  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 王穎


為了解臺灣梅花鹿(Cervus nippon taiouanus)野放後之行為及棲地利用,自1994年7月至2000年8月在墾丁國家公園進行調查。個體活動以日間較高。其中位移以乾季較高,休息以溼季較高。雌性個體之位移較雄性高,反芻則反之。由無線電追蹤野放個體之活動量,顯示其平均日活動為57.2%,每天有4至6次高峰,雌雄相差不大。其活動受天候及人之影響,雨天較晴天低(45.7±23.2與62.9±24.7%);陰天有落山風時亦較晴天低(52.3±24.7%與74.7±18.1%)。非假日遊客較少時較假日高(57.1% vs. 43.6%)。就野放個體活動範圍而言,所有鹿隻之活動範圍(95%MCP)為755.2公頃。平均日活動範圍為12.26±8.59公頃,乾季之季平均活動範圍為101.3公頃,濕季為51.7公頃,年活動範圍平均為159.8公頃。就食性而言,共記錄51科157種鹿食植物,其中以喬木與草本居多。其中有8種喜食及86種進食種類。在224種被鹿、水牛及山羊取食的植物中,以羊的食性較廣(204種),鹿次之(157種),牛較少(68種),其中三者共食者有52種,重疊性為36.4%。鹿與羊相似度為76.3%,鹿與牛為49.3%,牛與羊為46.7%,顯示鹿與牛或羊間之食物重疊性較牛羊間為高。鹿對當地植被影響之結果顯示,樣區內、外植被無論有無鹿隻覓食均朝正向演替。另由一區調查結果顯示,底層植物之減少與鹿食喜好程度有關。就磨樹行為而言,鹿對部分樹種有所偏好(X2,p<0.005)。計有27科55種430棵植物被磨,其中有重複被磨,重複性達63.6%。被磨致死的樹種有14種30棵,佔穿越線所有棵數之0.2%。磨痕多寡與該區食源等級高低有關(ANOVA, p<0.05)。磨痕出現的時間與鹿隻之繁殖季節有關。就啃食樹皮行為而言,啃食樹皮僅在復育第四區發現,計有10科15種共1010棵被啃,顯示鹿對被啃樹種有選擇性。啃痕各月均有出現,數量以乾季末期及濕季初期較高。被啃致死的樹種共有9種427棵,死亡率為42.3%。其有啃痕之出現應與本區鹿群密度(每公頃高於2.1頭)較其他地區(每公頃低於1.8頭)高及棲地品質差有關。 From July 1994 to August 2000 field work had been conducted to study the behavior and habitat use of the Formosan sika deer (Cervus nippon taiouanus) in Kenting National Park. The result showed that deer had higher daytime activity than that of nighttime. Movement was higher in dry season; while rest was higher in the wet season. Female had higher activity in movement; and male had higher activity in rumination. The average daily activity was 57.2% among radio-tracked deer with 4 to 6 active peaks each day. There was no difference between sexes in activity. Weather and tourist also affected deer activity. Deer had lower activity in cloudy days with strong wind (52.3%±24.7%) than those in sunny days (74.7%±18.1%). Similar trend was found between rainy days (45.7%±23.2%) and sunny days (62.9%±24.7%). Deer had higher activity in weekdays than those in weekends and other holidays (57.1% vs. 43.6%). The average annual home range was 159.8 ha and daily range was 12.24±8.59 ha. The average dry season range was 101.3ha, and wet season range was 51.7ha. In terms of food habits, 157 species mainly woody and herbaceous plants from 51 families were recorded. Among those species, 8 were preferred and 86 were commonly used by the deer. Two hundred twenty four species were recorded to be used by 3 herbivores in the study area. Among those species, 204 were used by goat, 157 by deer, 68 by water buffalo, and 52 by all 3 herbivores. The similarities between any 2 different herbivores and among 3 herbivores were 76.3% between deer and goat, 49.3% between deer and buffalo, 46.7% between goat and buffalo, and 36.4% among all 3 species. Deer had a higher food overlap with the other 2 species. The effect of deer activity on plant succession was insignificant from the observation on the plant composition in the sample plots. However, the decrease of undercover in the forest floor was related to the food habit of the deer. Four hundred thirty plants from 27 families and 55 species were rubbed by the deer. Among those plants 63.6% had repeated damages and some species was preferred (X2 test, p< 0.005). Thirty plants from 14 species had fatal damage which composed of 0.2% of all trees surveyed in transect lines. There was significant difference between number of rubbed tree and food quantity in the sampling plots (ANOVA, p< 0.05). The occurrence of tree rubbing was coincided with rutting season. The bark stripping was found only in Sec. 4 in the enclosed area. Those 1010 plants from 10 families and 15 species were bark stripped in comparison with over 100 untouched species indicated that deer selected certain species to rub. The activity was recorded every month with the peak activity in the late dry and early wet season. Four hundred and twenty seven plants from 9 species had fatal injury. The mortality of stripped trees was 42.3%. The occurrence of bark stripping in Sec. 4 was probably due to high deer density (> 2.1 deer/ha) of the area than those of other areas (< 1.8 deer/ha) and poor habitat quality.


