  • 學位論文


Factors Affecting Dietary Quality of the Elderly In Taiwan

指導教授 : 林 薇


本研究之主要目的在瞭解老年人的營養知識、營養態度、飲食行及飲食攝取之現況以及其相關因素,並探討影響老年人飲食品質的因素。研究者以「國民營養健康狀況變遷老人調查1998-1999」65歲以上老年人共1873人之資料進行分析。研究結果發現:老年人營養知識欠佳,但進食態度相當正向且不甚相信坊間流傳的保健說法及保健食品,然對傳統飲食禁忌卻極為篤信。此外有強烈的傳統飲食禁忌行為及高脂高膽固醇禁忌行為,但對醃漬發酵物及高澱粉高糖食物較不忌口,有規律食用三餐的習慣,但較不食用點心宵夜。依據研究者發展之飲食品質評估法DQS(Dietary Quality Score)評量老年人飲食狀況,發現四成老人飲食品質欠佳,其中豆類及家禽家畜類攝取頻率偏低,奶類及水果類攝取頻率更是不足;此外,雖仍有部分高油高鹽進食習慣,但已較少使用飽和脂肪含量較高的烹調用油。對飲食品質有直接影響的重要因素及其對飲食品質的影響分別為:女性有較佳的飲食品質;相對於本省閩南籍老年人,外省籍老年人有較佳的飲食品質;相對於居住於城市的老年人,山地、東部及澎湖的老年人飲食品質較差;教育程度越高者、經濟狀況越佳者、用餐時有他人陪伴者、或營養知識、進食態度愈佳者,飲食品質愈好;而高脂高膽固醇禁忌行為較強烈者、規律食用三餐及點心宵夜者飲食品質也愈佳。相關單位施行老人營養教育應以男性、澎湖、山地、東部地區、以及經濟狀況較差、低教育程度者為優先考量對象。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the status and related factors of the elders’ nutrition knowledge, attitude, and behavior, as well as the factors affecting dietary quality. Data of Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan II (NAHSIT II) was used for analysis, the subjects were 1873 elderly aged over 65. The results indicated that the elders’ nutrition knowledge was poor, the nutrition attitude was fair, but they firmly believed Chinese traditional dietary taboos. Their dietary restricted behaviors related to Chinese traditional taboos and high-fat/ high-cholesterols foods were intense, but not the fermented or pickled foods, and high-starch/ high-sugar foods. The elderly ate each meal regularly, but were not used to eat snacks between meals. 40% elders’ overall dietary quality was not satisfactory based on the DQS (Dietary Quality Score) developed by researchers. The frequency of soybean products and poultry, red meat intake was low, as well as milk and fruits; although some high-fat eating habits still existed, the cooking oils used were very low in saturated fat. Major factors contributing to dietary quality of Taiwanese elderly were gender, native place, location of residence, educational level, financial status, eating-accompanying, nutrition knowledge, eating attitude, high-fat/ high-cholesterol food restriction, regular meal eating and regular snack eating. Individuals who were females, were Mainlanders (compared with Fukkien), had higher educational level, better financial status, being accompanied while eating had better dietary quality; compared with the urban elderly, those were the residents in mountain areas, the east of Taiwan, or Penghu had worse dietary quality. Based on the research results, this study suggested that to improve the dietary status of the elders, it is necessary to improve the nutrition knowledge, attitude and emphasize the importance of high fat/high cholesterol food restriction, regular meal eating, snacks eating, and eating accompany. Male, those who lived in remote areas, such as mountain areas, the east of Taiwan, and Penghu, and those who had poor financial status or lower educational level, are the first priority target group for nutrition education.


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