  • 學位論文


The Experimental Study of Constructivist Approach Music Teaching

指導教授 : 姚世澤


本研究旨在透過文獻探討與實驗教學等方式探究建構主義教學理念運用於音樂教學的可行性,及「建構式音樂教學」的教學模式對音樂學習結果的影響。在文獻探討部分,研究者分析建構主義的理論基礎、建構理論運用於教學的理念與原則、及建構教學的基本模式;並探討音樂教育的本質與功能、音樂教育的目標、及建構理論對音樂教學的影響。 實驗研究部分採準實驗研究法,首先依據文獻探討的結果設計本研究實驗教學的架構,以台北市明道國小五年級兩班學生合計55人為實驗對象,分為「控制組」與「實驗組」,分別進行六週的「傳統音樂教學」與「建構式音樂教學」;並對學生在實驗教學前後與期間所填答的問卷或資料進行分析。所運用的研究工具包括:(一)音樂學習成就測驗(二)音樂學習經歷問卷(包含四項量表)(三)學習日記(四)音樂學習回饋卷。資料分析的方法有:(一)獨立樣本單因子共變數分析(二)質的分析。經分析後本實驗研究所得之結果分述如下: 一、 建構式音樂教學組與傳統式音樂教學組的學生在「音樂學習成就測 驗」後測得分有顯著差異存在,且建構式音樂教學組顯著高於傳統音樂教學組的學生。 二、 建構式音樂教學組與傳統式音樂教學組的學生在「音樂學習內在動機量表」後測得分有顯著差異存在,且建構式音樂教學組顯著高於傳統音樂教學組的學生。 三、 建構式音樂教學組與傳統式音樂教學組的學生在「音樂課堂學習氣氛量表」後測得分有顯著差異存在,且建構式音樂教學組顯著高於傳統音樂教學組的學生。 四、 建構式音樂教學組與傳統式音樂教學組的學生在「音樂表達與溝通能力量表」後測得分無顯著差異存在。 五、 建構式音樂教學組與傳統式音樂教學組的學生在「音樂常識認知與應用能力量表」後測得分有顯著差異存在,且建構式音樂教學組顯著高於傳統音樂教學組的學生。 六、 由接受建構式音樂教學法的學生對在「學習日記」及「音樂學習回饋問卷」填答內容的資料分析結果,發現多數的學生(88.9%)對「建構式音樂教學」持肯定並接受的態度。 七、 從文獻探討及教學實驗的結果發現,「建構理論」運用於音樂教學是具有可行性的。 八、 根據研究結果,研擬一套建構式音樂教學的模式,作為實施音樂教學的參考。


The main purpose of this study were to explore the feasibility of employing theories of constructivism into the music teaching, and to development the constructivist approach music teaching. The study methods were employed including literature review and experiments, to find the teaching effect of the constructivism in music teaching. The experiment was constructed with quasi-experiment pretest-posttest design. The researcher designed the music achievement test, music learning experience questionnaire, learning journal and music learning reflection questionnaire to comprehende the feasibility of constructivist approach teaching in the school music curriculum. The analyses were conducted by ONEWAY ANOCVA and the quality study.Samples were selected from two 5th-grade classes at Mi-Dau Elementary School in Taipei, which one was experimental group and the other was control group. The experiment group received the constructivist approach music teaching and the control group received the traditional music teaching. The major findings of the research were as follows: 1. The influence of achievement in music learning: The scores in both experimental and control class showed significant differences. The results also showed the achievement of constructivist approach students were higher than that of traditional approach students. 2. The influence of intrinsic motivation in music learning: The scores in both experimental and control class showed significant differences. The results also showed the intrinsic motivation of constructivist approach students were higher than that of traditional approach students. 3. The influence of the classroom climate in music learning: The scores in both experimental and control class showed significant differences. The results also showed the classroom climate of constructivist approach students were higher than that of traditional approach students. 4. The influence of the expressiveness and the ability of communicate in music learning: There were no significant differences between experimental and control class. 5. The influence of the ability of understanding and the application in music learning: The scores in both experimental and control class showed significant differences. The results also showed the ability of understanding and the application of constructivist approach students were higher than that of traditional approach students. 6. The result from questionnaires scale showed that the most of the constructivist approach students(88.9%)accepted the constructivists teaching. 7. The results of the literature review and experiments have showed the application of the constructivism should be feasible. 8. The model of “constructivist aooroach music teaching” design as follows: 『The guide activities of theme』à『question and leading activities』à『problem solving activities』à『to publish and share』à『application and experimentation 』à『reverberate and internalization』 Based on the results, suggestions about the application of instruction and recom- mendations about further research in this field were offered.




