stability of its political community ?”  These question are the pivot of this article,which can be further divided into four parts . The first part is to discuss the basic claims of liberalism and the liberal conception of citizenship. Second, I will introduce multiculturalism, which emphasizes the vital role of culture and attacks two dimensions of the liberal conception of citizenship: individualism and egalitarianism . Third, Will Kymlicka argues that the claim of culture can be accommodated by liberal theory. He treats culture as one of Rawls’s primary social goods and tries to defend special rights for cultural minorities from a liberal position.  I will, in last part, discuss two case(Wisconsin v. Yoder ;Mozert v. Hawkins) to clarify the boundaries of liberal tolerance and its grounds, and to explore the meanings of liberal civic education and its limits.




2. 江宜樺(1998)。自由主義、民族主義與國家認同。台北:揚智。
14. 林火旺(1999b)。少數族群可否拒絕政府的教育?---自由社會公民教育的意義與限
42. Raz,Joseph(1994).Ethics in the Public Domain. New York: Clarendon
9. 林火旺(1995)。自由主義社會與公民道德。哲學與文化,22卷12期,pp1071-1084。


