  • 學位論文


The Love Attitudes of Senior High School Students In Taipei City

指導教授 : 周麗端


本研究旨在探討高中學生愛情態度及其影響因素。本研究採用立意叢集抽樣方法,抽取台北市公私立九所普通高中,取樣分別為男女合校合班、男女合校分班、男女分校三種分班方式為依據,合計1160位學生進行問卷調查,針對有戀愛經驗的480學生問卷進行分析。研究工具包括:「個人基本資料」、「自尊量表」、「愛情態度量表」。 本研究採用SPSS for WINDOWS (10.0)統計軟體進行資料分析,以卡方考驗、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元逐步迴歸進行統計考驗,研究結果顯示: 1、 台北市高中學生戀愛現況之探討 台北市高中學生整體戀愛經驗比例占41.38%,因性別、分班方式、年級不同戀愛經驗比例有顯著差異。 2、 台北市高中學生愛情態度之探討 台北市高中學生的愛情態度傾向於「友伴之愛」,而較不持有「遊 戲之愛」的愛情態度,而「遊戲之愛」得分低於理論中點。 三、個人因素對愛情態度之探討 男生的「情慾之愛」、「狂愛」、「奉獻之愛」皆顯著高於女生,男女分校的愛情態度較傾向於「友伴之愛」與「現實之愛」,二年級學生的愛情態度較趨向於「現實之愛」與「奉獻之愛」,有宗教信仰者較傾向於「遊戲之愛」與「現實之愛」,自尊愈高者愈傾向於「情慾之愛」、「友伴之愛」「現實之愛」的愛情態度,戀愛次數愈多者愈傾向於「情慾之愛」與「遊戲之愛」的愛情態度,目前正在戀愛較傾向於「情慾之愛」「奉獻之愛」的愛情態度,目前未戀愛則較傾向於「遊戲之愛」的愛情態度,戀愛的持續長度愈短,則愈傾向於「遊戲之愛」。 四、家庭因素對愛情態度之探討 高中學生的愛情態度並不因父母婚姻狀況不同而有顯著差異,家庭社經地位愈高,則愈傾向於「情慾之愛」「遊戲之愛」。 五、對愛情態度之逐步迴歸分析 男生、自尊愈高、目前正在戀愛、家庭社經地位愈高則愈持「情 慾之愛」的愛情態度,目前未戀愛、戀愛次數愈多、有宗教信仰則愈持「遊戲之愛」的愛情態度,自尊愈高則愈持「友伴之愛」的愛情態度,有宗教信仰、自尊愈高則愈持「現實之愛」的愛情態度,男生、自尊愈低則愈持「狂愛」之愛情態度,男生、目前正在戀愛則愈持「奉獻之愛」的愛情態度。


The purposes of this study are to explore the love attitudes of senior high school students in Taipei City, and the related effects. A questionnaire survey method and judgmental sampling are used in this study. Samples (n=1160) are drawn from senior high schools which include boys and girls co-educated、boys and girls in the same school but not in the same classes、boy schools and girl schools in Taipei City . This study is based on only those who have love experiences (n=480). The instruments of the study include demography, self-esteem scale and love attitudes scale. The statistical analyses are processed using the SPSS for Windows (10.0) program, including the following techniques: chi-square, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, multiple linear regression. The major results can be drawn as follows: 1、The exploration the general situations of love experiences of senior high school in Taipei City As to the senior high school students in Taipei City, about 41.38 percent of the whole participants have love experience. There are significant difference in terms of gender、distinct types of dividing students into classes and the differences of grades. 2、The exploration of the love attitudes of senior high school in Taipei City The love attitudes of students have a tendency to hold “storge” rather than “ludus”. The mean score of “ludus” is lower than theoretical midpoint. 3、The exploration of love attitude of personal factor Boy students have a higher tendency to hold “eros, mania and agape” attitudes than girl students. Boys and girls study in different school have a higher tendency to hold “storge and pragma” attitudes. Second grade students have a higher tendency to hold “pragma and agape” attitudes. Participants who have religious have a higher tendency to hold “ludus and pragma” attitudes. Students who have the higher self-esteem have a higher tendency to hold “eros, storge and pragma” attitudes. Students tend to hold higher “ eros and ludus” attitudes in terms of more love experiences. The students in love now have a higher tendency to hold “ eros and agape” attitudes than those who are not in love now. The students who are not in love now have a higher tendency to hold “ ludus” attitude than those in love now. The shorter the period of love sustained have a higher tendency to hold “ludus” attitude. 4、The exploration of love attitude of family factor There is no significantly related between students’ love attitude and their parents’ marriage status. Participants whose family has higher social status have a higher tendency to hold “eros and ludus” attitudes. 5、The results of multiple regressions of love attitudes Boys , the participants with higher self-esteem, falling in love now and the higher social status family have a higher tendency to hold “eros” attitude. The participants who are not in love now, have the more times love experiences and have religious have a higher tendency to hold “ludus” attitude. The participants who have the higher self-esteem have a higher tendency to hold “storge” attitude. The participants who have religious and higher self-esteem have a higher tendency to hold “pragma” attitude. Boys, the participants who have lower self-esteem have a higher tendency to hold “mania” attitude. Boys, the participants who have falling in love right now have a higher tendency to hold “agape” attitude.


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