From July 1994 to August 2000 field work had been conducted to study the behavior and habitat use of the Formosan sika deer (Cervus nippon taiouanus) in Kenting National Park. The result showed that deer had higher daytime activity than that of nighttime. Movement was higher in dry season; while rest was higher in the wet season. Female had higher activity in movement; and male had higher activity in rumination. The average daily activity was 57. 2% among radio-tracked deer with 4 to 6 active peaks each day. There was no difference between sexes in activity.  Weather and tourist also affected deer activity. Deer had lower activity in cloudy days with strong wind (52.3% ±24.7%) than those in sunny days (74.7%±18.1%). Similar trend was found between rainy days (45.7%±23.2%) and sunny days (62.9%±24.7%). Deer had higher activity in weekdays than those in weekends and other holidays (57.1% vs. 43.6%). The average annual home range was 159.8 ha and daily range was 12. 24±8.59 ha. The average dry season range was 101.3ha, and wet season range was 51.7ha. In terms of food habits, 157 species mainly woody and herbaceous plants from 51 families were recorded. Among those species, 8 were preferred and 86 were commonly used by the deer. Two hundred twenty four species were recorded to be used by 3 herbivores in the study area. Among those species, 204 were used by goat, 157 by deer, 68 by water buffalo, and 52 by all 3 herbivores. The similarities between any 2 different herbivores and among 3 herbivores were 76.3% between deer and goat, 49.3% between deer and buffalo, 46.7% between goat and buffalo, and 36.4% among all 3 species. Deer had a higher food overlap with the other 2 species. The effect of deer activity on plant succession was insignificant from the observation on the plant composition in the sample plots. However, the decrease of undercover in the forest floor was related to the food habit of the deer. Four hundred thirty plants from 27 families and 55 species were rubbed by the deer. Among those plants 63.6% had repeated damages and some species was preferred (X2 test, p< 0.005). Thirty plants from 14 species had fatal damage which composed of 0.2% of all trees surveyed in transect lines. There was significant difference between number of rubbed tree and food quantity in the sampling plots (ANOVA, p< 0.05). The occurrence of tree rubbing was coincided with rutting season.  The bark stripping was found only in Sec. 4 in the enclosed area. Those 1010 plants from 10 families and 15 species were bark stripped in comparison with over 100 untouched species indicated that deer selected certain species to rub. The activity was recorded every month with the peak activity in the late dry and early wet season. Four hundred and twenty seven plants from 9 species had fatal injury. The mortality of stripped trees was 42.3%. The occurrence of bark stripping in Sec. 4 was probably due to high deer density (> 2.1 deer/ ha) of the area than those of other areas (< 1.8 deer/ha) and poor habitat




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胡正恆和王穎。1994. 社頂地區台灣梅花鹿之食性初探。師大生物學報 29(1): 11-20頁。
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Mysterud, A., and P. K. Larsen, R. A. Ims, and E. Ostbye. 1999. Habitat
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